Amino Acid Transamination: Definition, Significance, and Features

Amino acid transamination is the process of intermolecular transfer from the starting material of an amino group to a keto acid without the formation of ammonia. Let us consider in more detail the features of this reaction, as well as its biological meaning.

amino acid transamination

Discovery story

The amino acid transamination reaction was discovered by Soviet chemists Kritsman and Brainstein in 1927. Scientists worked on the process of deamination of glutamic acid in muscle tissue and found that as pyruvic and glutamic acids are added to the muscle tissue homogenate, alanine and α-ketoglutaric acid are formed. The uniqueness of the discovery was that the process was not accompanied by the formation of ammonia. During the experiments, they were able to find out that transamination of amino acids is a reversible process.

In the course of the reactions, specific enzymes called aminoferases (transmaminases) were used as catalysts.

Process features

Amino acids involved in transamination may be monocarboxylic compounds. In laboratory studies, it was found that transamination of asparagine and glutamine with keto acids occurs in animal tissues.

Pyridoxalphosphate, which is a coenzyme of transaminases, takes an active part in the transfer of the amino group. In the process of interaction, pyridoxamine phosphate is formed from it. The catalysts of this process are enzymes: oxidase, pyridoxaminase.

amino acid transamination reaction

Reaction mechanism

Amino acid transamination was explained by Soviet scientists Shemyakin and Braunstein. All transaminases have the coenzyme pyridoxalphosphate. The transamination reactions that it accelerates are similar in mechanism. The process proceeds in two stages. First, pyridoxalphosphate takes a functional group from an amino acid, and as a result, keto acid and pyridoxamine phosphate are formed. In the second stage, it reacts with α-keto acid, pyridoxalphosphate, the corresponding keto acid, is formed as end products. In such interactions, pyridoxalphosphate is a carrier of the amino group.

The transamination of amino acids by this mechanism was confirmed by spectral analysis. New evidence has now emerged of the presence of such a mechanism in living things.

amino acid transamination meaning

Importance in metabolic processes

What role does transamination of amino acids play? The value of this process is quite large. These reactions are common in plants and microorganisms, in animal tissues due to their high resistance to chemical, physical, biological factors, absolute stereochemical specificity with respect to D- and L-amino acids.

The biological meaning of amino acid transamination has been analyzed by many scientists. He became the subject of a detailed study in amino acid metabolic processes. In the course of the research, a hypothesis was put forward on the possibility of the process of transamination of amino acids using transdeamination. Euler found that only L-glutamic acid is deaminated at high speed in animal tissues from amino acids, and glutamate dehydrogenase acts as a catalyst for the process.

The processes of deamination and transamination of glutamic acid are reversible reactions.

amino acid transamination biochemistry

Clinical significance

How is amino acid transamination used? The biological significance of this process lies in the possibility of conducting clinical studies. For example, the blood serum of a healthy person has from 15 to 20 units of transaminases. In the case of organic tissue lesions, cell destruction is observed, which leads to the release of transaminases into the blood from the lesion.

In the case of myocardial infarction, literally after 3 hours, the level of aspartate aminotransferase increases to 500 units.

How is amino acid transamination used ? Biochemistry involves a transaminase test, according to the results of which the patient is diagnosed, and effective methods of treatment for the identified disease are selected.

For diagnostic purposes, in the clinic of diseases, special sets of chemicals are used to quickly detect the activity of lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase, transaminase.

Hypertransaminasemia is observed in diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, as well as in case of acute poisoning with carbon tetrachloride.

Amino acid transamination and deamination is used in modern diagnostics to detect acute liver infections. This is due to a sharp increase in alanine aminotransferase with some liver problems.

amino acid transamination biological value

Transamination participants

Glutamic acid has a special role in this process. The wide distribution in plant and animal tissues, stereochemical specificity for amino acids, and catalytic activity have made transaminases the subject of study in research laboratories. All natural amino acids (except methionine) interact with α-ketoglutaric acid during transamination, and keto and glutamic acid are formed as a result. It is subjected to glutamate dehydrogenase deamination.

Oxidative deamination options

There are direct and indirect types of this process. Direct deamination involves the use of a single enzyme as a catalyst; the reaction product is keto acid and ammonia. This process can occur in an aerobic manner, involving the presence of oxygen, or an anaerobic variant (without oxygen molecules).

amino acid transamination and deamination

Features of oxidative deamination

Amino acid D-oxidases act as catalysts of the aerobic process, and L-amino acid oxidases are coenzymes. These substances are present in the human body, but they exhibit minimal activity.

An anaerobic variant of oxidative deamination is possible for glutamic acid, glutamate dehydrogenase acts as a catalyst. This enzyme is present in the mitochondria of all living organisms.

With indirect oxidative deamination, two stages are distinguished. First, the amino group is transferred from the original molecule to the keto compound, and a new keto and amino acid is formed. Further, the ketoskeleton catabolizes in specific ways, participates in the tricarboxylic acid cycle and tissue respiration, the final products are water and carbon dioxide. In case of starvation, the carbon skeleton of glucogenic amino acids will be used to form glucose molecules in gluconeogenesis.

The second stage involves the removal of the amino group by deamination. In the human body, a similar process is possible only for glutamic acid. As a result of this interaction, α-ketoglutaric acid and ammonia are formed.

bibiological meaning of amino acid transamination


The determination of the activity of two transamination enzymes of aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase has found application in medicine. These enzymes can reversibly interact with α-ketoglutaric acid, transfer functional amino groups to it from amino acids, forming keto compounds and glutamic acid. Despite the fact that the activity of these enzymes increases in diseases of the heart muscle and liver, the maximum activity is found in the blood serum for AST, and for ALT in hepatitis.

Amino acids are indispensable in the synthesis of protein molecules, as well as the formation of many other active biological compounds that can regulate metabolic processes in the body: hormones, neurotransmitters. In addition, they are donors of nitrogen atoms in the synthesis of non-protein nitrogen-containing substances, including choline, creatine.

Amino acid ketabolism can be used as an energy source for the synthesis of adenosine triphosphoric acid. The energy function of amino acids is of particular value in the process of fasting, as well as in diabetes. Amino acid metabolism allows you to establish relationships between the numerous chemical transformations that occur in a living organism.

The human body contains about 35 grams of free amino acids, and in the blood their content is 3565 mg / dl. A large number of them enter the body from food, in addition, they are in their own tissues, and can also be formed from carbohydrates.

In many cells (except for red blood cells) they are used not only for protein synthesis, but also for the formation of purine, pyrimidine nucleotides, production of biogenic amines, and membrane phospholipids.

About 24 grams of protein compounds break down into amino acids per day in the human body, and the reverse process occurs in approximately the same amount.

In the case of catabolism, tissue proteins are not able to carry out the costs of amino acids for the synthesis of other organic compounds.

In the process of evolution, mankind has lost the ability to independently synthesize many amino acids, therefore, in order to fully supply them with the body, it is necessary to obtain these nitrogen-containing compounds with food. Chemical processes in which amino acids are involved, and today are the object of study of chemists and physicians.

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