What will the legalization of bookmakers in New Jersey lead to?

In the US, there are quite strict laws regarding gambling. Bookmakers do not work in all states, a significant part of the jurisdictions prohibits online betting on football, as well as online casinos.

While the European market for gambling is estimated at $ 90 billion, of which 15-16 billion account for online bookmakers, in the United States the situation is different. Bookmakers in Europe annually increase profits, attracting thousands of new customers. American operators, although they operate without losses, cannot boast of multibillion-dollar revenues, writes the Internet portal stavki-na-sports.com.

According to experts, the share of online gambling is increasing by 11% annually. 85 countries of the world have legalized bookmakers accepting online football betting and other sports games. In the USA, decisions are made by each state independently.

Some of the pioneers of American online gambling are Delaware and New Jersey. Local residents can make full use of the services of bookmakers.

The American market is still in its infancy. However, according to MorganStanley, bookmakers will bring about $ 5 billion to New Jersey by 2020. In fairness, it is worth noting that this figure also includes future profits from online casinos and poker rooms. However, the positive dynamics will continue in the next years.

Since 2014, when New Jersey legalized online football betting, state revenue has increased by $ 150 million. As a result, the authorities of Pennsylvania, California and New York are seriously thinking about legitimizing online bookmakers.

In February, gambling brought New Jersey $ 15 million. Indicators were 40% better than in January. In March, revenue rose to $ 16 million.

In addition to the budget, the benefits of legal bets are felt by local residents. They are free to choose and can become clients of any of the allowed bookmakers.

Representatives of many European companies rushed to the staff. Recently, rumors have been circulating that many states are ready to legalize online gambling. And although this process will not be quick by opening one online bookmaker in New Jersey, it will subsequently be possible to launch a business in other states.

The USA is conservative in everything related to online gambling. Bookmakers face significant obstacles trying to legitimize their business.

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