Corns from the horizontal bar: causes and treatment

Often after sports exercises, corns appear on the horizontal bar, which cause discomfort. Pain, an unaesthetic appearance, and roughness of the skin can be prevented in several ways. There are other reasons that cause the appearance of corns on the hands.


The division into species depends on the nature of the appearance of these growths. Corns are dry, wet and pivotal. All of them cause some inconvenience during writing and other hand movements. They are wet because lymph fluid collects inside, sometimes there is also an accumulation of blood. In this case, the question often arises, what to do with corns from the horizontal bar? Puncture the resulting bubble on its own is not recommended. You can get rid of them with the help of medications.

Callus formation

Dry corns can appear due to improper treatment of wet and after strong friction of the palms on any surface. It is this species that most often forms after playing sports on a horizontal bar or other inventory. Such dry corns do not seriously affect the usual way of life and do not cause pain, however, they spoil the appearance of the palms, and if untreated, they can develop into pivotal ones.

The last type of growths is formed due to the fact that particles of coarsened skin penetrate deep into the skin, cause discomfort, pain. The treatment of core calluses is quite long, requires medical intervention.

Reasons for the appearance

Basically, the formation of corns after the horizontal bar is associated with strong mechanical friction of the palms of the palms on the crossbar. But there are other reasons:

  • insufficient amount of vitamin A in the body;
  • long work in the garden or garden without protective gloves;
  • Professional stylists, seamstresses and secretaries are prone to the constant appearance of roughness on the skin.

Due to improper exercise, corns form after the horizontal bar on the hands. Long contact of the palms with rough surfaces, inadequate care and a tendency of the skin to dryness are the factors that often lead to the appearance of growths.


The first step to quickly and successfully get rid of this problem is to protect your palms from mechanical stress with various surfaces. What to do with calluses on the hands of the horizontal bar? The treatment process for different types of formations is different from each other, but eliminating contact with any surfaces is a general rule.

To remove wet corns, you should consult a specialist, but the procedure can be carried out at home.

Treatment of corns from horizontal bars

It consists of several stages:

  1. Hand cleansing with antibacterial soap.
  2. Antiseptic treatment of corn from the horizontal bar and the skin around it.
  3. Preparation of a disposable needle from a sterile syringe.
  4. Gently piercing the upper layer of the skin, after which the lymph fluid is carefully removed.
  5. Re-treatment with an antiseptic and sealing the wound with a plaster.

Dry growths are treated differently. Consider how to get rid of corns from the horizontal bar. First you need to steam and soften the skin with a warm bath with soap and soda. This will help reduce possible pain and facilitate the procedure. The duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes, depending on the size of the corn.

Hand Care

When the corns from the horizontal bar have completely softened, you need to take a pumice or a rough nail file and rub the formation with gentle movements. After removing rough skin, apply a nourishing cream liberally.

The treatment of corns is carried out only in a hospital under the supervision of a physician.

Peeled corn

During the training process, the skin coarsens, growths appear. If you do not notice them in time, then you can peel the skin on the corns from the horizontal bar. What to do in this case? Firstly, stop training immediately. Continued exercise can lead to infection of the area, and after - to serious consequences.

Corns from horizontal bars

It is necessary to treat the wound with an antiseptic and seal with a bactericidal patch. Upon arrival, you should thoroughly wash your hands with antibacterial soap and use hydrogen peroxide. These simple measures will help to avoid the process of pus formation and help to heal the wound faster.

Folk methods

Aloe juice how to get

You can speed up the healing process of corns from horizontal bars and skin restoration using several folk methods:

  1. Aloe juice has excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is necessary to squeeze out the juice, and wrap the remaining slurry in gauze, attach to the corns and fix with a band-aid.
  2. Raw potato gruel is applied according to the same principle as aloe. This is a well-known tool that accelerates the healing process of any wounds.
  3. Pharmaceutical propolis helps to quickly soften and remove keratinized skin areas. It must be applied with a thin layer and wrapped with a bandage. In the morning, keratinized pieces are easily removed with a clean nail plate or items that can scrape off the skin.

The use of basic and folk methods of treating corns from the horizontal bar will help to get rid of them quickly and absolutely painlessly.

Precautionary measures

In order for the skin not to coarsen during physical or other exertion, growths do not appear, it is necessary to observe some recommendations:

  • strict adherence to the technique of performing exercises;
  • selection of larger rungs;
  • the use of protective gloves for sports, which are sold in all sports stores and are absolutely inexpensive;
  • before each approach to the horizontal bar, the mandatory use of sports magnesia;
  • applying nourishing cream to your hands after each workout.
Protecting your hands from calluses

These fairly simple recommendations really help reduce the risk of corns on the arms from the horizontal bar.


Representatives of some professions and athletes are especially prone to the appearance of corns, which cause discomfort and spoil the appearance of the palms. Timely and proper treatment guarantees rapid healing of the skin, and also reduces the risk of corns. In order for this problem to worry as little as possible, you need to follow the simple tips presented in the article.

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