How to remove rust from metal and clothing at home?

Today, the chemistry market is crowded with rust removers. However, in most cases, you can do with less radical methods, because improvised means can cope with the problem. In addition, some professional tools can, on the contrary, exacerbate the problem. Consider how to remove rust at home from metal and clothing.


If the area affected by corrosion is insignificant, you can try to remove it with the help of potatoes. The product contains oxalic acid in a small amount. She will be able to eliminate corrosion. To do this, pour a little edible salt on a piece of peeled potato tuber and rub the place affected by rust. As practice shows, this method is well suited for kitchen knives.

Lemon Juice with Vinegar

The composition of these components also includes acid. How does this work? Citric acid and vinegar should be mixed in equal proportions and applied to the desired area.

how to remove rust

You must wait about two hours for the product to break down the rust on the metal product. Next, you need to wipe the area with a piece of rags, rinse under running water (if possible) and treat with a steel washcloth.

Tomato Sauce or Ketchup

These products help to quickly remove rust at home from a metal surface. The sauce must be applied to the desired area and wait about five minutes. After that, wash the composition off the surface with water. But as practice shows, such a method does not help much to eliminate serious corrosion. But a light coating removes really quickly.


She is in the house of every mistress. How to remove rust from metal at home with baking soda? To do this, it is diluted with water to a porridge-like consistency. Then the product is applied to the affected metal area. The duration is about 20 minutes.

how to remove rust from metal at home

After that, you need to scrape off the rust with a metal washcloth. Please note that in severely affected areas, it may not go off the first time. Therefore, you will have to repeat the procedure again. By the way, this method is often used to clean old coins.

Flour and White Vinegar

This is a great way to remove rust at home from a brass surface. These two components must be mixed in such a way that in the end a mixture is obtained in the form of a thick paste. Usually, a teaspoon of salt, 120 ml of vinegar are mixed for this, then wheat flour is added until the desired viscosity is obtained.

how to remove rust from metal

With this tool, you need to process the rusty area and leave it for about half an hour. Then wipe the surface with a dry, clean cloth. If the rust is not completely removed, you must repeat the procedure again. As a result, you get shiny and pure metal.

"Coca Cola"

It can be used not only as a soft drink. Coca-Cola cleans rust well. To remove corrosion, you need to place a steel object in a container with a drink for about two to three hours.

Alka Seltzer

These tablets can not be used for their intended purpose. As practice has shown, Alka-Seltzer is an excellent tool that removes rust and plaque from aluminum surfaces. Moreover, it acts quite quickly. How to remove rust from metal in this way? To do this, fill the container with water and throw a few tablets into it. Then we put an object affected by corrosion here and wait five minutes until the plaque dissolves. We wipe the product with a piece of dry rags - its surface will be shiny and clean.

How to remove rust from clothes?

There are many reasons why rust stains appear on clothing. This may be an unsuitable button or button, as well as keys forgotten in your pocket and oxidized during washing. Contamination occurs after drying things on a metal battery or contact with rusty surfaces (riding on a swing, sitting on a bench).

But in any case, a bright rusty mark remains on the clothes. How to remove rust from white clothes? In practice, coping with this task is more difficult than in the case of metal products. After all, clothing is less resistant to aggressive substances. Wrong consistency can easily ruin the fabric.

What do you need to remember?

Before removing rust, you need to know a few rules and recommendations.

  • You can not crush the corrosion that has fallen on the fabric (even if it is not a stain, but only metal dust). To remove it, it is better to use a vacuum cleaner. If you shred it dry, you can only aggravate the situation. Iron oxide penetrates deep into the tissue fibers, and it is difficult to remove.
  • Do not use bleach with chlorine. Such compounds do not remove stains, but only brighten it. Usually the product acquires a yellow tint. The result of the use of such bleaches often disappoints the housewives. Chlorinated water enhances the corrosion process, so try not to wash items decorated with metal objects, chlorine-based products.
  • Do not use the washing machine immediately. No matter what temperature the clothes are washed, ordinary powder will not cope with corrosion. First you need to neutralize iron oxide chemically. Only after this can you start washing.
remove rust from metal at home

Consider the popular tools and methods to effectively remove such stains on clothing (including white).

Hydrochloric acid

To remove rust with your own hands, you can use hydrochloric acid. White cloth should be moistened with a 2% acid solution. The fabric is soaked in the solution until the rust spots disappear. However, you can’t keep it for a long time - no more than 30 minutes. But that's not all. Next, rinse the clothes in water with ammonia. This method will safely remove stubborn corrosion products from the fabric. If there are particles of stain on the clothing, you can repeat the procedure again. But in no case can you keep the fabric in acid for a long time to remove rust at a time.

