Washing soda with thrush: benefits and harms

Washing soda with thrush is used by many women. This method has been used for a rather long period of time and is considered quite effective. Is it really effective? Let's try to figure it out.


washing soda with thrush

Thrush today is one of the most famous ailments that affects many of our fair sex. It is impossible not to notice: white curdled discharge and severe itching will force a woman to take urgent measures to get rid of her. However, some girls are not always able to correctly diagnose this disease in themselves, and are drawn with a trip to the doctor. You can determine the thrush on your own, but only at the moment when it already reaches a peak in its development. How not to miss the time? Pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Burning and itching in the vagina. The patient constantly strives to scratch the sore spot. But this is completely unsafe: at the same time there is a risk of catching any infection.
  • White discharge, similar in texture to cottage cheese. They are easy to spot on a daily panty or underwear.
  • Pain when going to the toilet "a little". This occurs when the thrush struck not only the entrance to the vagina, but also the urethra. Inflamed, it causes pain when urine enters it.
  • Soreness during intercourse. For this reason, doctors recommend abstaining from sex until the end of treatment. By the way, this disease is easily transmitted to men.
  • Unpleasant sour smell. It appears due to the fact that the microflora in the vagina is broken. Its oxidation is the cause of this smell. True, only the woman herself feels it. People near you are unlikely to smell it.
  • Increased pain after taking a warm bath or going to the solarium. In a warm environment, these bacteria multiply much faster.

The principle of soda

We have all known this white powder since childhood. Will washing with soda help with thrush? To answer this question, we will understand how it works.

Soda is very good at neutralizing acids. The fungus, due to which thrush appears, causes strong oxidation of the vaginal microflora. In this case, not only the mucous membrane is affected, but also the deeper skin layers. Over time, this disease extends to the external genitalia. Soda, diluted in water, affects candida. These fungi do not survive in such an alkaline environment and die quickly. However, you should not rely on this powder only: it is usually used in complex treatment with medications prescribed by a doctor.

Ways to treat soda

washing soda with thrush during pregnancy

Washing soda with thrush is far from the only method. There are several ways to use this tool:

  • Baths with soda. One teaspoon of soda is added to one liter of boiled water. In addition, a few drops of iodine are added there. Having insisted for 10 minutes, such a bath is suitable in order to sit in it. Do not forget that the water for the solution must be warm.
  • Tampons. The bandage is twisted and blotted in a solution of soda with water. After, they are inserted for 15-20 minutes into the vagina. You may feel a slight burning sensation, which will pass immediately after you remove the swab.
  • Douching. We will describe this method in more detail later in the article.

Never use soda as a powder. It can even corrode the skin. Powder is used only diluted in water.

Soda from thrush: proportions

washing soda with thrush reviews [

Washing with this product should be carried out only with warm water. It is necessary to dilute soda correctly. If the solution is too concentrated, then this threatens to overdry the mucosa. Also, women prone to allergies are not recommended to add too much powder. Instead of treating candidiasis, you run the risk of getting more irritation. Dilute soda in the proportion of one teaspoon to a glass of warm water. Accordingly, if there is more liquid, then the amount of powder must be increased.

How to properly prepare a solution of soda: washing with thrush

In order to rinse the genitals, take a glass of boiled or distilled water. As mentioned above, you need to add a teaspoon of soda to it and mix thoroughly. The severity of the disease depends on how many times a day you need to wash soda with thrush. The recipe for the solution, as you see, is very simple. This means that it will be easy to do 4-5 times a day. Especially do not forget about washing at night. If you can’t tolerate itching and irritation, use this solution after each trip to the toilet, as usually after urination the burning sensation is much stronger than usual. After this, you need to thoroughly wipe the crotch.

This method helps to remove mucus, thick discharge, dries the entrance to the vagina. Thanks to this method, itching is felt much less.

Each time before washing it is necessary to prepare a fresh solution. No need to breed half a pack of soda in a bucket of water. It is not so difficult to prepare a fresh solution.


washing soda with thrush recipe

Now you know how to wash soda with thrush. How to douch properly? After all, it is considered one of the most famous ways in the fight against thrush.

However, unlike washing, douching is a deeper treatment.

In order to qualitatively carry out this procedure, you will need Esmarch’s mug. Unfortunately, not everyone has it at hand. It can be replaced with a regular syringe. A solution of soda and water is collected in the desired capacity, injected into the vagina by one or two cm and injected. If you feel very dry, you can lubricate the tip of the syringe with Vaseline. Do not enter it too deeply, because a solution of soda can be harmful if it enters the uterus.

You will need no more than 300-400 ml of water. It is necessary to gradually pour such a solution in order to achieve a positive result. Such a procedure should last very briefly: about 10 minutes. Immediately after it, itching is significantly reduced, the symptoms of inflammation are eliminated.

Remember: douching is not for everyone. If in addition to thrush you have sexually transmitted diseases, then with such treatment they can only worsen.

Pregnancy and thrush

washing solution for thrush

Being in a position, many women are faced with this ailment. Even a doctor can recommend washing soda with thrush during pregnancy. However, you should not make such a decision yourself. Most likely, you will be prescribed special medications that are suitable only for girls in position. Douching should be excluded for pregnant women: the deep penetration of soda can cause an ambiguous reaction from your body.

But it is possible to lightly wash soda with thrush during pregnancy. Feedback on this method is very good. Pour such a solution into the bucket and rinse the external genitals. Do not forget that the main source is inside the vagina, so you should use those candles or tampons that the doctor will prescribe. Washing in this case will prevent the spread of infection.

The appearance of thrush in the situation is explained by a decrease in immunity. Therefore, it is worth taking a course of vitamins, as well as immediately inform your doctor about your problem. It is the doctor who will say whether washing with soda for thrush is suitable for you. First of all, you need to remember about the baby, and then about your preferences.


washing soda with thrush during pregnancy reviews

The method of washing with soda has gained great popularity among women. Firstly, it does not require large financial costs. Secondly, it is relatively safe. Girls note that after the procedures performed using the solution, the itching weakened.

The duration of treatment in this way is five to seven days. It's pretty fast, which captivates many.

Washing soda with thrush reviews received very good. The vaginal microflora is quickly restored, cheesy discharge disappears. To avoid relapses, it is necessary to carry out treatment to the end. It is also very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, so as not to aggravate your situation.

According to reviews, the girls who performed the washing procedure correctly get rid of the thrush once and for all. It is better to use this method in conjunction with drug therapy.

Today, there are special medicines, after taking which the thrush ceases to develop. Washing in this case will not allow the disease to progress.

There were cases when women made the wrong solution and dried the mucous membrane. As a result, they had to cure not only candidiasis, but also its attendant consequences.


thrush soda

Washing with soda helped to get rid of thrush more than one woman. This solution is quite safe and effective. It is necessary to remember the necessary proportions and duration of treatment. Only following the rules, you can get rid of thrush forever. Only following the recommendations of a specialist should be washed with soda for thrush, and it is advisable to do this in combination with the main treatment.

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