Panthenol for wrinkles: reviews of women. How to use Panthenol for wrinkles

The modern cosmetology industry offers many different skin care products. This is a professional cosmetics, and inexpensive at the cost of conventional creams. Every woman chooses the remedy she needs to solve individual skin problems. But it is often very difficult to choose a cream that would not only help, but would not cause side effects. Sometimes ordinary cosmetics can not cope with skin imperfections. And then the drugs used in medicine come to the rescue. One of them is spray or Panthenol cream. It not only heals wounds and helps treat burns. Panthenol is very effective against wrinkles. Reviews after using this product are mostly positive, since many women have achieved skin rejuvenation with it.

panthenol wrinkle reviews

What is Panthenol?

Now the industry produces a whole series of such drugs. The main active ingredient of all of them is pantothenic acid and its derivative - provitamin B5. Thanks to the action of this substance, “Panthenol” promotes tissue regeneration, accelerates the metabolism in skin cells and relieves inflammation. All products based on Panthenol do not contain a fatty base, since pantothenic acid is water soluble and is less absorbed in the presence of fats. Previously, this drug was a remedy for skin lesions and sunburn. Now many Pantenol-based preparations include vitamin E, which increases muscle tone and maintains youthful skin. Additionally, peach and shea butter are added to the cream, which stimulate regeneration processes and promote skin rejuvenation. Therefore, now women often use Panthenol cream for wrinkles. Reviews of such a cosmetic product note a quick positive effect from its use.

panthenol for wrinkles around the eyes

In what form is Panthenol produced?

1. Shampoos containing this product help to accelerate hair growth, protect them from adverse external influences and fight hair loss. They also help well against dandruff.

2. Panthenol hair balms help better combing strands.

3. Ointment "Panthenol" is used to treat wounds, abrasions and diaper dermatitis in infants.

4. "Panthenol" -spray well helps against sun and thermal burns, even with a wide surface of the lesion.

5. Cream “Panthenol” for wrinkles in women is popular because it copes with dryness and any damage to the skin on the face. It can be used for dry and oily skin.

6. Pantenol gel for wrinkles around the eyes is very effective. It has a light structure, is easily absorbed, it does not need to be rubbed. It is not greasy and perfectly pulls up bags under the eyes. Such "Panthenol" from wrinkles became popular.

panthenol for wrinkles in the eyes

How does the remedy work?

Panthenol produces the following cosmetic and therapeutic effects:

- regenerates epidermal cells;

- strengthens collagen fibers;

- struggles with dryness and inflammatory skin diseases;

- heals abrasions, cuts and wounds;

- prevents the appearance of wrinkles and anti-aging effect on the skin;

- soothes itching and pain from skin damage.

The ability to restore the water balance of the skin contributes to the fact that “Panthenol” from wrinkles acts so effectively. Reviews of women who have achieved rejuvenation with its help speak only in favor of this remedy. True, some do not like the specific smell of the cream.

In what cases is Panthenol used

1. For any damage to the skin, non-healing wounds and ulcers.

2. With extensive sun and thermal burns.

3. To protect the skin from frostbite and chapping.

4. With dermatitis, including diaper in children, with allergic dermatoses.

5. With severe dry skin and inflammatory diseases.

6. For the treatment and protection of mucous membranes from bacteria.

7. Widely used "Panthenol" from wrinkles around the eyes.

panthenol for wrinkles how to use

The effectiveness of face cream

Products containing "Panthenol" have a light structure and are easily absorbed. This is because this agent is hygroscopic and has a low molecular weight. Therefore, all active substances quickly penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. In addition, the product does not contain paraffin, fat and petroleum jelly. Therefore, Pantenol cream is so effective against wrinkles under the eyes. It does not make the skin heavier and regulates the production of sebaceous secretion. The ability to regenerate epidermal cells helps in rejuvenating the upper layer of the skin. It also fights acne effectively. But more often the Pantenol cream for wrinkles is still used.

How to use this tool

Only with regular use of Panthenol-based cream will the skin become smooth and supple, wrinkles will be smoothed, and your face will look younger.

panthenol for wrinkles how it works

For these purposes, it is best to use a spray, gel or milk. Cream "Panthenol" contains fats and oils, so it is suitable only for dry skin. Apply it on the face instead of the usual cosmetic products regularly, in the morning and in the evening. It is especially easy to use gel or spray, they are quickly absorbed. They are applied in a thin layer and do not even rub. This allows you to use such products on thin skin under the eyes. For greater effect, you can make masks with Panthenol. To do this, add a few drops of tea tree oil and a little camphor in a small amount of ointment or cream. All this is thoroughly mixed and applied to the face. Previously, you need to clean it well, and even better - steam it out in the shower or bath. This procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week. This allows you to maintain a healthy appearance of the skin and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles.

How women speak about Panthenol

Those who used the drug note many of its positive properties:

- it is not addictive, you can use it for a long time without interruption;

- This tool is cheap, but compared to professional expensive cosmetics is just as effective;

- it can be used even on the most sensitive skin, prone to allergic reactions - very rarely "Panthenol" causes side effects in the form of itching or hives;

- there are no contraindications for the use of the cream - it can be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding, even Pantenol helps babies;

- effectively the remedy fights acne and any inflammation;

- protects the skin from negative external influences.

Recently, it has become especially popular among women to use Panthenol for wrinkles. Reviews of those who quickly got rid of all facial skin problems note its high efficiency and a quick solution to the problem of skin aging.

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