A dove is a tattoo worth knowing

Pigeon - a tattoo that is quite popular. Many people, especially girls, want to fill this image with themselves. However, what does it mean? It should be sorted out.

pigeon tattoo

About symbolism

A pigeon is a very gentle and, undoubtedly, beautiful creature. No wonder this creature is considered a bird of the world. And therefore, the dove is a tattoo personifying goodness, mercy. If a girl decides to fill such an image on her body, it will mean sacrificial love. Often still associated with femininity.

It is worth noting that in Russia the image of this bird is not as widespread as, for example, in Western countries. There, the Christian religion dominates. Everyone knows that the dove in the Slavic religion is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, as well as a sign of good, positive news. And of course, often it is a reflection of the good and pure soul of man. In general, the dove tattoo is extremely positive, so if you want to do it, you should not be afraid of a poor interpretation.

Image Options

It should be noted that the dove is a tattoo that can be depicted in different ways. Today there are a lot of options, and all of them are beautiful and varied in their own way. So, for example, if this bird is depicted with a sprig of olive, which she holds in her beak, this means the emergence of a new hope for the best and forgiveness. But the palm branch is a symbol of victory won by man over death. In the event that the pigeon tattoo was done in white, it means a saved soul. Two birds - strong love and a happy family. But a flock of pigeons is considered a symbol of all people who believe in God. By the way, often these birds were depicted flying from the mouth of saints, great martyrs.

pigeon tattoo meaning

Interesting information

In China, for example, a dove tattoo, whose photos show us various images made by skilled craftsmen on various parts of the body, means a symbol of fidelity, as well as spring. In rare cases - voluptuousness. Also, the dove was considered a satellite of Astara. And this is the name of the Semitic goddess of love. A little later, this image was embodied by the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Adonis with Cupid is also notorious. By the way, it is interesting that the rumbling of these beautiful birds was often associated with the birth of children and with sex.

In Japan, the dove is considered a symbol of longevity. This bird is revered and respected. Another dove is considered the bird of the god of war Hachiman. If the bird is depicted with a sword, then such a tattoo is considered a symbol of the end of the war.

For Jews, these birds are a symbol of purity (only white). Sadly, pigeons were sacrificed if some ceremonies were performed. The dove is a symbol of Israel, so often such tattoos can be found among the inhabitants of this country.

If you turn to the Bible, you can find out that this bird is considered the embodiment of meekness, innocence and ingenuity. Even in Hinduism, pigeons are considered messengers of the god of war.

For sinners, the image of this bird is a symbol of atonement for sins, for prisoners - the embodiment of freedom, and for a family person - a long life with their soulmate.

pigeon tattoo photo

In the end

In each state, as it was already possible to understand, a dove is a positive sign and symbol. Therefore, for many people, a tattoo with his image is a kind of amulet. From evil intentions, enemies or ill-wishers, and maybe from bad spirits. Each person puts their own meaning into one or another tattoo, trying to make it unique, and this is normal. And if an unusual and rather interesting pigeon tattoo with an original β€œdesign” was noticed, then you can be sure that for its carrier this image means something completely special.

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