How a man hides his feelings for a woman: signs and symbols, how to recognize sympathy, advice

As practice shows, a man does not always openly demonstrate his feelings. But the woman is incredibly curious about how the young man treats her. It is not difficult to find out if you know some tricks. Let's try to figure out how a man hides his feelings for a woman, and what motive he has for it.

The five most important reasons

Men, like women, can be very unpredictable. Sometimes their behavior just does not fit in the head. And all because men and women think differently. Representatives of the fair sex believe that they must be sought. But if a man does not take steps towards him, does this mean that the lady is indifferent to him? Of course not. If a man is in love, but hides his feelings, this, apparently, he has his own reasons. The most common include the following:

  • he is married to another
  • not ready for a serious relationship,
  • afraid of rejection
  • doesn't want to look weak.

In fact, all the motives, except one, are quite obvious. It is the latter that causes the representatives of the fair sex a lot of bewilderment. Why weak? Everything is very simple. This love for women is a wonderful and strong feeling that everyone wants to experience. But some men tend to believe that no feeling should take over them. But what if they are overwhelmed by love for a girl? Then, of course, they are trying in every possible way to hide it. In most cases, they do this on purpose.

How a man hides his feelings for a woman

How does a man hide his feelings for a woman? Everything is very simple - he constantly controls himself: his words, actions. But is it possible to hide absolutely all the signs? Of course, this is incredibly difficult, and yet some details help to recognize the sympathy of a man.

In love or not?

If you ask yourself this question many times, it means that you are most likely not sure about the feelings of a man. In order to understand what is really going on in his head, he should be closely watched. And it is necessary to do this exactly when you are nearby. Despite the fact that men are strong and morally stable, they do not always succeed in hiding their sympathy for a girl. And most interestingly, the more he tries not to show, the closer he is to exposure. Despite all the attempts of a man to hide his feelings, signs will surely give him away.

He will definitely try to look better. Most men do not pay too much attention to their appearance until they fall in love. Everything in their life changes immediately. They carefully wipe their shoes before a date, get a couple of new things. Another important nuance is perfume. Both women and men, trying to look stunning, spray too much toilet water on themselves. If your friend does all these steps - most likely, you are not indifferent to him.

Why do guys hide feelings?

For many girls it is completely incomprehensible why men do this. Love is a wonderful feeling, so why not everyone scream about it? Men's logic is arranged in a slightly different way. They do not like to be pressured. On the one hand, every man is a conqueror, and on the other hand, doubts do not allow him to do as his heart commands. A girl cannot hide her emotions the way a man hides his feelings for a woman. And this is also due to the fact that everyone feels sympathy differently. The girl falls in love. She forgets about everything in the world: about friends, study and work. All thoughts are focused on only one.

Men are more calm and practical. The guy liked the girl. To begin with, he will evaluate all its advantages and disadvantages, analyze the prospect of a relationship. At the same time, he can safely work or chat with friends. While he is in thought, the man hides his feelings. How to understand that this is happening? It is only he who thinks that nothing is noticeable. But in fact, you can find out everything based on the following tips.

Eyes - a mirror of the soul

As you know, the look gives out a person in the first place. And so the first thing you should pay attention to is his eyes. Men who hide their feelings usually do not stand the girl’s long look. Try to look him directly in the eye and at the same time mentally ask him: "Do you like me?" You will see the answer yourself. If he is embarrassed and looks away - most likely - yes, but if he keeps his eyes and looks in bewilderment - most likely, he has a different interest in you.

Signs that a man is hiding his feelings

It is also important how a man looks at a lady. If he feels sympathy for her, then when he looks at her, his pupils dilate. Men love with their eyes, and therefore they can look at the object of their lust for a long time. If you happen to notice that a man is constantly watching you from the side - he will certainly like you.

Drastic changes

It is always visible when a man is in love. A strong release of hormones leads to a sharp change in behavior. For example, a well-groomed, very sociable and self-confident handsome man suddenly becomes timid and insecure. And most often, a sharp change occurs precisely at the sight of the object of love. Or vice versa, a quiet, calm and reasonable guy abruptly begins to do unpredictable things and becomes just a tomboy. All this is explained quite simply. When a man sees his beloved, a huge set of chemicals enters the body from the brain: adrenaline, pheromones, dopamine, etc. They radically change a person’s behavior.

