Baby puree "Gardens of Pridonya": reviews, types, assortment and manufacturer

A healthy lifestyle has become a fashionable trend today, but if an adult is able to independently control his diet, then children are completely dependent on the preferences of their parents. How to provide your baby with the required share of vitamins and macronutrients? Contact established baby food manufacturers. For example, stock up on mashed potatoes “Gardens of the Don region”. Reviews about the products of this brand allow us to be sure that the child will grow active, satisfied and happy.

mashed potato gardens reviews

From the history

In the Pridon floodplain, apple orchards appeared in the 19th century, and in 1949 a nursery was organized there. There were a great many fruits, but the market was limping, so it was decided to build an industrial complex for processing fruits into natural apple juice. And in 1997, the “Pridonya Gardens” plant began operations, which specialized in processing apples and producing juices. On the territory of the nursery and plant grow apple, cherry and plum trees. A total area of ​​8,000 ha allows planting not only 66 summer, autumn and winter varieties of apples, but also enough vegetable crops. Further, the fruits go to the production of baby food. Accordingly, the range is expanding. Mashed potatoes “Gardens of Pridonya” receives positive reviews for their natural composition, affordable prices and rich taste.

Brand Portfolio

Today, “Pridonya Gardens” is a leading enterprise in Russia for the cultivation and processing of fruits and vegetables. The portfolio of brands includes such brands as "Golden Russia", "Gardens of Pridonya", "Diaper", "My" and "Juicy World". Every year, the product range is replenished with new products that are very popular in our country. Recently, vegetable novelties have entered the market - a multi-vegetable mix with beets from the Sady Pridonya brand and an exotic carrot from the Golden Rus brand. In the recipe for these products, vegetables and fruits of our own production were used.

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Responsible for quality

The company is actively developing, and now the “Pridonya Gardens” grows raw materials on farms in the Volgograd, Saratov, Penza regions. The process does not use chemical additives, as the main goal of the company is to obtain healthy and tasty baby food. The diet of the kids should be varied, and therefore you can not do only with the available varieties of fruits and vegetables. Therefore, mashed potatoes "Gardens of the Don region" are popular. “Apple” receives reviews as the most delicious and natural version of mashed potatoes, but on the whole the whole line meets the needs of the kids in vitamins and minerals. The company tried to establish an ideal technological chain for its purpose, including agricultural production, processing and sale of finished products. For their products, manufacturers have chosen the motto - "Quality first hand."

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What do they offer?

So, how rich is the assortment of Pridonya Gardens puree? Customer reviews agree that mashed potatoes are the best kind of company products. For small consumers a line of juices and mashed fruits and vegetables in various packaging formats is offered. The most popular and therefore popular format is 0.2 L, which has been produced in the innovative Tetra Pak Slim Leaf packaging form since 2015. This type of packaging has side edges that make it convenient to hold the box in your hand. This is especially important if you recall that the main consumers of mashed potatoes are small children. For all years, only the fact that the products are based on green varieties of natural apples remains unchanged. The basis of the production of mashed potatoes is the technology of cold wiping, which allows you to maintain the taste and benefit of all the ingredients.

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Let's go through the line

So, what is the assortment of Pridonya Gardens puree? Customer reviews are favorable in relation to the brand in no small measure due to the breadth of the presented line. If you choose products in a tetra bag, then the first thing is to highlight the “Apple” puree for 0.125 liters. Children can use mashed potatoes already from 4 months. As part of natural apple puree without added sugar. By the way, products are in demand among the adult population of the country. The fact is that natural apple puree is a good substitute for butter in low-calorie pastries. The taste only gets richer and brighter.

Already from 5 months you can eat babies apple-apricot puree. The volume is the same, 0.125 liters. In addition to apple, there are apricot puree, as well as sugar and water.

No sugar in the composition of the apple-peach puree with a similar volume and lower age level. The taste of the product is tender.

Next is the apple-pear-plum puree. All three claimed products are in the composition in the form of mashed potatoes. They are connected by water, and there is no sugar.

You cannot eat fruit alone and you can dilute the diet with vegetables a little with apple-pumpkin puree. Pumpkin puree is very harmoniously combined with apple, and sugar is not needed here, because ripe pumpkin itself is very sweet.

After the pumpkin, you can teach your baby to carrots with mashed apple-carrot. There is also no sugar in the product, but the sweetness did not decrease from this.

Some exotic sourness is in the "Apple-cherry" puree. It can be eaten for six months, and as part of natural apples and cherries plus water.

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Behind the glass

We have listed the main varieties of mashed potatoes in tetra packets, but there is still a form of release in which the Pridonya Gardens children's puree is sold. Consumer reviews diverge, as some believe that products in glass are stored longer, have a more pleasant taste. Let's go through the assortment presented in stores. So, "Gardens of the Bottom". Baby puree "Zucchini" customer reviews put in the first place to taste. Only zucchini is present in the composition. No sugar. The volume of 0.120 liters. The taste is delicate, but quite specific for an adult, as there are no spices. But there are not parents, but kids! And those, in turn, are happy to eat products with zucchini.

Mashed "Cauliflower" is characterized by the same neutral taste. It contains only cabbage. The product is very juicy, so a little liquid.

Several varieties of products are repeated analogues in tetra bags. This puree is “Apple” for 0.120 liters, “Carrot”, “Pumpkin”, “Apple-peach”, “Apple-pear-plum” and “Apple-apricot”. But there are original tastes in the glass, for example, puree "Apple-blackcurrant". It contains grated apples and blackcurrant juice. And in the apple-cherry puree there is cherry juice.

bottoms gardens baby puree squash reviews

What do the experts say?

But how do baby food experts rate products? In particular, the Pridonya Gardens puree is receiving reviews as one of the most affordable brands on the Russian market. According to the test results, the puree contains a lot of vitamin C and iron. In some instances, the presence of sugar spoils the picture, as the taste becomes oversized and unnatural. In general, the composition pleasantly surprised experts, since the amount of vitamin C almost completely corresponds to the daily norm of a six-month-old baby. Iron in the composition is four times less than in the whole apple, but this is enough for a quarter of the daily norm of the child.

There are no toxins and pesticides in the product, and the nitrate level is much lower than normal. But sucrose is present, which is undesirable for baby food. In terms of packaging, the product received only favorable assessments, since the contents in tetra-packs do not spoil for a long time.

They argue about tastes?

In assessing the consistency and taste, the opinions of experts diverged. Many mothers negatively praised the Pridonya Gardens vegetable puree. Reviews of the cauliflower product were neutral, as the taste was "empty." Also, the mothers expressed their rejection of the apple-apricot puree, which was called too sweet and starchy. The consistency of these products was rated as too liquid, which is inconvenient when feeding from a spoon or through a drinker. Controversial opinions are caused by mashed potatoes "Gardens of the Don region" "Zucchini". Reviews diverge due to the fact that many also consider it to be excessively liquid, and therefore not saturating.

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