Shcherbakov Mikhail Konstantinovich: childhood, the beginning of his career, life at present

Mikhail Konstantinovich Shcherbakov - Russian poet, author, performing his own works. He composes poems to which he has been writing songs since 1979 in various formats: audio cassettes, CDs, and books with texts. Creates to this day.

Biography of Mikhail Konstantinovich Shcherbakov: childhood and the beginning of creative activity

The poet and singer was born on March 27, 1963 in the city of Obninsk, Kaluga Region, 105 kilometers from Moscow. He studied at one of the schools of his hometown, which he graduated in 1980. According to Mikhail himself, the poet became interested in creativity in the eighth grade, and then began to create songs on serious topics. Shcherbakov made his first notes in his last year of study at an educational institution. However, the poet almost does not remember what he wrote in childhood. Great successes in the work of Mikhail were influenced by his environment: these were serious people who were a source of inspiration and encouraged him to graduate from the university in order to get a good education. Thus, he graduated from the philological faculty of Moscow University with a degree in Russian language and literature, having studied for 6 years. Studying benefited him, because at that time the poet was fond of books, read them in large numbers.

Michael's performance in Melbourne


After graduation, Mikhail took up the matter seriously: he began to perform professionally on stage with his works. Sometimes he performed them alone, and sometimes along with his namesake, colleague, duet partner playing various instruments, Mikhail Starodubtsev, with whom they even recorded together.

Shcherbakov called his genre simply “song”, without unnecessary descriptions and concreteness. In the works, only his intonation, idea, personality sounded, where the inner world of the author himself is expressed. At first glance, his work may seem complicated, but that is why it is so popular among people.

Performances and first collections

Since the 1980s, Mikhail's works began to gain popularity, and he first appeared on stage in front of the audience and released one of the first collections. Those are: “Cherry Jam” (1994), “Another Life” (1994), “Balagan 2” (1996, 2001), “City City” (1996), “It Should Happen” (1996) and more than 20 collections .

One of the poet's speeches

Reviews on the activities of Shcherbakova

Julius Chersanovich Kim - Soviet and Russian poet, composer and screenwriter expressed his opinion about Mikhail Konstantinovich Shcherbakov. In his speech before the concert of Shcherbakov, he admitted that he puts the poet on a par with such famous personalities in Russian poetry as Joseph Brodsky and David Samoilov. Julius Kirsanovich admires the fact that Mikhail devotes his whole life to writing poetry, not being distracted by extraneous matters and not doing anything else. According to Kim, the poet does not need teachers, he is rather a master himself. Julius even dedicated several poems to Mikhail Konstantinovich.

Bulat Okudzhava, a well-known talented poet, also spoke positively about Shcherbakov’s work, emphasizing that Mikhail Konstantinovich revived the genre of the author’s song, slightly transforming it for the better.

There are also negative reviews about the poet’s work, which are mainly aimed at the fact that Mikhail devoted himself to the genre (author’s song), whose popularity has long been weakened. Nevertheless, most figures believe that it was Shcherbakov who gave him the “second wind”, writing such life works that not everyone can understand if he does not think about it.

Mikhail Shcherbakov


Michael is fully committed to poetry. He "serves poetry." In the works of late creativity Shcherbakov focuses on Russian classical literature. In the period from 2012 to 2018, the poet wrote more than 30 songs, released several discs. He also continues to organize public performances, delighting the audience with his thoughtful and peculiar performance.

Currently, the poet is engaged in creativity and lives in Moscow. Now on the Internet and social networks you can even find many photos of Mikhail Konstantinovich Shcherbakov, where you can see how he completely and completely surrenders to the poet’s career and does it with love and pleasure.

The personal life of the poet

Since Shcherbakov refuses to give interviews to journalists, almost nothing is known about his personal life. One thing is clear: he completely went into creativity, devoted himself completely to the cause, which is both a hobby and a job for him.

Photo of Michael from the concert

Interesting facts about Mikhail Konstantinovich Shcherbakov

  1. Performing on stage, composing texts and their execution is the main and only source of income for the poet. That is, he earns his creative activities, and he is doing great.
  2. Mikhail does not like to give interviews, he believes that journalists and interviewers should not intrude on people's personal lives, therefore there is no information about Shcherbakov’s views and ideals.
  3. At the university where Shcherbakov studied, he worked for a short time as the art director of a musical collective, but the poet is ashamed and does not want to talk about it.

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