Altai State College: courses

Altai State College of Barnaul (AGC) is one of the leading professional educational institutions in both the city and the Altai Territory as a whole. Graduates of the institution are always in demand, because they have all the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills. What profiles and directions does the AGC have, what do you need to know when entering?

Altai State College

Basic information

Altai State College began its existence in 1954. At that time it was a technical school. In 2011, he received his modern status.

The educational institution has 11 buildings, 2 dormitories. Infrastructure complies with all established standards. In the educational buildings there are workshops, canteens, libraries, gyms, medical facilities, classrooms.

The teaching staff has many awards and titles: 8 candidates of sciences, 9 honored teachers of the Russian Federation, 47 honorary workers of secondary vocational education, etc.

Training areas

Altai State College Barnaul

In total, Altai State College has 13 areas of training that can be combined into the following areas:

  1. Construction. In this area, training is under way for vocational training in the construction and operation of buildings. Training is carried out in full-time and part-time programs based on 11 classes. A graduate with this qualification can not only educate students, but also work independently in the construction industry.
  2. Tourism. Upon graduation from Altai State College, the graduate will receive the qualification of โ€œSpecialist in Tourismโ€. Training is conducted only on a full-time basis after grade 9.
  3. Transport. In this area, three areas of training have been opened, which are related to the repair, commissioning, management of vehicles, as well as their operation. Training is conducted after the 9th and 11th grades, full-time and in absentia.
  4. Food. The full name of the direction: "Organization of service in public catering." Training is carried out after 11 classes on a full-time basis. A graduate of this profession should independently organize food in various institutions, conduct research work to assess the quality of products and services, and also know the standards of the food industry.
  5. Electrical equipment. There are 4 areas of college training associated with this area, they cover professional training as well as the operation and repair of electrical equipment itself. Some directions are mastered on the basis of grade 9, and part - on the basis of grade 11.
  6. Documentation. A graduate in this direction can work as a secretary, civil servant, archivist, staff officer, etc. Admission is based on 9 classes.
  7. Welding work. A student in this specialty should be well aware of all electric welding and gas welding works. The student can choose a specialty after 9 years of school.
  8. Information Technology. Profession: Technological equipment installer. This specialty can be entered after the end of 9 classes. The main work is connected with computer networks, their installation, maintenance, as well as the operation of the main office equipment.

Where to find an educational institution?

Address of Altai State College: Lenin Avenue, 145. The College public transport stop. Bus routes numbered 1, 10, 15, 35, 57, 60, etc., as well as minibuses 11, 14, 41, 46, 76, etc., and trolleybus No. 1 pass through it.

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