How Christianity was created in Russia

Until 988, when Christianity was introduced in Russia , it was a pagan country. Many chroniclers describe that in those days the Russians were wild and cruel. In the struggle against want, animals and natural elements, all methods were used. Endless wars filled the earth with blood, the courage of Russian heroes was villainous, as Karamzin writes in his historiographies. This continued until Christianity appeared in Russia. It fundamentally changed the life of people, their behavior and attitude to the surrounding reality.

Of course, this did not happen immediately, the changes took place over many years, gradually changing the worldview of people. At first, paganism still existed and Christianity in Russia was making its way by far by leaps and bounds. This was facilitated by the fact that people knew little about the new faith, many were baptized against their will, forcibly, and pagan roots made themselves known for a long time. To curb gross egoism, ambition and ambition in Russian people, it took many years and a lot of effort was put into changing people's consciousness.

Many ask the question - and who introduced Christianity in Russia? How did it happen that pagan Russia became an Orthodox country? It all began in the distant years of the middle of the 10th century. Rules then, after the death of her husband in Russia, Princess Olga. She was the first and adopted Christianity, being baptized in Byzantium. What led her to this - God's providence or state plans, still remains a mystery known only to God. Having returned from Constantinople, Olga began to persuade her son, Svyatoslav, to follow her path. But the prince was an inveterate pagan, he loved to spend time in battles and revels, he did not fit the humble role of a Christian.

But little by little Olga did her job, eagerly wanting to introduce Christianity in Russia. But the country then was not yet ready for a change of religion, especially since having adopted it from Byzantium, Russia fell into dependence on it. Meanwhile, Prince Svyatoslav gradually turned Kiev into the center of Russia, the international prestige of the city was growing. By the middle of the 10th century, Russia was becoming a powerful state, uniting all the tribes into a single whole. All that was missing was a new, unified religion that would lead the people in a completely different way. We needed a political reform, which was completed by the illegitimate son of Svyatoslav - Vladimir.

From childhood, Vladimir looked closely at the new faith, which his grandmother, Princess Olga, brought with her from Byzantium. Having come to power after the death of Svyatoslav, Vladimir, who had a single central authority, makes a decision on the baptism of Russia. This act was of great international importance, since, abandoning paganism, Russia became on a par with other developed countries. So Christianity appeared in Russia. This played an important role in the development of culture under the influence of Byzantium, strengthened the position of the Kiev state and the power of the Kiev prince as well.

Vladimir himself also changed under the influence of a new faith. If at the beginning of the journey he was a cruel man, a lover of women and drunken feasts, then becoming a Christian, the prince himself was the first to apply the postulates of the new religion. He released all the wives, leaving only one with him, thereby showing an example of refusing polygamy to his subjects. Then destroyed all the idols reminiscent of pagan times. The character of Vladimir began to change towards complacency, the prince became less cruel. But still, apparently, he was not fully visited by his birth from above, so the drunken feasts continued, unless they were now dedicated to Christian holidays.

Christianity in Russia gradually gained more followers. Cyril and Methodius created the Cyrillic alphabet, church books began to be translated into Slavic. Monasteries became the center of book publishing, almshouses were created for the poor and needy. The churches taught kindness to those around them, mercy and humility. Faith condemned the rude attitude toward bonded people, cruel mores gradually softened, like echoes of paganism. Bloodshed stopped, even the villains did not always dare to punish, fearing the wrath of the Lord. Temples were built, and people had the opportunity to go to church and learn the word of God. So Russia gradually turned into a respectable Christian country.

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