An effective remedy for acne on the face for teens: list, composition and reviews

What is acne? One can only say unequivocally that this is a problem, and so obvious and obvious that more than one generation of people is looking for a panacea for it. How to cope with these annoying marks and is there a quality facial acne remedy for teens? Yes, acne is a solvable problem, but only with certain knowledge and patience. You can even rank the most effective acne control products.

acne facial treatment for teens

Why acne?

Regardless of age, people suffer from acne. Of course, to a large extent, the problem has an aesthetic character, but it also indicates a violation of human health. Acne on the forehead speaks of overeating and selfless love for fat and fried. Acne in intimate places can be a signal of sexually transmitted diseases, and acne on the face and in the decollete area can simply remind you of personal hygiene. Acne is ugly and uncomfortable, as they hurt and even fester. Who would like to chat with a person who is bleeding pus? Alas, most teenagers are going through a terrible period of active work of the sebaceous glands, when acne blooms with a magnificent bouquet throughout the body. Therefore, advertised for acne on the face for adolescents mainly. They are the target audience of such drugs, but this is not a guarantee that acne will not appear on the face of an adult or even an elderly person.

a remedy for teenage acne on the face

Someone like?

Owners of oily and combination skin more often than others notice new acne, as well as acne and acne, which you need to get rid of wisely if you do not want to get scars. Conventionally, it is possible to divide all drugs for treatment into groups based on the nature of the action. The main criterion in this case will be just the condition of the skin. Pharmacy products allow you to deliver targeted strikes on a problem, as they have a verified annotation. It is strongly not recommended to get rid of acne manually, especially when it comes to acne on the face. So you can bring bacteria into an open wound and provoke an infection.

effective remedy for teenage acne on the face

Classification of funds

The first group should include a remedy for teenage acne on the face of a point effect. Such drugs can be used with the appearance of 5-6 pimples and act exclusively on the pimple without affecting healthy tissue. Gels with a convenient dispenser are most often used. Of the pharmacy products, Baziron and Dalacin gels or Zinerit are popular. There are natural analogues - tea tree essential oil, alcohol tinctures of calendula and propolis, birch tar. The effectiveness of pharmacy drugs is achieved through benzoyl peroxide and zinc in the composition. To the same group, you can classify funds on a vaseline basis. For example, salicylic, sulfuric and zinc ointment. They must be used exclusively pointwise, since petrolatum clogs blood vessels and can lead to inflammation of the follicles. This is a very effective remedy for teenage acne on the face and trophic ulcers.

folk remedies for teenage acne on the face

For washing

If the problem of acne is just personal hygiene, then getting rid of unpleasant “sores” will be easiest. On a shelf in the bathroom must always settle bottles with means for washing and cleaning. In the usual washing with soap, we rarely rinse the face thoroughly and therefore leave the soap in the pores and can thereby provoke inflammation on the skin. But more often than not, we even forget about soap and rinse our hands with running water, believing that we have cleaned our skin in such a way. Is that reasonable? And how can one get rid of dirt in this way? You need to wash your face not only after make-up removal, but every morning and evening. If the skin is oily, then you need to wash your face before applying makeup. Any remedy for acne on the face for adolescents acts locally and with serious health problems, metabolism and other pathologies, it can not help. But all washing gels have azelaic acid, antibiotics and a retinoid. External signs of a problem with regular use of the drug go away in a month or two, but you need to remember that gels have contraindications, since they most often have an alcohol solution in their composition.

acne facial treatment for teens

No harm

It is worth mentioning about folk remedies for teenage acne on the face. They are not bad at all, but very effective and soft. These are all kinds of infusions and lotions on herbs. In particular, such as aloe, calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort and nettle. For an obvious result, you need to use such lotions daily. The lotion is almost completely harmless and can be used to care for delicate skin with excess fat and blackheads. Lotion has a drying effect, and, given that acne in adolescents often fester, this is a very valuable quality.

teen acne remedy reviews


Some people believe that alcohol is the best remedy for acne on the face for adolescents, since in small doses it is found in all pharmacy counterparts. Yes, alcohol can help, but you need to use it carefully so that the skin does not begin to peel off. You can also touch the pimple with lemon juice, egg white, grapefruit juice or even clay at home with caution. You can add the selected product to the gel for washing to get the best effect.

Approach the topic from a different perspective

To find a unique remedy for acne on the face for adolescents, you need to review the problem from all sides. Acne speaks of internal malfunctions in the body, and you do not need to leave these signs unattended. Take a closer look at your power system. Do you consume enough vitamins and minerals? Reduce the amount of coffee in your diet or give it up altogether. Minimize carbonated drinks and sweets. More natural juices, fruits and vegetables. Fat-free kefir, bran and sprouted grains are always useful to almost everyone. Once a week or more often you can use tar soap or shampoo, yeast masks for washing. For general cleansing of the body, you need to arrange fasting days on vegetables and clean water. Weight loss is not as important as cleansing the skin and the disappearance of acne.

remedy for teenage acne on the face pharmacy

After business

A logical question arises: what are the consequences of a remedy for teenage acne on the face? A pharmacy does not always provide complete information about a drug without an appropriate request. In other words, the pharmacist will not tell you what scars can remain after acne, if the patient himself does not ask. Of course, once at a time it is not necessary, and traces on the skin can remain only with improper treatment. But is it possible to get rid of scars? I must say that the choice of means for scar removal depends on how pronounced the defect is. Small scars are well removed with hydroquinone. But deep dark scars will help whiten and eliminate creams Brightener, SkinBright Skin Brightener and the like.

Especially deep scars can be removed only by a doctor by the surgical method. But peels, whitening creams and fruit masks will improve the appearance. You can use petroleum jelly or garlic gruel from a home medicine cabinet. A good result gives a mask of oatmeal and egg white. A very pungent smell, but an effective result is a mask of potato juice with onions and honey. If possible, wipe the face with berry juice and an ice cube. Cucumber-pumpkin paste evens complexion.

People say

So, if you choose the best remedy for teenage acne on the face, reviews can do a good job. It is quite possible to decide on them. For many years, people have been praising the cheapest salicylic ointment with its pronounced effect against acne. And bacteria best removes streptocid ointment. It is easiest to remove acne using an almost popular method - a mixture of olive oil and aspirin. For general skin health, a retinoic ointment, which is characterized by a high content of vitamin A , is useful. Among pharmacies, Baziron, which contains fatty acids and lipids, has proven itself. Convenient to use "Zenerit." At the initial stage, it quickly solves the Skinoren problem. The drug "Roaccutane" radically solves the problem, but it has dangerous side properties, up to the deformity of the fetus. People are afraid to use it. The drug "Curiosin" gives a noticeable result in three weeks of use. Its cost ranges from 400 to 500 rubles. There is positive fame about such widely known drugs as Klerasil, but people say that this is more for prevention. The drug "Differin" is chosen by young people who value the result, rather than the accompanying sensations. In fact, the product dries the skin very much, but removes acne instantly. Therefore, it is a great choice for people with oily skin. “Chlorhexidine” with a very long shelf life is good for washing. It can be used instead of tonic for washing. Well, it is worth noting the ointment "Levomekol", which is especially effective for purulent-inflammatory dermatological diseases. By the way, it is allowed during pregnancy.

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