When to go in for sports after childbirth and how to start

Very often, expectant mothers are concerned about the question of when you can play sports after childbirth. Of course, there are lucky ones who immediately after the appearance of the baby again become thin and fit. However, most women fall into a different category. Volumes are reduced, but the tummy remains hanging, hips or arms are full, or the weight gain is such that you can look at old clothes only with tears. Reasonable food, of course, will slightly correct the situation, but you can’t do without drastic measures.

when you can do sports after childbirth

Now that there is a baby in the family, the mother does not immediately think about the problem of when you can start playing sports after childbirth. First, you just want to sleep soundly. But soon other desires appear, and now you need to revise your daily routine. All the time is distributed as required by the child, and mother remains all her personal affairs, including training, to shove in those short hours when the child is sleeping.

Conventional sports, in the usual and everyday sense, will be gone. You can forget about the gym and jogging, unless, of course, the nanny or grandmother is watching the baby. But usually the child is still in his mother’s hands, so now he will have to change his active lifestyle and sports activities just to please him. A figure, as a rule, requires measures. Alas, nature itself created women in such a way that during pregnancy, the fat necessary for feeding the baby in the postpartum period is deposited on the hips and shoulders . After mom stops breastfeeding, she can lose weight significantly. But this does not always happen and not with everyone. So you can’t do without classes anyway.

when you can start sports after childbirth

So, when can I do sports after childbirth? Usually it depends on the condition of the woman and how these births went. If all is well, then light exercises, mainly breathing, can be done already on the third day after childbirth, listening, of course, to your body and well-being. Gradually, you can accustom yourself to the usual complexes, but you need to do this gradually, smoothly and carefully. Active training is allowed to begin three months after the birth, if there is no prohibition of the doctor. And when you can do sports after childbirth? After about the same time. Naturally, at first it will be difficult, but gradually the body will become as obedient and strong.

how long after cesarean can I go in for sports

If the birth was complicated, it is best to first consult with your doctor-gynecologist before deciding when you can do sports after giving birth at your own peril and risk. Otherwise, you can cause yourself quite serious injuries. Well, and how long after cesarean can you play sports? Not earlier than in a month they begin to do breathing exercises, lungs and without unnecessary load: simply inflating and drawing in the stomach, stretching easily, pushing up from the wall. All exercises should be aimed at relaxation, calming and balance. Again, the load gradually increases, but it is very reasonable and dosed. If the doctor does not mind, then after six months you can begin active training.

So the question of when you can go in for sports after childbirth has a very simple answer: depending on the type of childbirth and the well-being of the woman in labor (it is better after consulting a doctor) you can train either almost immediately, or only after a month.

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