Evgenia Gapchinskaya: paintings by an artist glorifying the world of childhood

If you want to immerse yourself in the magical world of childhood for a while, take a look at the paintings of Ukrainian artist Evgenia Gapchinska. They depict pink-cheeked little babies doing their own thing. They eat on some canvases, on others they play, dream.

Tasty plot

Evgenia Gapchinskaya paintings

They say that in childhood I did not think about becoming an artist, Evgenia Gapchinskaya. She began to paint pictures at this age, but believed that all people know how to draw. Then Eugene dreamed of being a seller of donuts. If you look at her work, it is clear that her childhood dreams have not yet passed. On some canvases, the little ones sit at the table or stand near it and eat sweets.

On the canvas above, this is clearly visible. The artist painted sweets lying on the table. There are high cakes, cupcakes. White cream cakes are decorated with flirty cherries. It is impossible to pass indifferently past such sweets. So the kids could not resist.

Apparently, a big celebration is expected in the house, since the table is covered with such beautiful and tasty dishes. The kids were not able to wait for the start of the banquet and decided to eat at least a small piece of cake.

But the table was too high for the children. However, smart little men came up with a way out - one stood on the other and was able to reach with a finger to the cream on the cake. He gives a serving of sweetness to his second friend and reaches for a new one.

These are such funny and interesting paintings by Evgenia Gapchinskaya.

Little men with wings

The characters of the artist are cute and kind. On some canvases, she identifies the babies with the angels, and this is justified. After all, it is believed that at such a tender age, all babies still have angelic souls.

artist Evgenia Gapchinskaya paintings

On the canvas "Christmas Gingerbread", the artist combined her love for sweets and children. In front of two chubby babies is a plate with gingerbread cookies, next to it are two mugs of milk. Soon the children will start the festive meal. But these are not ordinary babies, from behind their small white wings peep out.

On the table are the attributes of the New Year holiday - a clock, a candle, beads. In the background are houses filled with bright light. It helps to see that people are not sleeping - they are preparing for the meeting of Christmas. A beautifully decorated Christmas tree shimmers with colorful lights. It stands in the middle of the rink, and around it there are many people who are happy about the arrival of a merry holiday.

These are the good and positive paintings by Evgenia Gapchinskaya.

Other works by the artist

On the canvas called "Breakfast", a baby angel prepares a morning meal for himself. On one plate lies sliced black bread, on the other a young cook will soon lay eggs and eat breakfast with appetite.

paintings by Ukrainian artist Evgenia Gapchinska

The painting with the image of an angelic child was signed by “My Clever Girl” by artist Evgenia Gapchinskaya. Paintings like this show new successes and achievements of little men.

So, on this canvas it can be seen that the girl is holding a hammer and a nail in her hands. But it is unlikely she herself will make something. Probably, the daughter brought tools to dad or mom, for which parents very much praise the assistant.

The picture "Dreams of the distant seas" speaks for itself. The child sits in a sailor suit on the background of wallpaper on which the fish splashes. Nearby is a toy lighthouse and a small basin of water, in which the boy launched a paper boat.

He himself looks dreamily into the distance, and he feels that the child is dreaming of distant seas, exciting travels. I want to believe that the baby, when he grows up, will certainly fulfill his wonderful dreams and desires.

new paintings by Evgenia Gapchinskaya

New paintings by Evgenia Gapchinskaya

But not only young people by the age of the artist draws. In relatively new works, you can see how the craftswoman in her usual manner portrays adults as well. The painting "Plisetskaya" is dedicated to the great ballerina. The heroine of the canvas is in a bundle, on her head is a white wreath of feathers. Perhaps she had just danced the part of a white swan and now she bowed. Spectators enthusiastically take the ballerina and throw her roses.

And in another of her work, Evgenia Gapchinskaya painted the same background. Paintings "Plisetskaya", "Merlin Monroe" depict famous people showered with roses. Merlin Monroe is depicted in a lush white dress.

The artist draws all the heroes of her canvases in her own manner. From this, kids and famous adult characters appear before the viewer in a new, interesting light.

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