Simple Chocolate Muffin: Cooking Recipes

Chocolate is recognized as a mood enhancer. It contains hormones of happiness. And this is easy to see if you pass by a pastry shop where they bake chocolate. And if you combine this product with a light, gentle, airy cupcake test, your happiness will have no limits.

But you don’t have to run to the pastry shop to enjoy muffins and other similar pastries. This yummy can be cooked at home. And without making much effort! In this article you will find a selection of simple recipes for chocolate muffins with photos of finished products.

Chocolate muffins: simple and delicious

General principles of kneading dough and baking

This type of dessert is made either with one pie or in the form of several “cakes”. Therefore, you should first decide on a baking dish. A large number of cupcake dough is poorly baked in the middle. Therefore, if you decide to make one pie, take a special shape. It should be with a hole in the middle. Then the whole cupcake is baked evenly. For small products have their own molds. It is advisable to use silicone. They do not need to be lubricated with oil, and it will be more than easy to get cupcakes from them. For the test, it is best to use butter, at worst a spread, but not margarine.

What makes regular, plain chocolate muffins? In the recipes, it is proposed to add cocoa powder to the list of ingredients. But if you want your cupcakes to turn out to be not just brown, but really chocolate, you need to add a natural component. This, of course, will increase the cost of baking. But the awesome, slightly damp taste is worth it. If you add cocoa powder, then the highest grade, where the beans will be at least 95 percent. It is better not to use soda as a baking powder for cupcake dough. If there is no cookie powder, replace it with corn starch.

The easiest chocolate muffin

In order to be able to experiment in the future, we will master the basic recipe. Let's make a cupcake without any additives, just chocolate. This recipe is also the most budgetary.

  1. Sift into a bowl two and a half cups of flour, mix it with a bag of powder for cookies.
  2. In another bowl, melt 150 grams of butter.
  3. When it becomes completely liquid, add one and a half glasses of sugar and five tablespoons of cocoa powder. Stir until smooth.
  4. Leave a small amount of the resulting glaze to decorate a simple chocolate cake with cocoa.
  5. In the bulk we will mix bulk ingredients in batches.
  6. Add five eggs and a glass of milk.
  7. To make the dough as saturated with oxygen as possible and the cupcakes turned out to be airy, you can do otherwise. Beat eggs, add chocolate mass and milk to the foam, and bulk products - only at the very end of the batch.
  8. If the cake pan is metallic, be sure to grease it with vegetable oil. Pour the dough.
  9. We put in the oven preheated to 180 degrees. If the cake is large, bake it for about half an hour. Small items cook much faster.
  10. In the first 10-15 minutes, it is better not to open the oven. When you turn off the oven, do not rush to pull out the cake pan. Just slightly open the oven door. Let the cupcake cool off gradually. Pour the top of the product with the remaining glaze.
Plain chocolate muffin with cocoa

Bavarian cupcake

Everyone knows that chocolate blends perfectly with sweet and sour cherries. Therefore, our first experiment on a simple stuffed chocolate muffin will be associated with this berry. But juice (and any liquid) is bad for the test. Therefore, carefully dry pitted cherries on paper towels.

  1. Sift 200 grams of flour and a bag of baking powder into a wide bowl.
  2. Pour another glass of sugar and a pinch of salt.
  3. In another bowl, beat four eggs.
  4. When they turn into a shiny and resistant foam, without turning off the mixer, add a hundred grams of melted butter and a glass of milk.
  5. Gradually introduce bulk products into this mass. Stir until the smallest lumps disappear.
  6. Add a glass of cherries to the dough.
  7. Immediately pour into the prepared form and put in a preheated oven.
  8. Cook at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Cool, sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Cookies Cupcake

Who doesn't like american cookies cookies? They are so tender with chocolate droplets. By their type we will make our cupcake. If there are no special “droplets”, it doesn’t matter - we will use a regular bar of chocolate without fillers (preferably black, not milk).

