In the history of Kievan Rus there was a pagan monarch who made human sacrifices, had a harem, and without hesitation killed his brother. However, being baptized, he changed. Now his remains have miraculous powers. From the article you will find out where the relics of Prince Vladimir are and to whom they help.
Son of a slave
The Christian religion is very peaceful and modest. Orthodoxy came to our lands only in 988. Grand Duke Vladimir christened his subjects. However, few people know that before the adoption of the new faith, not only the people, but their ruler was atheist and led an unacceptable lifestyle.
The future prince was born, most likely in 960. His father, Svyatoslav Igorevich, started an affair with a woman who served with his mother. Accordingly, the son of a slave was not particularly popular with the court. However, very soon Princess Olga, the boy’s grandmother, took him to her in Kiev. This city was home to the monarch, so even today the relics of Prince Vladimir are stored there.
When the guy grew up, his father set him to rule in Novgorod. But there the young man did not stay for a long time. In 978, he attacked Kiev, where Yaropolk ruled. After the capture of the capital, the young ruler decided to kill his own brother. In such a dark way, the man received the desired throne.
Prodigal life
His further affairs were not much better. Vladimir was very cruel, heartless and had a difficult character. Many chroniclers noted that the man contained several harems. In each city, more than 500 concubines awaited him. But even such an amount did not hold back the ruler. He constantly seduced married women and young girls. The story is terrible, but in order to know the power that the relics of Prince Vladimir have, you need to understand how he lived.
In addition, the monarch had five legal wives. One of them - Rogneda - he took by force. The proud girl refused the nobleman only because his mother was a slave. For this, the cruel sovereign raped her with her parents, and then killed the elderly. Another companion was the widow of her brother, a beautiful nun.
Tortured christians
Orthodoxy was of little interest to the autocrat. He was an ardent pagan and even built a real pantheon on the mountain, which his children went to. In this place terrible things were done. They made human sacrifices and even tortured those who believed in Christ.
Today, the Orthodox Church equally respects both the relics of Prince Vladimir and the first martyrs in Russia - Theodore and his son John. However, in the distant X century, the ruler issued a decree: to sacrifice one of the young men as a sacrifice to idols. The lot fell on John. But the father did not allow the pagans to captivate the child, for which he paid with his life. The barbarians tore them right on the street.
Meanwhile, the prince tried to rally his state. However, this was impossible without monotheism. Therefore, choosing the wise elders, the emperor sent them to study different religions.
When the ambassadors returned, they declared that there was no more beautiful faith than in Byzantium. According to them, standing in the church and listening to the choir, it is impossible to understand - you are still on earth or already in heaven. Saint Prince Vladimir was delighted with such comparisons. The relics of this king are especially important for the Orthodox faith, because his choice influenced the history of the whole world.
The power of faith
There is very little information about how the monarch was baptized. However, chroniclers report that his army tried to take Chersonese for a long time and to no avail. The matter was not successful until one of the Christians approached the prince. The man proposed to block access to the city of water. The prince did so. The siege was asleep.
Then the king asked to give for him Anna - the sister of the emperor from Constantinople. But the woman refused him, she said that she would agree only after the prince accepted her faith. Despite the fact that the Tsar liked Orthodoxy, Saint Prince Vladimir was in no hurry to accept the new religion. The relics of the sovereign today are treated for eye diseases. And all because, breaking the promises, the man began to go blind. Then Anna said that the Kiev ruler needs to be baptized faster. And indeed, as soon as one God was accepted, the eyes began to see again.
On my own experience
Since the monarch himself had eye problems, his relics heal people who suffer from such pathologies. However, it should be noted here that the prince, before recovering, fulfilled this promise and was baptized.
Therefore, you need to do everything that you promised on the eve of the Lord before you seek the relics of Prince Vladimir. How does the saint help if you are unable to keep your word? He teaches the path of light and good. Soon events will occur in your life that will require not only courage, but also wisdom from you. In such situations, you will need to act in a Christian way.
Often, people who cannot find their true love and who live in fornication turn to the Equal-to-the-Apostles.
Vladimir did not immediately understand that it was Anna who was destined for him. However, he was captivated by the girl’s patience and sincere soul. Now you can approach the saint with a request to start a family faster and have children.
A big heart
What they pray to the relics of Prince Vladimir is a personal question for everyone. However, the monarch became very good at the end of his life, so he listened to everyone. Before him there were no primary and secondary patients, poor or destitute.
Next, the prince married Anna. Following the example of the ruler, his close subjects were also baptized. Consequently, in 989, he begins to shed idols and leads his people to a righteous faith.
Vladimir has changed a lot since then. Especially sunk into his soul the words that God is merciful only to those who show kindness to people. The monarch opened the courtyard for everyone, and every poor man could turn to him for help. One was given food, the second - water. For cripples, food was taken outside the palaces. That is why the relics of Prince Vladimir have such miraculous power.
The monarch today helps everyone who comes to him with prayer. It helps to establish material life. Immediately after going to the bones of the ruler, people have everything they need. Therefore, especially often the saint is addressed to those who most recently suffered from natural disasters and lost all their property.
Child advocate
Over the course of his life, a man became a father to about 30 sons and 10 daughters. They were all his relatives. After the adoption of Christianity, most of the women from his harem were transferred to a monastery or again successfully married. However, the autocrat did not stop taking care of his offspring.
They have amazing power of the relics of Prince Vladimir. What helps the baptist of Russia? He treats children. Both parents and the kids themselves can cling to the ark with the bones of the saint. Prayer to God should be simple, but sincere and pure. It is best for women to come to church in closed clothing. The head should be covered. Men should also dress modestly. Leaning against the relics, you should ask for forgiveness for your sins.
Many children immediately stop stuttering and begin to speak more clearly. The blind are seeing, and the cripples are taking their first steps in many years. Therefore, you can safely go to the Equal-to-the-Apostles and pray for his health for your children.
Imperishable remains
Currently, almost every large church has the relics of Prince Vladimir. In Chelyabinsk, in Rostov and Kiev are particles of the great baptist. Everyone can put his head to the bones of the saint. This is best done on Memorial Day - July 28th. However, it should be noted that on this date there are usually long lines.
Legends circulated about the generosity and kindness of the prince. Every Sunday he treated the poor and disadvantaged with various dishes and drinks. This man built churches and did not spare money for their greatness. The sovereign died on July 15, 1015. His body was buried in the Church of the Tithes, which the Mongols destroyed several centuries later.
Last year, to the 1000th anniversary of the death, the Russian Orthodox Church decided to send the relics of Prince Vladimir on a “journey”. In Chelyabinsk, in Moscow, in St. Petersburg - in all these cities they took the bones of the saint. People leaned against the ark and immediately felt its power.
Sincere prayers
Of course, at first glance, the life of the prince is not like the biography of the martyrs. He was cruel, like all rulers, and reckless, like most pagans. However, realizing the power of the Lord, he tried to change and took care of the purity of his soul. On his part, it was a completely unselfish act. At a time when earthly blessings and joys are short, heavenly ones are eternal. And nothing compares with the happiness that a person experiences in helping his brothers and sisters.
Many today are helped by the relics of Prince Vladimir. The route, the path followed by the Equal-to-the-Apostles, was not easy. However, his good deeds exceeded past evil ones. For this, the Lord gave him the power to heal not only bodies, but also souls. Therefore, you can go to the saint for advice.
The main thing, say the laity, is that prayers and requests be sincere, not carry within themselves malice and untruth. Then Vladimir will help the one who stands before him.