How to take "Dufalac" during pregnancy: instructions, reviews

The period of bearing a baby is a wonderful, amazing and difficult stage of life for every woman. Very often, pregnancy is overshadowed by various ailments and diseases. The most common nuisance is constipation, which occurs due to impaired intestinal activity.

Expectant mothers resort to various remedies for this ailment. In particular, the common drug during pregnancy is Dufalac. How harmless is it for a baby and is it effective in combating an unpleasant phenomenon? The drug helps to cope with a delicate problem during an interesting situation. It is safe for mother and baby. But, besides this, it is necessary to normalize nutrition and maintain a balanced diet.

Nutrition during pregnancy should be varied. It is necessary to include in the diet more fresh vegetables and fruits, black or bran bread, buckwheat, oat and barley groats, boiled meat and fish. An experienced doctor will be able to choose drugs that will have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. And only if these measures are not enough, then they resort to the help of medical laxatives, the choice of which is very limited during pregnancy. Many of them have side effects and are prohibited for use during gestation and lactation.

Dufalac during pregnancy: reviews

The drug for a pregnant woman

Is Dufalac possible during pregnancy? In addition to the laxative, Dufalac also has a prebiotic effect. Lactulose, which is part of it, activates the activity of beneficial intestinal microflora. This helps to normalize his work, improve the quality of life and overall well-being.

Doctors, as a rule, prescribe Duphalac during pregnancy in cases where the expectant mother could not cope with the problem of constipation with the help of diet and folk remedies.

Dufalac is the safest laxative. The substances that make up it do not penetrate the bloodstream, and lactulose is not digested in the intestine, but increases in size. This phenomenon, of course, is also not entirely useful in an interesting position. The expansion of intestinal volumes can adversely affect the course of pregnancy, especially in the late stages. But if there are no other options, the doctor prescribes Dufalac.

Most often prescribed "Dufalac" during pregnancy in the early stages, when the uterus has not yet grown too much in size. It helps to soften feces, greatly simplifies their movement through the intestines. One drawback of all laxatives is the elimination of beneficial substances from the body along with feces. But the drug "Dufalac" has no such side effects. However, despite this, it still needs to be used very carefully and as directed by the doctor.

"Dufalac" during pregnancy is absolutely safe for the baby. The tool is not addictive. It is worth noting that during its use, you can breastfeed.

Is Duphalac possible during pregnancy?

General characteristics of the drug

The main component of Dufalac is lactulose. It has a thinning effect on the contents of the intestines. It is obtained as a result of processing whey lactose. Lactulose normalizes the microflora and restores the intestines.

The drug does not affect the tone of smooth muscles, which is why you can take "Dufalac" during pregnancy, which is completely safe for health.

The medication does not penetrate the blood; it works locally, attracting fluid to the intestines. In this case, feces soften.

Advantages and main directions of action of the drug

Advantages of taking Dufalac during pregnancy:

  • It removes toxic substances.
  • It creates a favorable environment in the intestines for the absorption of vitamins and mineral salts.
  • Restores the normal intestinal microflora.
  • Gently stimulates the intestines.
  • It does not irritate the intestinal mucosa and does not affect smooth muscle.

What is the action of Dufalac directed at:

  • Softening and liquefying waste products. Feces are excreted smoothly and unhindered.
  • Cleansing, that is, the drug has a laxative effect (contributes to bowel movements), prevents the stagnation of harmful substances in the body, that is, its poisoning.
  • Promotes the proper absorption of nutrients.
  • The drug performs a recovery function - it stimulates the reproduction of lactobacilli, which favorably affects the intestinal microflora and the digestive tract as a whole.
    Dufalac during pregnancy: instructions

How does it work

The main focus of the drug is a laxative. Lactulose restores the rhythm of bowel movement, that is, eliminates constipation during pregnancy. Dufalac according to the instructions is a probiotic that stimulates the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

The drug is not absorbed into the bloodstream and after administration reaches the colon, where it is split. It is completely metabolized if you take a dose of up to 40 ml. If you take more drug, it is excreted unchanged from the body.

It’s hard to say how fast Dufalac is. The instructions say that the effect is already visible for 2-3 days after the start of administration. Therefore, you must wait until the intestines work out.

If you believe the reviews, "Dufalac" during pregnancy helps to cope with a delicate problem very well. In some women, the effect occurs much faster, approximately a few hours after administration. Compliance with the exact recommendations of the doctor and clear dosages contributes to the rapid achievement of a positive effect.

Duphalac during early pregnancy

Indications for use

Indications for the use of Dufalac during pregnancy:

  • Constipation. Difficulty with bowel movements occur in the first weeks of pregnancy. Muscle tension, when trying to forcefully empty the intestines, can lead to uterine tone and the threat of abortion.
  • Dysbacteriosis is a violation of the intestinal flora, which leads to digestive problems.
  • Flatulence is excessive gas formation, which can be dangerous, since the probability of a uterine tone is high.

