How to draw a crane in various ways?

Sometimes a person wants to do something unusual, for example, draw a crane. But to satisfy your desire is sometimes very difficult. After all, there are no necessary skills, and you donโ€™t always know where to start. In this article we will tell you how to simply, and most importantly, quickly, draw a crane for a budding artist or a child.

Draw with children

draw a crane with a pencil in stages

The child has his own vision of the world, and this must be understood. But nevertheless, in his work, he should not neglect the canons of the image. How to draw a crane in stages? This is what we will analyze. First of all, you need to outline a bird. This can be done with an oval or you can immediately draw a contour. Do not worry if the neck is too long or the legs are too thin. This will be fixed in the future. When the main circuit is ready, we outline the details: wing, feathers of the tail. This is necessary in order to draw a crane with a realistic pencil, because if you do not do this, there may be a situation where the wing simply does not fit into the body.

draw a crane with a pencil in stages

The sketch is ready, we begin to refine the form. At this stage, you need to make the neck of the bird more authentic, and the body - more elegant. We will increase the tail of the bird, and make the legs thicker. It remains to add feathers to the wings and work out the details of the head.

Crane preparing to take off

draw a crane in stages

We will draw the bird according to the same scheme according to which we worked in the previous paragraph. First you need to draw a crane in the form of a contour. We also immediately outline the water in which the bird stands. At the second stage, when we proceed to refine the details, a problem with the image of the wings may arise. They are difficult to draw the same. Do not strive for similarity. The feathers on the wings may well lie in different ways. And remember, the wing that is in the distance, behind the neck of the crane, will be 2 times smaller than the one in the foreground. Water does not have to be drawn; just outline it. And last but not least, we are working on the details. Here you need to outline the lines that separate the wings from the body, draw feathers, and also draw the details of the head: beak and eyes.

Stylized crane

If you are not faced with the task of drawing a realistic bird, then you can dream up. For example, draw a crane in a stylized form. How to do it? First you need to draw a contour of the bird. Despite the fact that it will be unrealistic with us, the silhouette should still be recognizable. After the circuit is ready, we begin to fill it. To somehow separate the parts from each other, use a different type of tilt patterns. For example, on the body zigzags can be located exactly, but on the wings and tail, they must have a different location. Pay particular attention to the neck. It does not need to be shortened, because it can turn out not a crane, but a duck. We draw the paws with thick sticks with sharp tips. Do not forget to mark the line of the knees. Draw the eye and beak, and also add small details in the form of dots.

Crane soft material

draw a crane in pencil

Before you draw a bird with charcoal, you need to sketch. How to draw a crane with a pencil in stages, we examined in the first paragraph, and now we will see how to work with soft material. You need to work quickly so as not to cause dirt on the sheet. We start to draw from top to bottom. We portray the head, beak the neck. First, we barely press the corner, and then we circle the resulting contour with a bold line. We mark a crest on the head, and a shadow on the neck. To give volume to the pattern, rub the charcoal a little with your finger. We turn to the image of the body. First, we make the entire body of the crane gray, and then draw the wings and tail with clear strokes. With strokes we can show feathers on the chest and on the neck. We outline the legs with two thin lines. The last action - we depict the water surface.

We depict a bird with spots

draw a crane

Not always in order to draw a picture, we need to draw absolutely all the details. Sometimes itโ€™s enough to outline the most important parts of the bird. The brain already draws a picture on its own. Let's try to draw a crane in this technique. If the image method is unusual for you, do not despair, you will still have to start with a complete drawing of the outline of the bird. Indeed, otherwise proportions may go astray, and then the brain alone will not be able to finish part of the work for you. After sketching, you can begin to apply stains. You need to start with the lightest color, in our case gray. To them we draw the inside of the wings and outline the tail. Now take a black pastel or charcoal and draw a outline. The line should be soft, it can even be interrupted in some places. In our case, we do not draw the bottom of the bird, but designate the legs. The final action is the setting of color accents. We put pink spots on the head, legs, wings and rub the pink a little into the body. Remember that there should be one color accent and it is desirable to make it on the head. All other spots should not be knocked out, they fade into the background. If desired, the muzzle can be given even more realism, complementing it with eyes and a clearly defined beak.

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