Homemade lip scrub: recipes

Since ancient times, women have tried to be beautiful and in every possible way to preserve beauty and youth. Poems and songs were dedicated to beautiful ladies, the best artists depicted them on their canvases, and brave knights held fights for the hand and heart of charming girls. Since then, a lot of time has passed, but the interest of women in the secrets of beauty has only increased.

Beautiful lips are the foundation of a beautiful face

Beautiful female lips

The secrets of beauty and good looks were always exciting, and therefore it is not surprising that scientists tried to reveal them. According to many surveys, tests and studies, it is lips that can change a face beyond recognition for better or worse.

From ancient times, special attention was paid to the lips. They were compared with delicate rose petals, sung in every way, and to get a kiss of a beautiful young lady was considered a real miracle. Ideal lips, according to researchers and according to folk art, should be plump, bloodshot, healthy pink or scarlet.

However, not all women have been endowed with such luxury by nature, therefore folk, cosmetic and medical methods of enlargement and care come to the aid in order to preserve and enhance the beauty of the lips.

Pros of folk methods

lip treatments

Very often, expensive procedures by cosmetologists or luxury cosmetics are inaccessible to women, and sometimes there is simply no need for such manipulations. In these cases, folk recipes are very welcome.

In order to get rid of black dots and prevent their appearance along the contour of the lips, you need to carry out basic procedures for care and restoration in both winter and summer, and also to strengthen and improve blood flow, it is enough to use scrubs.

A homemade lip scrub is not only an excellent skin care product, but also an excellent nutrition with additional beneficial elements and vitamins that are found in the products from which various products are made.

In addition, a house scrub is a variety and low cost. Indeed, as raw materials are used products that are almost always at hand.

Contraindications and Precautions

Lip care

Despite all the simplicity, cheapness and affordability of making homemade lip scrub, you need to be careful. After all, when dealing with natural products, we always run the risk of encountering an allergy.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the products from which the product will be made. You should not be allergic to them. If this is your first time using the product, first try applying it to delicate skin in an inconspicuous place. Usually, this is where the skin behind the ear becomes. We apply the product, leave it for a few minutes, rinse and wait a few hours. If the skin has not shown a reaction, then we can safely apply a scrub to the lips.

The next point is acne, redness, wounds and cracks. They should not be on the lips. The fact is that the particles of the products that make up the scrub can get into an open wound and cause inflammation, and hard coarse grains can cause mechanical damage. Scrub should be used only if the skin is healthy.

Scrubbing Goals

Making a lip scrub at home is quite simple. However, it is worth remembering that the recipes of such funds can pursue different goals. Once a week, the scrub can be used to prevent blackheads, remove excess rough skin and exfoliating tissues. In this case, you need to choose raw materials with soft and small grains. Such a scrub should be used at night.

Another problem that many girls and women face is making lips full. In this case, the scrub should improve blood flow. It can be more rigid, contain a small amount of warming products, and it should be applied with massage movements, without leaving the lip contour.

Scrub Manufacturing Principles

Whatever specific recipe you choose, you always need to use the basic principles for the manufacture of the product. How to make a lip scrub at home? Everything is very simple.

A natural product with hard particles is always taken as a scrubbing base. It can be coffee, sugar or honey. If there is no such product or it does not give the desired effect, you can chop a suitable product, such as walnuts, hazelnuts, dried fruits or eggshells.

In order for the scrub to be moist and easy to apply, you can mix the base with a regular moisturizer, yogurt or fruit puree. The final stage is vitamins. You can add the juice of fruits, plants, pharmacy products.

By combining various products correctly, by this principle you can create your ideal lip scrub recipes at home. The most important thing is to monitor the reaction of the skin and try to do without fanaticism.

Preparing for a cleansing procedure

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to remove makeup well with the help of special cosmetics. In addition, it will not be superfluous to steam the skin a little. To do this, you can spend some time in the bath, hot tub or locally heat the skin only on and around the lips.

Take a cotton pad and moisten it with hot water, and then apply to the lips for a couple of minutes. We repeat the manipulation again as soon as the cotton compress cools down a little. The water should be hot, but only as much as you can comfortably tolerate its temperature.

Do not be zealous and leave burns on your face. After such preparation, you can proceed to the procedure using a previously prepared scrub. It should be applied immediately until the skin has cooled, and the pores have not narrowed.

Homemade Lip Scrub with Honey

Lip scrub

Honey is one of the most common products for making scrub. Firstly, it is rich in useful substances that are absorbed during lip massage, and secondly, this is the product that many people always have in the kitchen, and especially during the cold season.

Honey is a ready-made scrub to which you can add nothing. Once every 2-3 days, you can rub honey into the lips with gentle massage movements. Of course, only a candied product is suitable for such a procedure.

Whitening Honey Scrub

The following lip scrub recipe at home with honey is suitable for those whose lips are covered with age spots after contact with the sun. Such a tan very spoils the appearance.

