The sky hurts: is it worth worrying?

The sky is the upper part of the oral cavity, flowing smoothly into the larynx. It consists of the front and back parts, covered with mucous membrane.

If the sky hurts, there are several possible explanations for this condition. As a rule, the causes of pain can be both internal functional disorders and infectious diseases located near tissues and nerves.

When the sky becomes inflamed, one of the most common causes of this is mechanical damage (cut, scratch). Such wounds can be obtained during chewing. And for this, food does not have to be with bones or sharp corners: all solid food easily injures the mucous membrane of the sky. A wound left by a cut begins to inflame after some time and cause some discomfort. True, very insignificant.

The front (hard) palate is fixed immediately to the upper jaw. Therefore, when the anterior palate hurts, this can be caused by various problems associated with inflammation of the dental canals or upper teeth: pulpitis, caries, the inflammatory process of the upper jaw bone, periodontitis (infection of the tissues that surround the tooth). So, remember that if you have the above diseases, do not be surprised if, apart from the tooth, a certain pulsation begins to appear in the sky.

Why does the sky hurt if there are no problems with teeth and food? Like the tissues that surround the tooth, the sky with pain can respond to a sharp change in hot and cold, as well as pain can occur directly during chewing.

As for the organs that are in close proximity, the possible factors that result in the pain of the palate may be inflammation of the tonsils, processes of the soft palate, as well as tonsillitis of any complexity. The basis of the structure of the tonsils is lymphoid tissue (tuberous epithelium with multiple depressions). If pathogens settle directly in the recesses, this causes an extensive inflammatory process in the tonsils, as well as concomitant redness of the tissues, pain in the soft palate and throat, and often an increase in temperature.

A possible cause of pain in the sky can be inflammation of various types of nerves that pass directly through it. It is these inflammatory processes that cause various kinds of pain. When there is a violation of the functionality of the temporomandibular joint, the pain spreads not only to the sky, but also occurs in the jaw and in the temporal region. Such symptoms are a clear sign of the diagnosis of this disease.

If you have any kind of inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, get ready for the fact that they can cause painful sensations, including in the sky. One such disease is stomatitis, the most common mucosal disease. One of the factors provoking the occurrence of this disease is a viral infection caused by an insufficient level of body protection (herpes). As a result, small whitish sores appear on the mucous membrane. When the sky hurts, as well as the entire oral cavity, this is the main sign of stomatitis.

As a rule, pain in the sky is a sign of any disease of the nerve endings (inflammatory processes in them), inflammation of the dental nature and infectious processes directly in the sky. Therefore, when such discomfort began to bother you, consult a dentist or, by concomitant signs and pain syndromes, try to establish a focus of the disease and consult a specialist. Do not self-medicate! It is possible that this pain is a signal for the treatment of a more serious illness.

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