How to make a moonshine from a jar: tips

The design of the apparatus for the production of moonshine is quite an exciting experience. According to experts, earlier, when high-quality stainless steel was a scarce material, self-brewing devices were mainly made from aluminum milk cans-flasks. Due to its availability and simplicity, such a design is still relevant today. Judging by the numerous reviews, it is not difficult to make a moonshine still with your own hands. To do this, you need a base in the form of an aluminum can for food and some additional details. You will find information on how to make a moonshine from a flask in this article.


A moonshine made from a flask is a special distillation system, in which a large capacity has become a distillation cube. The cube can be made of stainless steel, as well as aluminum. According to experts, the main advantage of a moonshine still from a flask is its cheapness: the manufacturing process is possible without significant financial investments. In addition, food-grade flasks have large volumes, namely from 25 to 40 liters, due to which the system has considerable power. An important fact is that working with aluminum is easy, which cannot be said about stainless steel.

how to make moonshine from a flask

About device

Due to the fact that the moonshine made from a flask is a self-made device, it has a fairly simple design. A home distiller is represented by a flask tank, hoses and a special cooling device, which is accordingly more often called a refrigerator. In addition, some home craftsmen equip a home-made moonshine made from a flask with a cleaning device - a steamer. With it, judging by the numerous reviews, the distillate is obtained much better.

Operating principle

Before you make your own moonshine from a flask, you need to get an idea of ​​how the design should work. The final product is obtained from mash, which is subjected to a heating procedure. Thus, the evaporation of alcohols, water, fusel oils and other impurities occurs. Further, the formed steam passes through the distillation system. Its condensation is carried out in the refrigerator. There it is cooled and converted into a liquid state. If the device provides for the presence of a sucker, then impurities will settle in it, and the product itself will turn out non-toxic. Read more about how to assemble a moonshine made from an aluminum flask further.

Where to begin?

To make a moonshine from a flask, you must first prepare a distillation cube. Since the milk can is initially not suitable for making moonshine, the master will have to equip it with two holes. One is done in the lid, the second - in the wall at the top.

make a moonshine with your own hands from a jar

Its diameter should not exceed 5 cm. Before this, the drilling points are marked with a pencil and the diameter of the tubes is measured so that the holes do not turn out to be larger than necessary. Then, a tube connecting the flask with the common distillation system is inserted into one hole, and a thermometer is mounted into the other.

Second step

Very often, beginners wonder how to seal the flask cover for a moonshine still. This aspect is very important, since vapors of alcohols will come out of a poorly sealed can, which will negatively affect the volume of finished products. Sealing the structure can be done after the holes for the hose and temperature sensor are ready. For food tanks, special rubber layers are provided. Remaking a similar container into a moonshine still, home craftsmen remove this gum and wind it with an FUM tape. After the product is placed in a container with water and boiled. After the interlayer is installed back. In the places where the hoses and the thermometer are connected, it is more advisable to use silicone gaskets, which are tightened by means of nuts. Experts recommend excluding rubber, since it will begin to melt under the influence of high temperatures, and alcohol will turn out with a specific aroma. In the absence of silicone, problem areas are best lubricated with dough. If he accidentally gets into the drink, then for the quality of the distiller, you can not be afraid.

moonshine made from aluminum flask

Completion of work

At this stage, the craftsman needs to connect a hose from the tank to the cooling device. You can make it from a plastic water pipe, both ends of which need to be plugged with two plugs.

Refrigerator from the chimney.

Thus, two covers should be obtained. In each, two holes should be made using a soldering iron or drill. One large - for the pipe coming from the flask, the second - half-inch - for the fitting. Installation is carried out using special couplings. Through a small hole in the device cold water will be supplied. Next, the caps are tightly screwed onto the pipe and carefully sealed. Due to the fact that during the distillation process strong pressure forms inside the refrigerator, the plugs, as some artisans say, can fly off. To prevent this, experts advise them to fasten with plastic clamps. Before connecting the second cover, a small bolt hole is drilled in the side of the refrigerator. It is clamped with nuts. It is important that there is a silicone gasket inside, the task of which is to prevent the leakage of cold water from the refrigerator. Outside, a hook can be mounted to the bolt, through which the entire structure will be mounted. At the exit, a thick tube from the common line is connected to the silicone hose. Distillate will come out of it.

About heating methods

Judging by the reviews, most moonshiners use gas stoves to heat mash. According to experts, this method is not considered the best.

do-it-yourself moonshine

The fact is that the burda in the tank can burn. To avoid this, it is better to use two heating elements with a capacity of 1.5 kW. Before driving moonshine using electricity, the home foreman will have to adapt the tank. It is necessary to mount the heating elements in a flask. For this purpose, two holes are made in the tank on both sides (if the heater has a U-shape). If it is spiral, you can limit yourself to one hole with a large diameter. The heaters are sealed using FUM tape, thermal grease and nuts. Heating elements are connected to the cable, the cross section of which should be at least 25 mm, and then to the rheostat or electronic unit. If the tank capacity exceeds 30 l, then, according to the owners, the power of 1.5 kW electric heaters will not be enough. The optimal indicator is 3 kW.

About suhoparike

In the classic moonshine still, no additional devices are provided. Judging by the reviews, the drink with fusel oils has an unpleasant taste. The fact that the product contains harmful impurities can be recognized by smell. In order to avoid toxic impurities in the moonshine, the distillation structure should be additionally equipped with a cleaning device - a reflux condenser. The dry steam tank is used as a sump. You can make it from a one and a half liter glass jar. It is important that it be with a tin lid on the thread. In the lid using a drill on wood, two holes must be made.

home-made moonshine made from a flask

Then two copper or brass fittings are inserted into the sump. Attached are nuts and rubber washers. Suitable for a homemade dry steam car tube made of copper. Insert them into the lid so that one is 50 mm longer than the other. One tube connects the reflux condenser to the distillation flask, the second to the refrigerator.

how to seal the flask cover for moonshine

About drain tap

If the moonshine is made of a tank with a capacity of not more than 25 l, then the design does not have to be equipped with a drain tap . To drain the mash, it is enough to remove the product from the gas stove, remove the lid and tilt the tank. A wide neck will be enough to remove the bard, and then wash the container. If the flask is designed for 40 liters, then you can not do without a special device for draining. You can buy it at any hardware store in the plumbing department.

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