Free Contextual Advertising - The Way To Success

You are looking for a gift for your soulmate on February 14, you are probably looking at options for where to go on holiday in the spring, or even look for a store where you can buy a brand new iPhone X or MacBook Pro. And after a while more and more often stumble on an ad with your recent search query. This is due to free contextual advertising. How does she work?

free contextual advertising

The concept of contextual advertising

There is no practice without theory, so you can’t talk about contextual advertising and its settings without explaining the concept. Contextual advertising is a graphic or text message containing an advertisement for the user's search queries, in the case when the advertiser marked these queries in the settings of the promotion. This kind of announcement appears with a potential buyer at the moment when he tried to find the product, showed his interest in the product with a request and, most likely, is ready to purchase it. There are two types of contextual advertising: thematic and search.

setting up contextual advertising

All About Search PPC

Search contextual advertising is the result of a search query of leading search engines -, Yandex, Google, etc., or vertical search if the requested word or phrase is the same as the key phrases of contextual advertising.

In the previous paragraph, such an incomprehensible phenomenon as “vertical search” was mentioned. Let's figure it out! On the Internet, a huge percentage is occupied by specialized sites that give not the last place to the search. Search queries on such resources are carried out in connection with a certain topic (not the entire Internet is involved in solving the query), that is, vertically, for example, for technical goods for a house or rental housing, etc.

Features of thematic contextual advertising

This type of contextual advertising is displayed on the site, which consists of an affiliate network of advertising systems, if the direction of the advertisement meets the interests of the consumer. Thematic advertising acts as an additional informational aspect of the content of the page that is viewed by the consumer. Even if the user does not specifically specify this search query, contextual ads are still located in his area of ​​attention.

Several methods (technologies) have been developed for displaying thematic advertising:

  • Targeting - a special system automatically analyzes the information on the page and gives ads that are extremely close to the content of the page.
  • Behavioral technology. To broadcast an advertisement, the search engine provides results based on the user's search history on the Internet.
  • Remarketing This method is aimed at analyzing the behavior of potential consumers on product sites: contextual advertising of those products that have recently been viewed and may have been added to the basket by the user, etc.

The affiliate network includes sites with a high level of traffic and quality content. Sites that have registered themselves to be accepted into the affiliate network undergo a rigorous check for compliance with all conditions. There are specialized courses on contextual advertising, which more deeply addresses this issue.

contextual advertising courses

The secrets of free advertising

Contextual advertising is not a cheap pleasure.

If you do not have money to place contextual advertising, then the following methods are suitable for you:

  • Guest posting. No one needs to place your ad for “thank you”. But quality content (video, text or photo material) is another matter. Create a good product for posting on the resource with a link to the author.
  • Affiliate advertising. Everything to the point of banality is simple but effective. Find a seller with similar or related products and agree on mutual advertising: he is you, you are him. Moreover, advertising or mutual PR can be carried out in completely different ways, here it is all about creativity!
  • Message Boards. A good option for free advertising is to place your offer on Yule or Avito. True, on a large scale, advertising is not available for free here right now.

Of course, these are not all ways of advertising with minimal cost. Although the article is about contextual advertising, it was also worth talking about free. We will talk about this later.

contextual advertising free book

Free contextual advertising

Using the previous methods of advertising, you, of course, will succeed, but not large-scale. Therefore, for more profit, you can use almost free contextual advertising.

  • Social Media Targeting. Targeted advertising is a good way to promote your product at the lowest cost. You only need a group on VK, Facebook, or another social network. For the implementation of this advertising you will need only 2-3 thousand rubles, but before its launch it is better to master a book on free contextual advertising.
  • Landingpage can be called the younger brother of the affiliate network, which was written about earlier. Clients here cost 2-3 times cheaper, and clicks are paid, advertising goes in particular on social networks.

There are many ways, you just need to find your own!

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