Starting from the 15th century, the naked body entered the painting. The first to be depicted was the Italian genius of the early Renaissance, Tomaso Masaccio. Later, Michelangelo worked brilliantly in this area, but his nudes are perceived philosophically. What is erotic painting, and how does it differ from pornography? In this article, we naturally focus mainly on eroticism.
Erotic and pornography
The line between these areas is quite thin and arbitrary. Erotic painting carries a charge of poetic revelation. She throws a thin veil onto the image, this phenomenon is socially acceptable, while pornography is very rude and openly approaches this topic, prompting a person to base desires and relishing physiological details. Erotica is intended for people with a higher spiritual organization than pornography. She hides the sexual act itself behind artistry and a flair of decency. In it, a naked body is considered as an aesthetic object. So briefly you can identify the differences.
Painting of classics in the style of eroticism
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres painted many paintings in the genre of erotic painting. His neoclassical works are characterized by strict academicism, some dryness and restraint. He has both nude multi-figure compositions and portrait images of men, young women and girls. The work "Odalisque" was written in 1814.
The back to the viewer is a naked beautiful young woman. She looks back over his shoulder. The style of this work is considered romantic eroticism. The painting was commissioned by Napoleon's sister, Queen Carolina Murat of Naples. The artist was inspired by the beautiful Venus of Giorgione and Titian. The work is exhibited in the Louvre.
Russian artists
Our artists did not often work in the style of erotic painting in its purest form. You can recall K. Bryullov, who has a lot of half-naked figures in the work “The Last Day of Pompeii”, V. Serov “Portrait of Ida Rubinstein”, many works by K. Somov, paintings by Z. E. Serebryakova.
Now our contemporary K. Razumov is actively writing in this genre. His beautiful strangers came to us from Belle Époque. They are clearly not our contemporaries, like this “Mademoiselle in stockings,” who preens and “cleans feathers,” sitting by the mirror.
Modern nude
Modern erotic painting is widespread in all countries and on all continents. Our contemporary artists are developing in different directions of this rather slippery field of art. These are artists from English-speaking countries (Ballantyne Jones, Vaughan Alden Bass, John William Howard, Eric Zener, etc.), France (Frasua Dabo), Poland (Marta Dalig), Ukraine (Angela Jerich), Austria, Russia, Croatia, Spain , Italy, Colombia. Probably enough listings.
Let's remember the artists who belong to this genre with humor. This is a pin-up of Olivia de Berardinis (born 1948) .In addition, she has paintings in an erotic style. She collaborated with Playboy magazine for many years (about 20). Her work was bought with pleasure by collectors and museums.
A classic of this style is Alberto Vargas (1896 - 1982), (Peru, USA), whose women are playful, elegant. This is one of the most remarkable artists of this genre.
We will present in the photo erotic painting, the romantic work of the Spanish artist Vicente Romero Redondo (Vicente Romero Redondo) "Morning Glory". The girl stands with her back to the viewer and looks through the door open to the balcony. The landscape that opens behind him is magnificent. Sunny morning portends a fine day. Imagination suggests that her face is dreamy and beautiful, like her perfect body, which is covered by a translucent cloak. She goes down to the floor, emphasizing all the curves of the seductive figure.
Japan and the naked body
Katsushika Hokusai ( 1760-1849) - the great Japanese artist ukiyo-e, illustrator, engraver of the Edo period. In its many landscapes, marinas, there is always an element of mystery. Variability, the "floating world" he also reflected in his shunga - erotic prints. His engraving “Dream of a Fisherman’s Wife” is very frank.
Erotic painting of Japan appeared a very long time ago. Engravings of the shung were illustrated by palace and monastery gossip about love joys. Later, artists turned to the topic of prostitution, but we will demonstrate the Meiji period.
Engraving depicts dressed lovers. The woman has a traditional Japanese hairstyle, and the man is trimmed in a western style. Shinto did not deny physical attraction, he put it almost on a par with the spiritual. At least, between them, according to the monks, there was a natural connection. As the artists showed, passion captured lovers so that they were not disturbed by clothes.
From the works presented in the text, we see that none of the painters and engravers considered erotica to be something low and shameful. A true artist will not defile nakedness with vulgar vulgarity, but will convey his high and pure admiration for the perfect human body.