Lack of emotion

Many women think that men are less emotional. But this is not so. Regardless of gender and age, almost all people experience a range of different emotions throughout their lives. But it is men who manage to hide them best. This is such a way to show your strength, courage and will. And since many women do not understand why and how a man hides his feelings for a woman, many couples do not reunite. The girl thinks she is indifferent to the guy and therefore does not show herself, and he, in turn, wears his affection for her somewhere deep in his heart.

Given all of the above, we can conclude that if you do not see emotions in a man, this does not mean that they are not. And with feelings it is the same. A man may think that hiding his attitude to a girl is very courageous. In addition, some men need time to think about how to prove themselves, what to say, how not to be refused. And perhaps while you are tormented by the question of why a man hides his feelings for a woman, he is almost ready to act.

How to find out about the feelings of a partner?

For each girl, this question is very important. I want to quickly find out how a man relates to her. It’s best if he’ll just be crazy about a girl. Then she will be able to successfully manipulate him. Of course, the fair sex is very fond of men caring, giving gifts, not giving a pass. What happens in the opposite situation? If a man hides his feelings for a woman with indifference, she literally begins to go crazy. Female pride is healthy infringed. And men know this very well.

This is a great way to win the attention of a girl. As a rule, in this case, men act on the same principle. At the first stages, the partner is very polite, open, he invites for walks, gives flowers. It's nice to talk with him about everything in the world. But he deliberately delays this stage. While the girl can’t wait to be kissed, the guy is telling her funny stories with might and main. From the side it seems that the relationship is just friendly and the girl is already losing all hope, however, in fact, the man is in love, but hides his feelings. Symptoms will be as follows:

  • he constantly tries to cheer her up
  • often close enough
  • practically does not take his eyes off the girl,
  • when an opponent appears, he begins to be very jealous.
Signs of a man's hidden feeling

If all this you are observing your young man - he is definitely not indifferent to you. It remains only to find out why he is slow. And this should be done very carefully.

What if he hides his feelings?

At the initial stage of the relationship, many girls make gross mistakes. They begin to ask the partner about his feelings. The question: “Do you love me?” Sounds so often that it just bothers a man. You should remember one simple rule: a guy will only talk about his feelings when he is ready for it. Excessive perseverance and interrogations will lead to the fact that even the sympathy that already exists will disappear. If you do not know how to understand the hidden feelings of a man, you should not ask him about them. There are other ways to find out the truth.

Non-verbal communication

Have you ever wondered how psychologists so quickly determine when a person is cheating and when he is telling the truth. An experienced specialist in 10-15 minutes with exact confidence will say about the person that others do not see. In fact, it all lies in the fact that every psychologist knows the body language well.

A man hides his feelings for a woman with indifference

In the process of communication, a person uses almost the entire body. The position of the arms, legs, eyes, facial expressions - all this helps him to express his emotions. And most interestingly, sometimes the body “says” absolutely not what we hear from the lips. For example, a person is asked: “Do you trust me? All right?". He nods his head, smiles and replies that he has no reason to doubt. But if at the same time his hands are tightly crossed in front of him - this clearly indicates that the person is in a defensive position. He does not trust the interlocutor and thus protects himself from him.

With the help of body language you can find out what your partner feels for you. Signs of a man’s hidden feelings are easy to notice, if you are more careful.

The most important indicator of emotions

Have you ever noticed how some people, while telling a story, actively gesticulate with their hands? It is this part of the body that so often helps determine what a person is actually thinking.

  • Hands crossed in front of you - a man is protecting himself from you, this is a defensive position.
  • He constantly touches the face - such gestures mean that the person is very sincere towards the interlocutor or, in any case, is trying to show it.
  • Touching a lady is another tricky trick of men. Thus they show that they claim to be a lady. Interestingly, most often they do this by chance.
  • A man who straightens clothes, definitely wants to please his lady. He worries a little that he is not worthy of her, and, nervous, constantly pulls himself.
  • Active gestures indicate that the man is excellent in his interlocutor. He trusts her and is completely open before her.

What can facial expressions tell?

Many women do not know that many emotions and feelings can be identified by their faces. When a person is sincere, his eyes and smile become one. On the contrary, if he lies, they will enter into dissonance. A man may smile broadly, but you will see anger or sadness in your eyes. Such a guy should beware. If a man is crush on a woman and hides feelings, then when communicating with her, his corners of his lips will be slightly raised, and his eyes will shine with joy.

