Emotions of people: types

How to understand that a person likes or dislikes something? You can, of course, ask about this, but not everyone will tell the truth. But it will make the task easier by simply observing the person of interest - you need to consider what the person is experiencing at the moment.

emotions of people

Types of emotions: fast and slow

What are human emotions? It is worth noting that these are certain reactions to a particular situation. But this designation is quite extensive. Therefore, it is worth considering what types of emotions exist. So, they are fast and slow. What does this mean? Depending on how long and how long the event, there may be an emotional attitude towards it. It will be easier to understand with an example. Slow emotion is when a woman loves flowers. The quick one is when she is delighted at the moment when she receives them as a gift. These are the emotions a person has.

negative human emotions

Types of emotions: positive and negative

Also, people's emotions are divided into positive and negative, good and bad, pleasant and unpleasant. Fear and grief are negative, joy and delight are positive. All emotions can be divided into these two large sections. It is clear that most people tend to experience only pleasant feelings, but this, unfortunately, is impossible. Moreover, without negative emotions, good feelings would not be so vivid and desirable. It is worth noting that emotions, both positive and bad, affect the psychological state of a person, shape his mood and sometimes even his mood. Without this, the life of each of us will be simply impossible.

Types of emotions: stenic and asthenic

The emotions of people can be divided into stenic and asthenic. The first are those that have a beneficial effect on the body, create, give inspiration. They carry exceptionally good energy. Asthenic emotions destroy (anger, rage), take away all forces (fear), negatively affect a person, his mood and even the state of the body.

what emotions do people have

Types of emotions: weak and strong

Also, people's emotions are divided into two more large blocks: weak and strong. The first person does not always feel, but they are always present and also affect his life, as well as the second, enchanting, which are usually paid attention to. It is worth noting that ignoring weak beacons is not worth it, because if they are in the soul, for example, slight envy, then it is as destructive as the obvious, strong one that constantly torments us. Another thing is positive weak emotions, they do not do any harm and remain exclusively stenic, beneficially affecting the personality.

About the impact

As already mentioned, all kinds of emotions affect a person - they shape his mood, in a sense, even his views and moods. Therefore, it is better for everyone to learn to control their feelings in order to control them. This is especially necessary in a situation with negative outbreaks, because the negative emotions of a person badly affect not only the person himself, but also his environment. As well, however, as well as positive ones, charging not only one, but all those around with a good mood.

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