Many researchers in the field of history study the development of modern Russia during the last decades, but it was Alexander Barsenkov who achieved the most significant successes in this direction. This scientist is the best specialist in the field of modern history of Russia in the world. The professor also made great strides in the field of political science, having published many works on the topic of contemporary international relations. This man devoted his whole life to research in the field of Russian history. Barsenkov A.S. conducts active scientific activity in our time, and until recently he also lectured at Moscow State University, holding the post of professor in this prestigious educational institution.
Key Achievements
Barsenkov Alexander Sergeevich has published more than 24 scientific papers on the topic of the most modern history of Russia in the last few decades, as well as on the development of the country from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day. Now this specialist is one of the country's most respected experts in the field of the formation of the Russian Federation after the collapse of the USSR and Russia's withdrawal from the union. The professor has his own reasoned position about current and recent events with the participation of Russia in the international arena. As a scientist, Barsenkov Alexander Sergeevich Moscow State University gave a significant part of his life. Initially, the future professor enrolled there as a student, after which he worked at the university all his life, earned respect and received a doctorate in science, having risen to the post of professor of the Faculty of History.
The early years and student life
The future famous historian was born on December 26, 1957 in Moscow. From early childhood, he showed interest in history, loved the culture and traditions of Russia. Barsenkov Alexander Sergeyevich, whose biography began during the Khrushchev "thaw", and the young years passed during the Brezhnev era, from an early age he admired the achievements of the Russian people.
Alexander entered the history department of Moscow State University in 1972. The student specialized in the history of the USSR in the Soviet period. Nowadays, the structural unit of the university, where the future professor studied, is called the “Department of Russian History of the 20th - early 21st centuries”. A. Barsenkov graduated in 1979, after which he immediately entered graduate school, where he stayed until 1982.
Work at MSU
Immediately after graduating from graduate school in 1982, Alexander Barsenkov got a job at the University of History, which he graduated only three years ago. Almost immediately after employment, the future professor took up writing a dissertation to obtain the degree of candidate of sciences. This happened in 1983 under the guidance of the historian M.E. Naydenov, who at that time was a professor in the department of modern history. The candidate work was called “The Study of the History of Soviet Society in 1945-1955”. In it, Alexander Barsenkov, historian, professor at Moscow State University in the future, touched on the main aspects of the development of society in the Soviet state from 1945 to 1955. In the candidate's work, the main trends in the development of society in the republics of the USSR in the post-war period under the conditions of the Stalin regime and Soviet ideology were clearly analyzed.
In 2001, he received a doctorate in historical sciences for his work “Gorbachev Reforms and the Fate of the Union State (1985-1991)”. In it, the future professor revealed the main features of Gorbachev's reforms, as well as the reasons for their failure. The reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union were analyzed, as well as the fate of the union state created in return for the USSR, which quickly disintegrated during the "parade of sovereignty." This work received positive feedback from both leading Russian historians and world experts in the field of the history of the USSR and geopolitics of the late twentieth century. A year after the publication of his doctoral dissertation, A. S. Barsenkov received the status of professor at Moscow State University, where he worked until 2013. At Moscow State University, Alexander Sergeyevich Barsenkov, whose photo can be seen on the honor board, made a significant contribution to the development of the educational institution.
The famous historian has developed many courses for students that he personally taught. Now some of them have become mandatory, and lectures are given by Barsenkov’s students. Under the guidance of a professor, three candidate dissertations were defended, and more than 60 theses were prepared. Students with pleasure attended lectures of the professor, considering his approach to teaching activity modern, and the content of classes - informative. Many Russian and foreign historians sought to listen to this specialist. Now Barsenkov Alexander Sergeyevich, whose lectures are quite fascinating, is considered one of the leading experts in the field of modern Russian history, thanks to a detailed analysis of recent historical and political events.
Modern activity
In 2013, the professor retired, leaving teaching in the past. Nevertheless, he continues to conduct research activities, actively commenting on current political events and development trends in Russia.
Internship in Belgium
In 1994, the historian visited the Belgian city of Bruges for an internship at the European College under the Tempus program established by the European Union. The professor studied the main problems of the integration of European Union countries into a single political and economic space in the period after the end of the Cold War.
As part of this program, the scientist managed to delve deeply into modern geopolitical processes, which was the impetus for writing new works, and also pushed the professor to research in the field of modern geopolitics.
Famous works
Alexander Sergeevich Barsenkov, professor at Moscow State University, is the author of many well-known scientific works. It is worth highlighting the article “Exiles in their country”, in which the scientist was one of the first in Russia to raise the issue of political prisoners in the Stalin period. The historian is the author of the famous monograph “Russian people in national politics of the XX century.”, Which describes the main trends in the formation of the Russian political nation during the existence and collapse of the USSR. The scientist is a co-author of the notorious book “History of Russia. 1917-2009 ”, which was repeatedly criticized by the government of the Russian Federation. The manual was published in 2005. It was this work that made the historian famous in Russia and abroad.
Interesting facts from life
Barsenkov Alexander Sergeevich became the hero of a number of stories of humorous themes. His colleague in the Faculty of History, V.V. Maltsev, combined his scientific activity with the writing of humorous stories. Barsenkov A.S. became the protagonist of several creative works of his colleague, which were subsequently published.
Criticism of the book “History of Russia. 1917-2004 "
In 2010, 5 years after the official publication of the book “History of Russia. 1917-2004 ”, the work of the historian, which he published in collaboration with A. Vdovin, was sharply criticized by some public figures. Around the book there was a loud scandalous situation that went far beyond the scope of scientific disputes. A professor at Moscow State University was publicly accused of nationalism and xenophobia, and the public chamber of the Federation held an extraordinary meeting, during which the book was officially recognized as extremist.
Nevertheless, many politicians and experts in the field of history considered criticism in the direction of the textbook unreasonable. For several months, MSU specialists conducted a thorough examination of the book materials, within which they decided that it could not be used in the educational process. On the other hand, the commission stated that scientists could not be subjected to any harassment for their views.
A. S. Barsenkov made a huge contribution to the study of the modern history of our state, becoming one of the leading experts in this direction.