How to understand that a man hides his feelings for a woman

Tips for women

Suppose, using the experience from this article, you find out that your close friend is crazy about you. But only he is still silent about this. His gestures, facial expressions, actions - everything betrays him, but why does a man hide his feelings for a woman, if everything is already known? And the guys are real conspirators. And even if you pin him against the wall with questions, you may not receive the desired answer.

And therefore, this should not be done. Try to switch. Have fun together, chat, joke. Show him what is interesting to you with your partner, but do not speak openly about your feelings and do not demand it from him. He will take the first step when he is fully prepared for this.

In extreme cases, you can try to make your partner jealous. It will be good if another man appears on the horizon who is not indifferent to you. Most often, the fear of losing a loved one conquers the fear of rejection, and the guy takes a step towards. But here you can not go too far. If a man is weak-minded, he may concede you to his rival.

Married men

Of course, at the beginning of a meeting it is quite difficult to determine whether a man likes you or not. He may be secretive and not talkative, but at the same time, a girl to a man can be very pretty. Another thing is a married man. It looks simple enough. After all, the wedding has already passed. Can a married man hide his feelings for a woman in this case? It turns out that it can, and this is a fairly common occurrence. Married women often ask themselves: “Does he love me?” And there is an explanation for this in psychology.

We have already found out the first factor. Men rarely show their emotions and feelings, and this is a fact. In addition, a married man has much more responsibilities. He, like a real man, must make sure that the family has enough money so that his wife can afford to wear beautiful things. And if a couple also has children, there will be many times more responsibilities. A man is immersed in work and at the same time is devoting less time to his family. All his thoughts are busy with that. This is a fairly common situation when a married man hides his feelings for a woman and goes headlong into work.

But there is a flip side to the coin - a man may simply not be interested with his wife, he might have another, and feelings may have faded away long ago. Many women understand this and, naturally, are very worried.

A married man hides his feelings for a woman

Test: love or not

To understand that a man is hiding his feelings, and you really are not indifferent to him, is quite simple. To do this, you only need to analyze the behavior of the spouse. Mark for yourself items that match:

  • constantly angry
  • refuses sex
  • he doesn't like surprises
  • refuses to discuss relationship problems,
  • rarely appears at home (it’s not known where he is and with whom),
  • does not give gifts,
  • offends and offends.
  • constantly criticizes.

If you answered positively to more than 4 statements, most likely, the man does not hide his feelings. It seems like it's time to think seriously, but is that the person next to you? There is a small chance that he may have problems at work, and therefore he behaves in a similar way. But in this case, over time, everything will work out.

If a man hides his feelings for a woman with indifference, but at the same time takes care of his family, brings all the income and calmly discusses the problems that have arisen, then everything is not so bad. A man needs support. As soon as he feels that his wife understands and loves him, he will become more kind and gentle.

Is it possible to make a difference?

Many girls and wives are sorely lacking tenderness and affection. But is it possible to demand from a person that which, for example, he does not know how? Perhaps the manifestation of strong feelings is not in his rules? Many men believe that their direct duty is to provide for the family, and tenderness and mercy are all stupid.

And in fact, as practice shows, words should always be supported by deeds. Many men are able to sing for hours about eternal love, but at the same time it is difficult to wait for some male actions. At the same time, it is very rare when a man not only cares about the family, but also shows enough tenderness and care.

In any case, you can change the situation. And first of all, you need to talk with your soulmate. Psychologists around the world argue that many families collapse precisely because they do not know how to talk. The wife does not understand why a man hides his feelings for a woman and silently resents him. In turn, the husband also does not understand why the beloved behaves this way. Then it is possible that feelings will begin to fade and sooner or later the family will collapse.

Why a man hides his feelings for a woman

To avoid this, you should talk as much as possible with your soulmate, understand it, support it, and only in this case it is possible to get a response.

Summing up, we can say that many men hide their feelings for a woman, and they have a lot of reasons for this. And no matter how it seemed to the woman that all this is stupid and meaningless - the man will still think differently. For this reason, silence of the stronger sex should be perceived as a normal state.It is best to pay attention to what the man’s body says and his actions and actions in relation to you. These factors are a more reliable source of information than words.

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