Technogenic religions - what is it? Pseudo-religious education

After technological progress, society ceased to be religious, it became secular. Since that time, many people strive to combine these two worlds into one.

The origins of technogenic religions

In the modern world there are several types of people. Some of them actively believe in God, extolling the peculiarities of the religion of their people and denying the evolutionary process or ignoring it. Others deny the existence of God, forgetting that it is impossible to deny that does not exist, and therefore only confirm the existence of the Higher powers.

technogenic religions
Still others try to combine in their heads the knowledge obtained from the holy books with those obtained during the course of education.

In fact, each of these people believes in something. The last group is most fully related to technogenic believers.

Three whales

There are three biggest religions in the world. They were not primary. And they arose on the ruins of ancient states. Most of these religions were planted by the first believer with the help of fire and sword. Having quickly assimilated into society, they became popular.

Buddhism arose first. He appeared more than two thousand years ago in India as a religious and philosophical trend. This movement created unique canonical literature, various religious institutions, and the educational system. That is a whole civilization. Buddhism is considered as a religion, and as a philosophy, and as a way of life.

Behind him appeared Christianity, as well as Islam. These three religions divide the world into many parts. They are not the only ones, nevertheless they are the most ambitious. That is why they are called world. Islam is closely related to Christianity, and they have common sacred characters. Buddhism existed separately, and its formation was not affected by the two religions mentioned above.

Criticism of religion

Each of the religions throughout its existence has been subjected to quite aggressive criticism. Most often they discuss Christianity - for obsolete moral values, a long history with the extermination of unbelievers, sexual segregation, and the mercenary interpretation of the Scriptures by the church.

religion features
Christianity interacted most closely with state power, and often the fate of millions depended on it. Among the crimes in which the Catholic branch repented are the Crusades and the witch hunt.

Despite constant criticism, people who grow up in a society where only religious principles operate cannot be completely isolated from the church and its norms. From generation to generation, faith in the Higher Forces is transmitted to humanity. The need for beliefs arose with the advent of people on Earth.

Criticism of social life

At a time when scholars are questioning the doctrines of religion, the church is criticizing themselves. Weaning the most fierce critics from her has become a constant norm in our world. The morality of the person himself, and his subsequent life, as well as his stay in the other world , are being called into question . These are the characteristics of the religion of many countries.

People who doubt the existence of God are often not allowed into conservative church communities. Religious society makes them outcasts. In some less common beliefs, a person who doubts the existence of God can be killed.

religion briefly
Scientists who believe in Jesus Christ and want to prove his existence scientifically are not encouraged by the church, which has firmly separated itself from the world of technology and science.

The creators of technogenic religions

The main creators of technogenic religions are often dualists. They are well acquainted with all scientific achievements and believe in the scientific explanation of most processes, but at the same time they are brought up according to religious norms and laws. They try to believe in the existence of the other world and explain things unexplained by science with the help of God. Their religion briefly retells all the norms of the material and spiritual worlds.

new religion

These people interpret the scriptures in their own way, subjecting each saying to a logical explanation. Scientists who the church did not recognize or accepted on certain conditions with repentance begin to base their beliefs. And other religions do not suit them.

Both the innocent people of science and the charlatans who create money pyramids that manipulate human psychology try to use the achievements of the modern world, the problems that arise in people of the twenty-first century.

Technogenic religions

The number of believers is constantly changing. Main religions remain unchanged. The table shows how many people are now adherents of one or another of them.


The number of believers in millions











Technogenic religions


These beliefs are gaining more and more trust of modern people. Technogenic religions include indigo, yoga, synergistic and energetic branches, shamanism, and even modern magic. Their fans approach everything rationally.

other religions


The church defines any technogenic beliefs in one word - "sect." There, under this designation, money pyramids also apply, which use marketing in their concepts.

Initially, a sect meant a union that departed from official religious dogmas, taking from one of the original religion a single thought or idea. Very often representatives of sects can distort these directions under their own interests. Man-made religions are also prone to this problem.

Among sects, Jehovah's Witnesses, Adventists, and Baptists are considered the most popular. They are not recognized by the official church. In the historical process, there were a number of sects, which over time the temple took into its fold and called their directions faith.

religion table
Those who profess man-made religions, instead of prayer and spiritual connection with God, prefer to associate with the cosmos, astral projection, purifying their own mind.

Such a religion was not created naturally, but by combining knowledge with the desire to hope for something. She is technical. Therefore, such religions are called technogenic. They are also called so because the rituals did not work out in the process of life of many generations. They were created recently and have become a symbiosis of science and spiritual values.

An important question remains. The first believers who profess technogenic religions came to it quite consciously, for various reasons, realizing that the confession was created artificially. However, their children were born in this confession, which means that for them it is not artificially created. After all, this new religion of the society in which they are brought up is the faith of their parents. For them it is not new. In this case, can it be considered all the same artificial, or will it eventually take its place among other official world or national religions?

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