  1. Sift two cups of flour, stir it with four large spoons of cocoa, 100 grams of sugar and a pinch of salt.
  2. Add 150 milliliters of milk.
  3. Stir until the lumps disappear.
  4. Now pour in 150 grams of melted butter.
  5. Beat four eggs separately.
  6. Add this foam to the dough for a simple chocolate cake.
  7. Stir diligently, but not for long, so that the base does not fall.
  8. Breaking a bar of chocolate into small pieces. We crumble into the dough.
  9. Mix again so that the pieces are evenly distributed, and pour into prepared molds.
  10. We put in a 180 degrees preheated oven. Bake for about 20 minutes.
Chocolate muffins: simple recipes with photos

Simple muffins

American chefs invented muffins, the middle of which remains slightly moist, tender, although the sides of the product are perfectly baked. Muffins also differ from classic muffins in that the filler is often not stirred in the dough, but placed inside as a filling. The American recipe allows products to not stale for a long time. Making muffins is extremely simple. A recipe for homemade chocolate muffins with a moist center in front of you.

  1. We melt 180 grams of the spread, mix it with four tablespoons of cocoa.
  2. Add half a glass of sugar and milk.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil and cool.
  4. We beat in three eggs and beat with a mixer.
  5. Add two glasses of flour and half a teaspoon of baking powder.
  6. Stir to make the dough smooth, without lumps.
  7. We lay it out on the molds.
  8. Bake at 180 degrees for about half an hour.

Chocolate Muffins

We have already mastered a simple recipe for chocolate muffins with cocoa . It's time to learn how to make real American muffins.

  1. Break 200 grams of black (at least 70 percent cocoa beans) chocolate into a bowl.
  2. We cut into small pieces 100 g butter.
  3. We put a bowl in a water or steam bath. Melt the mixture, stirring.
  4. In a separate container, beat two eggs and three more yolks together with 50 grams of sugar into a steaming foam.
  5. Pour melted chocolate into a thin stream. Whip again.
  6. Add just 60 grams of flour and a pinch of salt. The dough should remain liquid.
  7. We fill the cupcake molds halfway. Muffins in the oven should rise.
  8. We put the molds in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Oven, depending on the size of the products, from 7 minutes to a quarter of an hour.
  9. Cool completely. We take out the muffins from the molds and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Muffins - Chocolate Muffins

A simple recipe for stuffed chocolate muffins

Culinary products “with a surprise” are always unusual and original. We will make cocoa dough, but in the filling we will have real liquid chocolate and slices of bananas. It will turn out both effectively and tasty.

  1. In a bowl, mix 200 grams of soft butter and icing sugar. First, we knead everything until smooth, and then we also beat the mass with a mixer so that it becomes lush and white.
  2. Sift 150 grams of flour and a bag of baking powder. Stir.
  3. Add 50 grams of cocoa powder. Stir again until smooth and lumpy.
  4. Paste two eggs into the dough, fill in an incomplete glass (160-170 milliliters) of milk.
  5. Beat the mass with a mixer. The dough should turn out to be smooth, tender texture.
  6. We fill the cupcake molds by one third.
  7. In the middle we put pieces of chocolate bar and bananas.
  8. Pour the dough so that the form is filled in three quarters.
  9. We bake products with a filling for half an hour at 160 degrees.
Chocolate Filled Cupcakes

Cupcake without eggs and dairy products

Fasting or veganism is not a reason to refuse tasty pastries. On ordinary water, muffins are no worse than those whose dough is kneaded in butter, milk and eggs. In addition, such baking is hypoallergenic, less caloric and suitable for those people whose body does not perceive lactose. Let's make simple and delicious chocolate muffins for vegetarians. In a large bowl, mix the bulk products first:

  • one and a half glasses of flour
  • three tablespoons with a slide of cocoa powder,
  • a glass of granulated sugar
  • a bag of vanillin
  • a teaspoon of baking soda
  • a pinch of salt.

