Are nuts a protein or carbohydrates? The benefits and harms of nuts

In our time, it has become very popular to lead a healthy lifestyle (HLS). And this is not surprising, because if a person is healthy - he is full of strength and energy. In the healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition. This article will focus on such a healthy product as nuts.

nuts is protein or carbohydrates

We will consider the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in them, as well as find out the benefits and harms of nuts.

Are nuts a protein or carbohydrates?

Nuts - this is a very valuable product that does not hurt to include almost everyone in the diet, with rare exceptions. Many people wonder if nuts are protein or carbohydrates. After all, almost everyone knows that vegetarians who do not eat animal food, heavily lean on nuts in order to obtain the necessary portion of protein. And they do it for good reason, because the nuts really contain a sufficient amount of this substance indispensable for humans.

Nevertheless, when asked whether nuts are protein or carbohydrates, it cannot be said unequivocally that this is one thing, since they contain both proteins and carbohydrates, as well as fats, as in almost every product. What exactly is the composition of these substances, their ratio - depends on the type of nuts.

Walnut. Proteins fats carbohydrates

Walnut is a long-known treat. It is used in many cuisines of the world, adding to all kinds of dishes. The homeland of walnut is Central and Asia Minor.

nuts are proteins or carbohydrates

The composition of the walnut is very rich. It contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. There are also many unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, alkaloids and steroids in walnuts. Walnut leads in terms of vitamin C, even ahead of citrus fruits and currants.

To maintain your health, it is very beneficial to eat walnuts. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are contained in it in approximately the same ratio per 100 g of product:

  • proteins - 15.6 g;
  • fats - 65.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 10.2 g.

The calorie content of walnuts, as well as other types of nuts, is quite high, since it contains a lot of fats in its composition. However, these fats are good for health and do not cause an increase in blood cholesterol.

The benefits of nuts

The benefits of nuts are hard to overestimate. And it’s not even important, nuts are proteins or carbohydrates, the most important thing is that it’s just a storehouse of substances useful for human health. Medicine uses the properties of nuts for various purposes, for example, as a bactericidal, immunomodelling, anti-inflammatory, and also anthelmintic. In addition, nuts are very useful for the brain, with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, they strengthen the immune system, increase the stamina of the body. Due to the presence of iodine in their composition, nuts are necessary for people suffering from thyroid diseases.

Nut is very useful for anemia. It increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Tincture from walnut partitions perfectly strengthens the nervous system. Nuts also have a beneficial effect on male power. This was known in ancient times, so they included this product in the daily menu. The protein contained in nuts normalizes the intestinal microflora.

All the useful properties of a nut can not be counted, however, there are contraindications in its use.

Harm of nuts

Despite all its benefits, some people should not eat nuts. First of all, this applies to those who have allergic reactions to this product. In especially severe cases, the nut can even cause anaphylactic shock, therefore, this product should be introduced into your diet with a small dose to make sure that the body perceives it normally.

Obese people should also not eat nuts. Due to their high calorie content, they can contribute to weight gain, especially if abused.

walnut carbohydrates proteins

In those patients who are diagnosed with colitis, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, eating even a small amount of nuts can trigger a worsening of the condition. Therefore, for any chronic diseases, before introducing nuts into your diet, it is worth consulting with your doctor.

Recipes with nuts

Now you can find a huge number of dishes, which contain nuts. First of all, of course, nuts are added to various desserts: pastries, cakes, sweets, chocolate.

walnut proteins fats carbohydrates

However, they harmoniously fit not only in sweet dishes. There is a very simple recipe that has a beneficial effect on the intestines and replenishes the supply of vitamins: boiled beets are grated, squeezed a clove of garlic, add chopped walnuts and season the salad to taste with sour cream, mayonnaise or vegetable oil. It is very tasty and healthy.

It is not necessary to look for the answer to the question of whether nuts are protein or carbohydrates. You just need to eat them if you have no contraindications. This way you will replenish the supply of nutrients in the body, as well as enrich the taste of various dishes. The main thing is to remember that everything in moderation is useful, and nuts are a fairly high-calorie product. Eat them for health, just do not abuse it.

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