Vinegar and salt

This method has long been widely used. To remove rust from clothing in this way, you need to mix table salt and vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio. Then you should apply the mixture to the affected area. Clothes should be left for approximately 30 minutes in this condition. If the room is dry, the mixture will evaporate quickly and the effect will be negligible. So that the result does not disappoint, you should add vinegar to the stain several times. Keep the mixture moist. Food vinegar will effectively remove rust from the fibers of the fabric and serve as a good reducing agent. At the end of the procedure, mix the mixture and add a little water. Then it is necessary to treat the site with laundry soap. After five minutes, rinse the item under running water. But for final cleaning, it is recommended to perform an additional machine wash. So you wash away the remains of salt and vinegar.

Citric acid in a water bath

Why a water bath? Under the influence of high temperatures, the reaction of an acidic medium with iron oxide accelerates. To get water vapor, you can use a kettle with a wide neck or a pan.

remove rust from metal

How to remove rust in this way? You need to pour a few teaspoons of citric acid on the stain so that the crystals are evenly distributed on the surface. Next, the site must be heated with water vapor. Instead of a kettle or pot, you can use a steam generator (if, of course, there is one). But in no case do not heat the cloth over the pan, which stands on the included burner. The thing may catch fire. In the case of a steam generator, it is enough to simply direct the steam stream towards the spot. It is recommended to make spiral movements from the center to the edges. So the acid crystals dissolve and penetrate into the tissue fibers. The composition will actively discolour rust. After processing, it is recommended to wash clothes with liquid soap or in a washing machine.

Iron and Citric Acid

This method resembles the previous one. How to remove rust from clothes correctly? To do this, moisten the stain and sprinkle the acid evenly on the fabric. Next, cover it with a cotton flap. Using an iron (it needs to be set to a temperature of + 200 ... + 250 Β° C), we gently iron the area. It is not necessary to control the reaction visually. You need to iron for two to three minutes. Do not overheat so as not to overfill the fibers. Next, the fabric needs to be washed under running water with liquid or ordinary soap.

Soak the fabric in vinegar

This method is suitable when the stain is large or there are several traces of rust on the clothes. The fabric is soaked in the solution completely. The solution is prepared as follows. For 1 liter of water add 1 cup of vinegar 70% essence. In the resulting liquid, the fabric is soaked for five minutes.

remove rust from white clothes

It is recommended to do this in an enameled bowl. Then you can safely put the restored clothes in the washing machine. Rinse the fabric under water in this case is not necessary. Vinegar does not corrode the walls of the drum and even vice versa - cleans metal from dirt and plaque.

We use glycerin and chalk

To eliminate rust spots from colored clothing, you can use a mixture of chalk and glycerin. If chalk is missing, it can be replaced with tooth powder. Mix the components with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

how to remove rust from clothes

Next, the mixture is applied to the stain. This method is one of the longest, since the soaking time is 24 hours. But at the same time, the solution is as safe as possible, and it will definitely not work out to spoil a thing in this way, even if the proportions were not observed.

Apple and lemon

You can use their natural acid. But only green apples will do. It is necessary to cut the fruit and rub it with the damaged area. But it is better to leave such a tool for an emergency.

We use cleaning products

In the composition of such funds for hand and machine wash, there is always acid (acetic or oxalic). This component will remove a rusty stain without unnecessary trouble. Using funds is quite simple. It is necessary to cover the surface of the spot with them and leave it in this form for about a day. Next, wash the fabric under the tap and place it in the washing machine. The result will please you.

Dishwashing detergents are also suitable. How to use them correctly? To do this, take detergent and glycerin. Dilute them in a ratio of 3: 1 and carefully rub into the fabric. Clothes should be left overnight. In the morning, rinse the rusty spot under a stream of plain water. Then you should put the clothes in the washing machine.

Remember that you need to start the removal of pollution as quickly as possible, because it is much more difficult to remove old spots. And after each subsequent washing in the machine, the rust will only go deeper into the fabric.


We examined effective methods for removing rust from metal objects and clothes. There are a lot of such methods, and they can be easily used at home. But most products contain acid, so you need to wear gloves and ventilate the room well. Sometimes stains on clothes are difficult to wash even with acid, and after several attempts. In this case, only a professional dry cleaning will save.

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