What can not be done after the Botox procedure? Prices, consequences, contraindications, photos before and after Botox

Botox is one of the modern ways to fight wrinkles that women choose. Yes, this is not a cream or a mask that can only nourish the skin, but a special type A toxin. Today, only specialized cosmetologists have the right to carry out procedures related to Botox, so it’s impractical and unsafe for your health to go to a regular beauty salon. The choice of a clinic and a cosmetologist is a paramount task, which not everyone is already coping with.

Botox Procedure

Every woman wants to look young and beautiful for as long as possible, but the appearance of wrinkles literally immediately indicates skin aging. Rapid aging is largely due to heredity or emotional stress, so for many women, Botox is the only way to get rid of premature deep wrinkles.

A feature of the procedure is Botox injections, which are injected with a thin needle into those facial muscles that are responsible for the formation of deep wrinkles. The procedure absolutely does not require anesthesia and is painless for the patient. The only thing the doctor does before the injection is to apply a special cream to the face. Then a cold compress is made so that when injections the skin is not so sensitive.

After the introduction of Botox, the repeated procedure is carried out 3 more times to achieve the desired effect. There is a certain time interval between injections, the observance of which is necessary in order for antibodies to botulinum toxin to form. The cost is about 350 rubles (for one procedure).

Each injected injection requires examination by a doctor after two weeks from the end of the procedure. The cosmetologist, conducting the examination, describes all the improvements and gives the right to conduct further procedures.

What can not be done after the Botox procedure

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Looking at themselves in the mirror, many women are ready to find even more wrinkles every minute, and in various areas. Moreover, such injections are carried out not only on the face, but also on the hair, but in this case, “injections” are only a wording. In fact, special preparations are used for the hair, which are applied superficially, and therefore it is a painless, but highly effective procedure, since after such a transformation, the hair acquires a healthy appearance, an even radiant light, becomes soft and pleasant to the touch.

After Botox injections, some effect always appears, but it is worth remembering that the body works constantly and can perceive such procedures negatively, but this happens very rarely.

Botox injections for eyelids and wrinkles near the eyes

In this case, Botox injections are most often done in the eye area. The circular muscle, stretched with a smile, is responsible for the appearance of facial wrinkles near the eyes. With age, it loses its elasticity and shape, and “crow's feet” appear in the eye area, which are very difficult to get rid of. The effect of the procedure will delight the owner for 5 or 6 months. But again, before starting this procedure, it is necessary to find out what complications after Botox are most often manifested when injections from wrinkles.

Another type of Botox are injections for ever. Such procedures allow many women to get rid of sagging eyelids for a while. After this procedure, the effect is obvious in that the eyes become more open and expressive.

botox and alcohol

What can not be done after the Botox procedure - complications and other ailments

Even if after the examination the patient’s state of health is excellent, no one is safe from any complications. Their appearance depends on the technique that was used during the injection, as well as on the body's response to Botox.

Very often, the first signs of a complication are swelling after Botox, redness, and bruising. These are the most harmless types of complications that go away within 5-6 days. They arise only from the fact that blood vessels are damaged during the injection itself. In order to prevent complete swelling of the face, large bags under the eyes, it is worth excluding from the plan of the day any physical activity, sporting events or dancing.

what to do after botox

Rules of conduct after the Botox administration procedure

As for all other actions immediately after going to the salon, this is excessive accuracy in everything. You need to carry yourself home as if you were a crystal vase. This is due to the fact that after the injection you need to keep your head straight for several hours. What can not be done after the Botox procedure is to tilt your head back or forward, or even lie on your face. This may affect the asymmetric effect of botoxulin.

The recommendations after Botox that should be followed include exercises for facial wrinkles. These are just minor mouth movements, so you have to restrain yourself, even at the moment of intense anger or with glee, so that the procedures not only go in vain, but also do not harm the beauty and health of the face.

after Botox injections

Alcohol, smoking, medicine and touch

In order not to disrupt the correct course of action of Botox, you should not touch the skin for several days, and certainly do not apply cosmetics. Do not visit the pools or beauty salons in the first 10 days. Any contact with water should be avoided. It is not recommended to get in the first week after the injection in the rain or sunbathe, it can manifest much more serious complications than bruises and redness, for example, drooping eyelids (it can be in this state for up to 3 months).

Botox and alcohol are generally incompatible things, so you should refuse any alcohol at least two weeks before the injection and it is better not to take strong drinks at all for the duration of the Botox injection, which is 5 or 6 months.

Botox-related procedures are not allowed during medication use. What can not be done after the Botox procedure is to take medicines containing calcium.

Smoking and alcohol are factors that can manifest all kinds of complications. With the introduction of Botox, a woman should understand that she will have to give up smoking in advance of the procedure and before the end of the injection.

alcohol after Botox

Contraindications to the procedure

In no case should Botox injections be given in the presence of blood diseases (leukemia, hemophilia) in the patient. Such cosmetic injections should not be carried out if there are neuromuscular diseases, as well as in chronic lung diseases, endocrine disorders, somatic diseases and significant omissions of soft tissues. The patient is not allowed to the procedure if there is an individual intolerance to botulinum toxin type A.

Botox and alcohol - misconceptions and myths

Many drink lovers are not able to give up their pleasure, but, choosing between Botox and alcohol, it is worth remembering that together it is an explosive mixture that can cause various kinds of diseases. Either a person refuses artificial rejuvenation, or from drinking alcohol.

The myth that drinking alcohol after Botox is possible is a blatant lie that is capable of destroying not only its former beauty, but also ruining your face beyond recognition. For many public people, work often requires a glass of champagne, but this may be the beginning of the development of a skin disease. In no case should you drink alcohol after Botox, even in scanty amounts, therefore, choosing beauty, you will have to restrain your desires for alcohol for a long time so as not to harm your health.

after the introduction of Botox

What to do after Botox?

For many women, this procedure is the only way to look beautiful again and feel like a real lady, but her price is really high. Many do not even know what to do after Botox, so the first thing, even before all the examinations begin, it is better to consult a specialist and find out what familiar things you will have to part with after artificial rejuvenation. Only a professional cosmetologist will tell about all the intricacies of this case, tell about how to behave after the procedure and what to do in the future.

In fact, after one month it may seem that the patient has returned to her former life and can even afford a glass of wine. No and no again! After Botox, you will have to fence yourself in the first weeks from active sports, and on the first day - from sex. You will have to constantly restrain your emotions in the first months, so that the effect of Botox injections lasts just the maximum period of six months. It is recommended to engage in quiet activities, ranging from office work with papers to gatherings with books or a TV. A minimum of physical activity is the main rule of the first month after Botox.

swelling after Botox

Age will take its toll anyway

For those who believe that Botox will rejuvenate for a long time, let us know that this is a mistake. Such a procedure is very expensive, and the price for it can be not only in the form of banknotes, but also health. The desire to look younger is natural, but the fight against wrinkles should not develop into a panacea, where the woman’s only dream is elastic skin on her face.

You can maintain beauty in completely harmless ways using masks and creams. Natural vitamins and minerals will have an effect much more for a long time, and at the same time a woman does not need to give up her favorite sports or dancing and spend a lot of money and time on clinics and procedures.

Happiness sometimes depends not on how many years we look, but on how we are perceived by others, what actions we commit.

If a woman's external attractiveness is a guarantee of self-confidence, success, then, probably, injections will be the best friends for the patient of the cosmetology clinic, but be sure to know what should not be done after the Botox procedure in order not to harm her health and natural beauty.

Botox is a modern anti-wrinkle treatment. The usual way of life or artificial beauty and dozens of prohibitions - everyone chooses for himself.

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