In this case, the recipe for homemade lip scrub will be as follows: one teaspoon of candied honey, a few drops of lemon juice, one capsule of vitamin A. Vitamin A can be purchased at the pharmacy. In addition to lip scrub, it is useful for many other cosmetic procedures.

It remains only to mix all the products and rub them on the lips with light movements for several minutes. After that, you can leave the scrub on your lips for about five minutes, then rinse with warm water. As you can see, the preparation of such a honey lip scrub at home will not cause difficulties. When using this product, it is worth remembering that honey and citruses often cause an allergic reaction.

Sugar lip scrub at home

If honey was not at home - this is not a reason to be upset. Sugar scrub is a great option to massage your lips and improve blood flow. In addition, it is just a pleasant and sweet procedure.

It is worth remembering that sugar dissolves quickly and therefore such a homemade lip scrub should contain a minimum of moisture.

Apply your moisturizer to your lips. This may be the easiest baby cream. Then evenly spread sugar on your lips and start rubbing. This procedure can be carried out 3-4 times a week, and your lips will always have a healthy fresh look.

Scrub for flaky skin

Lip scrub

As soon as the weather outside the window changes, it immediately reflects on our skin. Very often, the skin of the lips begins to peel off from the wind or temperature changes. An exfoliating lip scrub at home, prepared on the basis of natural coffee, will come to the rescue.

After you make yourself a cup of aromatic coffee, do not rush to throw away coffee grounds. Take a teaspoon of already worked coffee, squeeze through a paper towel, add aloe juice for nutrition and can be applied to the lips. Fine coffee particles exfoliate perfectly, and aloe juice nourishes the skin and gives it freshness and a healthy pink tint. After the procedure, just wash off the scrub with warm water.

Puffy lips

plump lips

For those women who did not become owners of puffy lips, there are scrubs for lip augmentation at home, the action of which is aimed at improving blood flow. However, one should not expect miracles from such a procedure.

So, for the manufacture of such a scrub, you can take a little moisturizer, add a pinch of hot pepper. The most important thing is to be careful with the proportions. Pepper should bake a little, but not hurt the lips. In the resulting mixture, add a small amount of chopped peeled walnut. You can take a warming ointment as a basis, but in this case you should not add pepper, the effect of the ointment will be enough.

The most important thing when using such scrubs is not to overdo it. In order to calculate the proportions that are right for you, you can apply a scrub on the hand or on the skin behind the ear to check the skin reaction. There should not be painful sensations. The first time to use such a tool is better at bedtime.

Nourishing Lip Scrub

Consider a few more recipes, but for lip nutrition. Such procedures can be performed both before bedtime and during the day. The purpose of such scrubbing is to remove rough, exfoliating skin, as well as nourishing tissues with useful elements and vitamins. This is ideal for those who want the sponges to be young and beautiful for many years.

So, the first recipe. Take a few drops of olive oil, grapefruit juice and honey. Mix all the ingredients and begin to gently massage the lips with the resulting mixture. You can leave the product on the lips until completely dry, and then rinse with warm water. Make sure that honey does not cause allergies.

For the next scrub, we need one teaspoon of apple puree, one vitamin A capsule and half a teaspoon of fine salt. It is important that there are no cracks on the skin of the lips, otherwise the salt can cause pain.

The following lip scrub recipe will require the use of ground oatmeal, coconut oil and heavy cream. We mix all this so that a thick slurry is obtained, and apply to the lips. The remains of such a product can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days. It is important that all products are natural, especially coconut oil. Indeed, otherwise it may not give a nutritional effect.

There is another effective lip scrub recipe. To make it, we need one teaspoon of yogurt, natural ground coffee, chamomile essential oil, a few drops of glycerin. Such a scrub must first be applied to the lips and allowed to dry out a little, and then rub it over the lips with massage movements. You need to massage for three to five minutes, and then wash off the rest of the product with water.

How to end the procedure?

Lip balm

After the lips are scrubbed, it is imperative to wash off all product residues. It is better to wash your face with clean and warm water. Especially important is the temperature if the scrub was aimed at increasing the volume of the lips. A sharp temperature drop can reduce the effect of the increase to nothing.

After the lips have been cleaned, they can be additionally moisturized with cream. It can be a special cream or patches, or it can be a simple remedy for facial skin.

After this, you need to wait for the cream to dry, remove the excess. Do not go out into the sun or frost immediately after a cleansing procedure. The fact is that the delicate skin of the lips, which has just been cleaned of the upper layer, is especially sensitive to a natural aggressive environment. All such procedures are best done before bedtime, so that the skin has time to recover.


In the modern world there are many ways to preserve and prolong beauty and youth, it is important not to neglect them and begin to care for skin, hair and nails from a young age.

Lips, as practice shows, is what men most often pay attention to and what women often envy. That is why you should not neglect the care of them. Moreover, there are many popular, affordable and inexpensive recipes for scrubs and other means.

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