How to take Dufalac during pregnancy

In order for the drug to be effective, it must be taken correctly:

  • Syrup must be drunk in the morning with meals, even on an empty stomach. This will help to avoid flatulence.
  • You can drink the drug both undiluted and diluted.
  • The best time for taking is 4-5 in the morning. After the reception, you can go on to relax further.
  • Drink the drug with plenty of water - 2-3 glasses.
  • You can take the drug at night, then in the morning immediately there will be relief.
  • During treatment with the drug, you need to drink plenty of water and monitor the diet. After treatment, you need to eat fiber-rich foods.
  • It is forbidden to take the drug simultaneously with other medicines. If other medicines are prescribed, they must be taken at least 2 hours after the use of Dufalac.
    Duphalac during pregnancy

The safest periods of admission

The medicine, thanks to its mechanism of work, does not penetrate the blood, therefore it does not affect the baby. That is why it can be used even in the early stages of pregnancy. But, despite the fact that according to the instructions, there are no restrictions on the use of the drug, the first and second trimesters are still the safest. In the third trimester, it can also be used, but under the strict supervision of a doctor.


The amount of the drug should not exceed 45 ml per day. As a rule, pregnant women are prescribed 25-35 ml, after normalization of the intestines, the dosage is reduced to 10 ml.

They drink Dufalac during pregnancy, according to the instructions, once a day, but daily. The course of treatment is 21 days. If no improvement has occurred, the therapy is prolonged. Some women have to take the drug until birth.

"Dufalac" during pregnancy: reviews of doctors

Doctors about the drug respond very well, noting such positive characteristics as:

  • convenient form of administration;
  • soft action;
  • minimum dosage;
  • safety of use during lactation and pregnancy.

But this does not mean at all that with the slightest constipation, doctors are in a hurry to prescribe the drug. Treatment is always phased and begins with a review of the diet.

If all methods of non-drug therapy do not help, the doctor prescribes lactulose as a mild laxative. Syrup "Dufalac" retains fluid in the colon and changes the consistency of feces, which causes increased peristalsis.

Treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist, since excess doses or prolonged use can lead to diarrhea and a violation of the water-salt balance.

Dufalac and pregnancy

Dufalac as a probiotic

Sometimes Dufalac is prescribed as a probiotic during pregnancy. When it is taken, the number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria increases and the number of Escherichia coli decreases. The drug creates an acidic environment, so it inhibits the process of decay.

The study of the drug continues. At the same time, scientists are discovering new therapeutic properties, which will lead to an extension of the list of indications.


But do not forget that Dufalac is a drug, and, like all medicines, it has a network of contraindications. So, it should not be taken if:

  • There is sensitivity to the substances that make up its composition.
  • Clinical bowel obstruction.
  • The body cannot convert lactose.
  • Bleeding and hemorrhoids.
  • Diabetes.


The analogues of Dufalac are: Normase, Lactulose, Portalac, Guttalax, Goodluck, Lactulac, Medulak, Mukofalk, Transilan, Normacol and Nogalax microclysters ".

In addition, doctors can prescribe petroleum jelly, which softens stools, glycerin suppositories, or herbal teas.

All of the above components have the same active substance. They differ only in price and side effects. Therefore, it is not necessary to replace Dufalac prescribed by your doctor with other drugs on your own.

Side effects

If you comply with all the conditions for taking the drug "Dufalac", correctly dose it, then there will be no undesirable consequences. With an overdose, adverse effects such as diarrhea, flatulence, arrhythmia, cramps, dizziness, headache can develop. If the first signs of ailments suddenly appear, you need to stop taking the drug and seek medical advice.

Many women complain that immediately after they started taking Dufalac for constipation during pregnancy, bloating and excessive gas formation occurred. This manifestation may be associated with the growth of favorable lactobacilli. This is a temporary phenomenon - it develops in the first two days after the start of administration. After bowel movements, flatulence usually goes away. But, to alleviate this condition, the drug must be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, before the first meal.

In any case, you should tell the doctor about all of the listed side effects and stop taking the medicine. If diarrhea occurs, drink as much water as possible. Most likely the reason is too large a dose. Normally, the drug has a mild laxative effect, which is not accompanied by side effects and the more painful sensations in the abdomen.

Dufalac for constipation during pregnancy

Reviews of pregnant women about the drug

There are no unambiguous reviews about the drug. Some women remain unsatisfied with its use, as in their case certain side effects (bloating, flatulence, nausea, dizziness) developed or the use of Dufalac did not give a positive effect. In other words, the problem remained.

There are also positive reviews about the drug. In many women, he effectively eliminated the problem with bowel movements and did not cause side effects.

Each organism is unique and unique, therefore the results differ from the use of Dufalac. In addition, there were patients who did not observe the dosage of the drug, which led to diarrhea, which is very undesirable during pregnancy.

Some women complained of individual intolerance to certain components of the drug.

Instead of a conclusion

Most expectant mothers have problems with bowel movements, as a growing uterus puts pressure on all organs. In addition, there is a natural slowdown in all processes, especially in the last stages of pregnancy, so as not to provoke a premature birth.

Dufalac is a laxative that is absolutely safe for the baby. Applying it according to the instructions can easily eliminate constipation, and after a full course of treatment can prevent the recurrence of this problem.

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