Meet Aries and Scorpio

Aries and Scorpio
If you look at the brief horoscope Aries and Scorpio, you can see their similarities and differences.

The main characteristic of Aries is the desire for primacy: his monastery is the first house in the zodiac circle, he is the first among other cardinal signs (Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) and the first among the fiery signs (after him Leo and Sagittarius). This is a very active, proactive, energetic and selfish sign of the Zodiac, controlled by Mars, which gives it confidence, courage, ambition, restlessness and obstinacy.

For Scorpio, creativity will be the main keyword. To this he is directed by Pluto, the ruling planet of the eighth house, in which this motionless zodiac sign is located. The second ruling planet is Mars, which gives free rein and strength of character. In psychology, motionless (fixed) signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) appear as a permanent and executive type of person.

Fiery Aries and Scorpio aquatic in its elements

The element of Aries is Fire - the most subtle material element, symbolizing the world of ideas and thoughts. The existence of Fire in space occurs at an abstract level and is perceived by the same abstract tool - human thinking. The fiery type of character affects the manifestation of a high degree of activity, in the stubborn desire to achieve the desired.

Scorpio and Aries Compatibility
Ariesโ€™s personality remains youthful naivete for life, bringing a lot of disappointments. He is an idealist and romantic. Without remembering his life experience, even after failures and insults he remains gullible. Very charming and original, sincere and loyal, which puts him in the spotlight. He loves independence and adventurous adventures. If he is rejected (in love, in business relationships), he, without wasting time thinking, begins to actively fuss, looking for another place for himself. Noble, considers it a duty to come to the rescue of someone who is in misfortune. Women do not tolerate vulgarity and vulgarity. Aries are demonstrative in expressing their opinions, emotions constrain with difficulty, and more often do not constrain at all.

Scorpio Element - Water - the vital energy and blood of the Earth, giving life to everything that moves in space. The life fuel for Scorpio is love, it is the sexiest of all the signs. Emotionality, strong will, ability to energetically and aggressively fight for success in life, supernatural ability to analyze everything in the world, secrecy - these are the main character traits.

Similarities and differences of signs: Aries and Scorpio

Both signs are emotional and selfish. Young Aries men are often involved in a fight; in Aries women, similar strength is spent on sports and work achievements. Scorpios prefer to fight with themselves, tend to keep quiet. Aries forget their grievances quickly. Scorpions harbor grievances in the soul and "wear a stone in his bosom." He may not finish the work he has begun or entrust it to another Aries, and Scorpio is the opposite of him: he always prefers to finish what he started.

Horoscope. Aries and Scorpio

In love relationships, signs can be briefly described as follows. For men: short flashes of crazy craving and long periods of boredom and indifference - this is Aries; and Scorpio - wants to have next to him the woman that everyone dreams of. For women: Aries chooses a man herself and is able to provide him with genuine pleasure from intimacy, but is pedantic; Scorpio knows no boundaries for passion, erotic, in bed for her there are no conventions.

Scorpio and Aries Compatibility

Relationships are complicated. Harmony in sexual terms - both love experimentation. The main problem is the freedom of Aries and the jealousy of Scorpio. Both are selfish and uncompromising. Therefore, the strong attraction of signs at the initial stage of relations can be replaced by disappointment.

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