The article tells about a Russian painter, one of the founders of the Union of Russian Artists, a teacher at the Moscow School of Painting and the Stroganov School of Industrial Art, a traveling artist, a brief analysis of several of his works is given.
Ivanov Sergey Vasilievich
For an average citizen of Russia of the 21st century, the artist Ivanov is primarily the author of the painting “The Appearance of Christ to the People”. Ivanov Andrey Ivanovich (1776-1848) - philosopher and romantic. But there was another artist, Ivanov Sergey Vasilievich, who lived a century later than his namesake. The artist is an original, realist, depicting vivid pictures of his surrounding folk life and historical canvases, a person very interesting. The years of his life 1864-1910
Biographical Information
Ivanov Sergey Vasilyevich has a biography, at first glance, usual for the artist. Born in the suburbs, studied for five years at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. His teachers are I. M. Pryanishnikov and E. S. Sorokin. He studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts for two years. He taught at the Moscow School of Sculpture and Architecture and at the Stroganov School of Industrial Art. He is the author of many paintings, drawings, lithographs, and worked as an illustrator.
But being a caring man, truly loving his people, the artist always managed to be in the thick of popular unrest. He was a participant in the events of the 1905 revolution and managed to convey to us a sense of belonging to everyone who looks at his canvases. Sergei Vasilievich Ivanov traveled a lot in Russia, was in Austria, Italy, France.
Themes of paintings by S. V. Ivanov
The main figure, thinker and bearer of the national idea for Sergei Vasilievich Ivanov was the Russian people. The perception of the artist is inseparable from the brightest events in the life of the people. He examines the troubles and riots, lawlessness and despair not of an individual person, but of a group of people, as is shown on the canvas "They're Going!" kneeling, bogged down in the snow peasants. And the viewer understands that in a few minutes a brutal reprisal will inevitably begin with the peasants who dared to rebel, that their icon cannot protect them, that white snow will turn red from peasant blood. Scary.
No less terribly becomes from the picture "Execution" of 1905. In the vast empty space of the square, it seems, volleys of shots sound. Shooting unarmed, physical reprisals against dissatisfied petitioners cannot leave a normal person indifferent, cause a desire to immediately end this massacre.
A member of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions, Sergei Vasilievich Ivanov, also revealed features of a Russian character in historical paintings. This is the power of the popular movement (Smoota, 1897), beauty and daring in scenes of folk life (The Family, 1907), the harassment and hidden threat in the eyes of the peasant (The Fugitive, 1886), the grotesque pomposity "Sovereign of all Russia", holding on bayonets ("Tsar. 16 century", 1902). The paintings of the artist Sergei Vasilievich Ivanov, like all the paintings of the Wanderers, traveled with their author in Russia, becoming a mirror of real life for ordinary people.
Migrants to Siberia
Not indifferent to the fate of the peasants moving to Siberia, who did not get land in their native land, the chief chronicler of the migrants, Sergei Vasilievich Ivanov, moved after them, wrote their life. The painting "Death of a Migrant" shows the hopelessness and despair of these unfortunates. After all, it was difficult to decide on such a long, many-month journey: first by train beyond the Urals to Tyumen itself, then upstream the Ob on rafts to Barnaul, and from there, on foot to look for unoccupied, no man's land.
According to statistics, 7% of immigrants died. And what was the cost of these people to find free land, cultivate it and grow crops without dying from all the time of hunger and disease! Sergei Vasilievich Ivanov knew firsthand about their hardships and troubles. That’s why the scene in the picture is so terribly real, that’s why the government was forced to start supporting the immigrants, and this is due to the great merit of the artist Sergei Vasilievich Ivanov.
Features of the artist
The severe realistic canvases of the artist can only be compared with the canvases of other Wanderers, which depicts the "mordant mob" in minutes for her fatal and inevitable. One of the features of the paintings by Sergei Vasilievich Ivanov can be considered their witticism. This ability of the artist to find only one moment of the event, which will reveal its origins and indicate its outcome, simply shock the viewer.
Another peculiarity of Ivanov Sergey Vasilyevich’s canvases can rightly be considered the unusual layout and amazing work with the landscape, which, like everyone else, is subordinate to one plan, one idea. The landscape, while that of Ivanov is typical of Russian lands and is depicted at different times of the year, is good for the artist on his own, but he usually makes him understand by default that the event is not an exception, but rather a rule that the Russian people are forced to obey.
Such a unification of the bright events of the life of the people applies to various types and images of the depicted people who live in the paintings. They are recognizable, although a sufficient proportion of the grotesque and caricature of the artist is present in his constant realism, beating over the edge, not alien and satire.
Artist's legacy
The artworks of Sergey Vasilievich Ivanov cannot leave the viewer indifferent. Their plot is so simple and ordinary that even an inexperienced viewer, after thinking a little, understands what’s what. This brings the artist’s creations closer to simple and understandable, but still unsurpassed works of the masters of antiquity and the Renaissance, for example, the statue of Laocoon. However, often the satirical interpretation of images, the social orientation of art makes us recall Saltykov-Shchedrin rather.
It is interesting that the whole "spirit" of the painting "King. 16th century ”, like its flavor, was simply transferred to the historical scenes of the film“ Ivan Vasilyevich Changes the Profession ”. The director managed to revive the canvas or the artist to inspire those working on the film, it's hard to say, but the similarity is striking. The interest in the artist’s work is understandable both from the ideological and artistic points of view.