We form this mass with a slide or, rather, with a volcano, since we make two indentations in the apex — larger and smaller.

  1. Pour five tablespoons of vegetable oil into a large “crater”.
  2. And in a small depression we drip vinegar. It needs quite a bit - a teaspoon. Vinegar quenches soda and stimulates the release of gluten from the flour - a binder that binds the dough.
  3. Mix. Pour a glass of warm water.
  4. Knead the dough. Instead of water, you can take the same amount of coffee - it will turn out even tastier.
  5. Lubricate the cake pan with vegetable oil, fill it with dough.
  6. Bake in a well-heated oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Cupcake for those who do not tolerate lactose

Turn on the oven at 220 degrees. Mix four tablespoons of cocoa powder and 150 grams of sugar in an iron bowl. Pour a glass of water and half the amount of vegetable oil. Put the bowl on medium heat, almost bring to a boil. Beat five eggs in a separate bowl. Add chilled chocolate mass to the resistant foam. In a third bowl, mix the dry ingredients:

  • two glasses of flour
  • 2 tablespoons of corn starch,
  • same amount of milk powder
  • a pinch of salt.

Connect the two masses. Knead smooth dough without lumps. We take care of the fillers. It can be dried fruits (large, such as prunes or dried apricots, you need to cut into slices), nuts, grated lemon peel or rum essence. Stir the dough with the filler. Fill them with a greased form with vegetable oil. Bake a simple chocolate muffin in the oven for 10 minutes. Then we reduce the temperature from 220 degrees to 160 degrees. Bake another 20 minutes.

Chocolate muffin in the oven - a simple recipe

Gluten Free Cupcake

If we are talking about baking for allergy sufferers, consider this recipe. Gluten is found in ordinary wheat flour. Therefore, we will replace this product with oatmeal. A gluten-free plain chocolate muffin is made in just five minutes. No need to whip the ingredients, just mix them - and that’s it.

  1. So, first we combine four tablespoons of granulated sugar and cocoa powder.
  2. Add 400 grams of sour cream, mix.
  3. Drive one egg.
  4. Add one and a half cups of oatmeal and half a teaspoon of cookie powder.
  5. Stir well and let stand a little. After some time, you will see that the mass has become viscous due to flakes swollen in a humid environment.
  6. We shift the dough into oiled tins. Bake for about 45 minutes at 180 degrees.

In the microwave

With a microwave, you can make a simple chocolate muffin in five minutes!

  1. Sift 70 grams of flour into a bowl, along with a pinch of salt and a baking powder for the dough.
  2. Drive the egg into the bulk ingredients, add 30 g of vegetable oil and 40 milliliters of milk. Stir.
  3. Pour in cocoa powder (15 g) and granulated sugar (60 g). Stir again. The resulting dough is distributed in two cups. We put them in the microwave at full power (1400 watts) for two minutes. Pour the prepared muffins with liquid honey, maple syrup or some sweet sauce.
Microwave Chocolate Muffins

Christmas cupcake

  1. In the evening, rinse 400 g of raisins, steam with boiling water, decant, pour cognac and leave, covering tightly with cling film.
  2. In the morning, beat three eggs with 150 grams of cane sugar.
  3. Soften butter (150 g). Add to the eggs and drive again.
  4. Right above a bowl with this mass, sift 200 g flour, 50 g cocoa powder, two teaspoons of baking powder for dough.
  5. Add Christmas spices to your liking. This can be cinnamon, grated nutmeg, ginger, cardamom, or all at once in small doses.
  6. Add another 150 grams of chopped nuts and raisins, along with brandy.
  7. We stir the dough, fill it with the prepared form.
  8. Bake a Christmas chocolate muffin in the oven prescribes a simple recipe at a temperature of 170 degrees for about an hour. So that the top of the product does not burn, it is covered with foil.
  9. The finished cupcake is soaked in sweet tangerine sauce and decorated with chocolate icing.

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