How to count the menstrual cycle: recommendations and methods

Every girl will sooner or later become a girl. She will begin the stage of puberty. It is characterized by the appearance of some new processes familiar to adults. For example, monthly. And almost every teenager thinks how to count the menstrual cycle. Especially if the girl is already having sex, which is not uncommon in the modern world. Even adult women think for us in a monthly cycle. For example, trying to use the calendar method of protection or planning to become mothers soon. Below we will study all the useful and relevant information about menstruation. In reality, everything is not as difficult as it seems. In any case, for the female half of society.

How to calculate your period

What it is

How to count the menstrual cycle? First, find out what is at stake.

As already mentioned, during puberty, girls face monthly bleeding. This is the period when large amounts of blood are released from the vagina. This process, as a rule, occurs with a certain frequency - once a month. Therefore, it is called "menstruation."

From a biological point of view, menstruation is the beginning of the maturation of a new egg for fertilization and the death of an old female cell that did not encounter conception. As soon as a girl first meets with critical days, we can assume that she is able to get pregnant. The way it is.

Cycle types

To learn how to count the menstrual cycle, you need to understand that the studied period for each girl lasts differently. But doctors distinguish several types of monthly cycles.


  • normal (medium);
  • are short;
  • elongated;
  • fickle.

Next, we will consider all possible scenarios. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. And the definition of the critical cycle with the right approach will not be difficult.

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First day

From what day is the menstrual cycle correct?

In general, the monthly cycle refers to the time between two extreme periods. And therefore, not every girl knows how to correctly calculate this period.

The menstrual cycle must be counted from the first day of the next critical days. This is sometimes problematic. For example, if critical days used to come immediately, and now, before severe bleeding, smears begin.

In this case, it is recommended to note when spotting spotting has occurred. And from this moment count the cycle. It is also advisable to remember when the critical days became ordinary, plentiful. All this will help not to be mistaken with the calculations.

Average duration

Now a few words about how long the studied period of time will last. This information will help answer how to count the menstrual cycle.

Let's start with the most common option. We are talking about the average duration of the interval between menstruation. Ideally, it is 28-30 days. But it can last up to 35 days.

This means that the next critical days will come in 28-35 days. The countdown begins from the first day of menstruation.

Signs of critical days

Important: in order to correctly guess the next monthly period, it is recommended to use a calendar. You just need to clean the average cycle time from the first day of the current "critical". Circle the received date - this is the estimated beginning of new periods.

Short period

But, as already mentioned, women can have different lengths of the study period, which must be taken into account if you want to learn how to correctly count the menstrual cycle. We have already familiarized ourselves with the basics of this operation. What's next?

Now consider a shortened menstrual cycle. This is the interval between the beginning of critical days with a difference of 21 days. Sometimes a little longer or less.

Accordingly, critical days may come several times a month with a short menstrual cycle. Such a situation is either considered normal (as an individual characteristic of the body) or indicates serious health problems.

Important: a short period of time between menstruation should not cause panic. Especially in the formation of a cycle or provided that a woman has always had a short cycle.

Long wait

From what day to count the menstrual cycle? Since the beginning of the next monthly bleeding. Or after the girl noticed spotting spotting. Only in this way will it be possible to cope with the task without problems.

In some cases, girls face a long monthly cycle. This is also normal. Under such circumstances, menstruation can come every 1.5-2 months.

Critical Days Calendar

Typically, the length is the difference between critical days of 35 days or more. The approximate onset of new bleeding can be calculated according to the previously proposed principle.

Important: delayed periods or a long menstrual cycle are also normal. Especially on an ongoing basis. If the cycle began to lengthen sharply and for no reason, it is worth going to the gynecologist and taking a series of tests.

Inconstancy in the body

How to count the days of the menstrual cycle? In this period, you need to include not only the time after bleeding, but also the periods themselves. This is the only way to cope with the task and understand when the new "women's days" will come.

In some cases, women have an unstable menstrual cycle. This condition is characterized by cycle jumps. It either lengthens or shortens. Normally, such a state can not be called. The girl will have to consult a specialist and adjust the cycle. For example, using special hormone pills.

Important: an intermittent cycle is a normal occurrence after abortion, childbirth, miscarriage, a frozen pregnancy, during lactation, in adolescence, and after treatment for infertility and other gynecological diseases.

Methods for determining menstruation

How to count the menstrual cycle in this case: you only have to analyze the situation and calculate the average duration of the difference between the critical days. This is the only way to calculate the date of new critical days in an unstable cycle.

Basal temperature will help with the problem.

You can use to calculate the menstrual cycle, and the calculation calendar, which is often called the basal temperature graph. Or girls use information about the average duration of the difference between menstruation and the usual calendar.

Let us dwell on measuring basal temperature. By this indicator, you can determine the approach of critical days, pregnancy, ovulation and the presence of pathologies and inflammatory processes in the body.

Conditionally, the cycle is divided into 3 parts:

  • follicular stage;
  • ovulation time;
  • luteal phase.

The beginning of the study period (menstruation) is also marked on the corresponding chart.

The thing is that during menstruation, the girl has a sharp drop in BT - to 36-36.5 degrees. The follicular phase is characterized by a normal temperature, which gradually rises. At this time, the indicators will be at around 36.5-36.7 degrees.

About the menstrual cycle

During ovulation, an increase in BT to 37-37.5 degrees Celsius is observed. Sometimes, a sharp drop in temperature is noted on the BT chart a day before a favorable day of conception. After ovulation, the indicators remain in the range of 36.8-37.2 degrees. And during the next menstruation, a sharp drop in BT is observed.

It is this option that can be used to calculate the cycle. It is enough every day in the morning, without getting out of bed, to measure BT, write down the data in a notebook and put them on the corresponding schedule.

Important: in order to be able to judge the cycle and its phases, it is recommended to keep a BT schedule of at least 3 full periods between critical days.

Dangerous and safe days

Some would like to know how to count the menstrual cycle in order to have unprotected sex and not get pregnant. This is not the best solution, but it is quite common.

To determine safe days for intercourse without protection, it is necessary to determine the duration of the cycle. Then divide the resulting figure by 2. Subtract 7 days from the last indicator, then add 3 days to it.

Time a week before the middle of the cycle and after 3 days from ovulation is a safe period. During the appropriate days, you can get pregnant, but with a tiny fraction of the probability.

In general, ovulation must be determined to calculate safe days. It often falls in the middle of a critical cycle. According to the schedule, BT also easily determine the "X-day".

Modern women can "catch" ovulation using home rapid tests. The latter are generally able to eliminate the need to consider the menstrual cycle for conception.


We figured out how to count the days of the menstrual cycle. Each girl can solve the task. Especially if you follow the suggested tips. And under the supervision of doctors, the problem will be completely solved in two ways.

Monthly and BT calendar

It is worth remembering that in ordinary life, anovulation can occur 2 times a year. Then menstruation will come in 2 full cycles. Or standard delays are not excluded. Usually, the arrival of menstruation is considered normal for or one week before the expected menstruation. Such a deviation as a β€œone-time share” should not be scary.

That's all the information on the topic "How to count the menstrual cycle." The BT table (see photo above) clearly demonstrates that this is not so difficult. Well, we’ve already talked about how to conduct it.

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