How to wash chocolate: effective methods, tools, tips and tricks

Chocolate is a tasty and healthy treat that children and adults adore. With the regular use of a small amount, it increases working capacity and mood, and also protects against depression. But the goodies have a significant drawback - when it gets on the fabric, it is eaten into the fiber, and then the stain is difficult to remove. Useful tips on how to wipe chocolate from white and colored linen will help to cope with this problem.

Baby in chocolate

Tips for housewives

Before you learn how to remove chocolate, read the rules for removing such contaminants:

  • Washing will be more successful if you first remove the dust from the fabric with a brush.
  • Before using cleaning solutions, check them on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric.
  • If the delicacy is stuck, then first scratch it off with a blunt object or a brush.
  • Do not rub stains during washing, otherwise they will spread.
  • Apply cleaning products and solutions to the wrong side of the product.
  • Remove dirt from the edge to the center.
  • Wash and soak items that have gotten dessert at a temperature of 30-40 Β° C.
  • After removing chocolate stains, rinse the product more often.
  • If the stain has not been removed the first time, then repeat the procedure. If the contamination dries, it will be difficult to remove it.

And remember: removing a fresh stain is much easier than stale. Therefore, do not delay with cleaning, but immediately proceed with the fight against pollution.

wash chocolate with colored clothes

We remove fresh spots

Do not underestimate the development of the chemical industry. On sale you can find quite effective bleaches and detergents that remove chocolate stains without a trace. According to user reviews, Vanish, Tri-Zyme from Amway, Ace Oxi Magic are considered the best. But remember that delicate fabrics cannot be soaked in bleach with chlorine.

If you immediately noticed traces of chocolate, then ordinary laundry soap will help to cope with them. Soak the product in room temperature water and rub the stain lightly. Leave the item to lie down a bit so that the soap eats up contamination, and then wash your clothes in the usual way.

Another effective way to remove chocolate is to wet the stain with warm milk. After that, leave the thing to lie down for several minutes and gently rub the dirt. Next, wash the product with powder or detergent.

A solution consisting of the following components will help remove a fresh stain:

  • vodka - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • ammonia - 1 tbsp. l

Turn the product inside out and place unpainted cloth on the dirt, preferably a towel. Apply on top of the composition and leave the stain to become soft. After a few minutes, the chocolate is printed on a towel. Now you just have to jam the remaining sweets with laundry soap, and then send the product to the machine.

chocolate stains

We remove extensive stains

If a catastrophe has occurred and the contamination from chocolate has spread across the surface of the product, then removing it will be more difficult. In this situation, a solution consisting of the following components will help:

  • 1 tbsp. l ammonia;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l liquid for washing dishes;
  • grated bar of laundry soap.

Mix all ingredients until smooth. Use a soft sponge to rub the contaminated area with the product. Allow the stain to turn sour for 10 minutes. Rinse off the product, repeat the procedure if necessary. Wash the product with your hands or in a washing machine with added detergents.

We get rid of old pollution

If you notice a stain after some time and the delicacy has already dried up, then do not despair. There are several ways to remove chocolate in such cases:

  • Add 1 tsp to half a glass of water. boric acid. Without rubbing, apply the solution to the stain. Leave to lie down for 15–20 minutes, after which wash the item as usual.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. water with ΒΌ Art. detergent and the same amount of ammonia. Add to the solution 3 tbsp. l soda and shake well. Dampen a cotton swab and treat it with contamination. If the stain is large, then use a spray bottle to evenly distribute the drug. After processing, wash the item with your hands or in a clipper.

The previous method is more suitable for light fabrics. How to wash chocolate from colored clothes? Mix water, ammonia and glycerin in a ratio of 1: 1: 2. Put the resulting solution on a stain and let lie for 2-3 minutes. Rinse off the rest of the product with running water, and then wash the item in the machine or with your hands.

chocolate stain removal

Radical methods

Against strong and old pollution, the composition of a glass of alcohol and a teaspoon of gasoline and ammonia taken perfectly helps. With this tool, treat the stain and leave to sag for 60 minutes. After the set time, wash the item with laundry soap or detergent.

Effectively removes traces of turpentine dessert. This natural solvent consisting of pine tree oils can be purchased at any pharmacy. To remove the stain, mix the substance with ammonia in a ratio of 1 to 1. Apply the solution to contamination and rinse after 15 minutes.

Gasoline no less effectively removes sweet traces. But only a purified substance is suitable for cleaning. Apply it to the problem area and rinse off after 10 minutes. If traces remain, treat them with a solution of alcohol.

Chocolate stains on white

How to wash chocolate with white clothes

To deal with such pollution, on the one hand, is easier, because you don’t have to worry that the paint of the product will fade, and even strong chemical agents can be used. But on the other hand, removing chocolate from a white cloth without a trace is more difficult. Best of all, peroxide manages this task.

How to remove chocolate from a white t-shirt? Apply peroxide to the stain and let the product lie down for 20–25 minutes. Rinse off the substance with running water and wash the item. Do not forget to add rinse aid, otherwise the characteristic smell will come from the clothes.

As a rule, peroxide does its job. But sometimes with severe pollution, this substance does not help. How can chocolate be removed in this case? Buy hyposulfite in a pharmacy and dilute 1 tbsp. l powder in 200 ml of water. Treat the stain with this solution and leave for 20 minutes. After the set time, wash the product with powder or liquid.

Oxalic acid helps get rid of chocolate stains on unpainted tissues. Dissolve a spoonful of this product in a glass of water. Moisten a spot with the resulting solution. Then wash the item in the usual way.

Remove stains from jeans

This fabric is not delicate, therefore it is possible to fight pollution with rather radical methods. First, make a concentrated salt solution. Soak the problem area in this liquid and let it soak for several minutes. If not all traces of chocolate are removed, then wipe the place with a 3% solution of ammonia. But keep in mind that this method is suitable for new spots.

If contaminants are out of date, then use boric acid to combat them. To do this, dilute the substance with water in equal proportions and gently apply the product to the problem area. In no case do not rub the solution - this will only make it worse. After 15 minutes, wash your favorite jeans with your hands.

Another powerful remedy is a mixture of denatured and ammonia. Such a solution is very caustic, so it can only be used on cotton and synthetic products that do not fade. To prepare the product, mix 1 tbsp. l ammonia with 3 tbsp. denatured alcohol. Put a rag under the front of the product, and apply the composition from the wrong side. Allow things to lie down, then wash with detergent.

Washing clothes

How to wash chocolate off delicate fabrics and wool

Glycerin will help remove dessert stains from similar types of tissue. To clean, lightly heat the substance and treat it with contamination. Let the product lie down for 30 minutes. Rinse the substance off the fabric and repeat the procedure if necessary. Glycerin is very effective against chocolate contaminants, but if it does not cope, then add a little ammonia.

peroxide stain removal

Folk remedies

If you don’t have a cleaning agent on hand or the fabric on which the chocolate got delicate, and you are afraid to spoil it with chemistry, then remove the stain in this way:

  1. Mix one yolk with a spoon of glycerin.
  2. Apply the mixture to the stain and let lie down for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse the egg-glycerin mixture with cold water.
  4. Wash the product in the usual way.

Another safe way to remove chocolate from clothing is to use mustard powder. But this substance can only cope with fresh pollution. Dilute the mustard powder with water to remove the stain. The mass must acquire the density of sour cream. Spread it evenly over the dirt and let it sit for 60 minutes. Shake off the remaining mass from the fabric and wash the item with powder.

Now you know how to remove chocolate from clothes. We hope the tips will help you deal with any dirt from the dessert.

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