Antiperspirant "Odaban": reviews of doctors, features and composition

Each person at least once in his life has been faced with excessive sweating. In some people, this is due to stressful situations, while others suffer from wet armpits only in the hot season. But there is another category of men and women who constantly feel embarrassed by sweating that cannot be masked by deodorants or loose clothing. Doctors called this problem "hyperhidrosis." It is divided into several stages and treatment options are selected depending on them. Unfortunately, most of the ways to get rid of excessive sweating are radical and expensive, so they are not available to the public. But not so long ago, a product appeared on the shelves of Russian pharmacies that promises to help cope with hyperhidrosis in a simple and easy way. This remedy was the antiperspirant "Odaban", reviews of which began to be periodically found on the Internet. In fairness, we note that they range from enthusiastic to overtly dissatisfied, which does not allow ordinary people and potential buyers to get their own idea about the product. We will try to describe Odaban in detail, and the reviews of consumers and doctors will be an addition to the official information provided by the manufacturer.

increased sweating

Why is a special sweat treatment necessary?

It is interesting that among the opponents of this product there are quite a few who simply do not understand why they need to purchase such an unusual antiperspirant that can be used only according to the instructions for use. Reviews of "Odaban" claim that with the slightest violation, the remedy can cause an allergy or simply stop acting. If you also doubt the advisability of using such an antiperspirant, then we undertake to convince you.

Sweat glands are present in every person, so we cannot help but sweat. Indeed, due to the removal of fluid from the body, it cools and the mechanism of heat regulation, which is inherent in us from nature, functions properly. In a healthy person, sweat is odorless and is released in insignificant amounts depending on the ambient temperature. However, almost all of us have certain microorganisms and bacteria on our skin that, in contact with the secretion of sweat glands, cause an unpleasant odor. Ordinary deodorants with aromas for every taste help people cope with this problem. They mask an unpleasant odor, but in no way affect the bacteria and the intensity of perspiration. Antiperspirants, unlike deodorants, temporarily close the ducts of the glands, which prevents the secretion of fluid. It begins to appear in other areas of the skin in order to still cool the body. Many doctors consider such a cosmetology product to be rather harmful, but nevertheless the majority of the world's population prefers it.

If you are a healthy person, then the funds listed are enough for you not to hide your wet armpits. But some people suffer from hyperhidrosis all year round, which is noticeably worse in the hot season. Many sweat stands out so much that it literally flows on the elbows. Naturally, talking about normal life with such problems is not necessary. If increased sweating is the result of a disease, then this is called secondary hyperhidrosis and it is not necessary to treat it, but the cause of the increased secretion of glands. There are not so many such people in the world, because most of them suffer from primary hyperhidrosis. It occurs spontaneously and may occur from time to time or accompany a person constantly. This is very unpleasant, especially since it is impossible to get rid of the problem with any ordinary products of cosmetic departments (judging by the reviews). Odaban is designed to solve just such problems. With prolonged use, according to a certain scheme, you can completely get rid of profuse sweating and forget about the problem forever. If we consider that Botox and surgical intervention are alternative treatment methods, then it becomes clear that the consumer is interested in the Odaban deodorant, and the doctors’ reviews only heat it up.

line of funds "Odaban"

Brief description of antiperspirant

When viewing reviews on Odaban, the conclusion is that this product has been produced for quite some time. The manufacturer claims that it was first launched on the market in the seventies of the last century. It was then that he instantly gained popularity and became the number one remedy in the fight against hyperhidrosis.

Since the problem of increased sweating is relevant not only for the armpits, but also for the palms and feet, Bracey Overseas, which produces the product, developed it in three versions. Today, consumers can freely purchase the following types of hyperhidrosis drugs:

  • Spray "Odaban" (reviews claim that it lasts a long time). It is a small bottle with a convenient spray. This allows you to accurately consume the contents of the package and prevent excess spraying, which can cause irritation or an allergic reaction.
  • Lotion. It is used for palms and is designed to combat the mild and moderate stages of hyperhidrosis.
  • Powder. It is used for shoes and feet. It is also considered a powerful tool that suppresses the problem of moderate severity.

Each listed product has its own characteristics, but we are only interested in the "Odaban" product placed in spray bottles. Reviews of doctors about him are positive in their total mass. Experts say that of the large number of such products, this particular antiperspirant is the most safe, despite the aluminum contained in its composition.

Many consumers who have been fighting hyperhidrosis for many years are interested in what is better - Odaban or Dry Drive. Reviews of doctors should definitely persuade you in favor of the first remedy. Experts give him preference because of the special application scheme, which eliminates any possibility of absorption of the deodorant components in the blood.

The pluses of this tool include the ability to use it for many months. Depending on the application patterns, which are often described in reviews of Odaban, one bottle lasts for six months, or even a couple of years.

Composition of the product

In the reviews of doctors, "Odaban" gives good recommendations. They are provided to the product by its composition, allowing consumers to use the product without harm to their own health. The main active component of deodorant is twenty percent aluminum chloride. This substance has a wide spectrum of action, providing the desired effect of dryness for several days.

First of all, aluminum chloride prevents the growth of bacteria in places where the product is applied. This way you can get rid of bad smell for a long period of time. In parallel, the active component of the antiperspirant fuses with skin proteins. In the process, the pores are clogged and excess fluid begins to surface more evenly in other places. A significant percentage of the fluid is processed by the kidneys and then leaves the body naturally.

Auxiliary components of the product form its basis. It consists of alcohol and silicone, if you trust reviews about deodorant. Odaban uses ethanol, which has two functions: cooling the skin and neutralizing bacteria. Silicone oil protects the application area from irritation and overdrying. We can say that the base is designed to better distribute the active component over the surface and prevent the development of dermatitis.

hyperhidrosis disease

Obvious advantages of "Odaban"

This information can only be obtained from real customer reviews. “Odaban” or “Dry drive” is chosen by the majority of consumers suffering from hyperhidrosis. However, an analysis of the percentage of consumer demand allows us to find out that Odaban is most often acquired.

How did he gain such popularity? This question is easy to answer. Doctors believe this tool is a real alternative to the surgical solution to the problem. Moreover, it is very convenient to use, as it is valid for several days.

The aroma of the product is suitable for both men and women. It is close to neutral, since the deodorant does not contain perfumed fragrances. From the instructions and reviews about "Odaban" you can find out that with each subsequent application it prolongs its effect. That is, with prolonged use, a person needs to apply the product less and less, and his effect lasts longer.

Opponents of Odaban operate on the fact that its active component is quite aggressive for the human body. But deodorant manufacturers have provided this point, so the application scheme completely eliminates the penetration of components into the blood.

Antiperspirant is very economical, it lasts for a longer period of time than all other similar means. Many write that the deodorant is universal, since it can be used in any area on the human body.

A big plus is the fact that even children under the age of sixteen are free to use Odaban. This significantly expands the circle of consumers, including adolescents, who usually feel awkward from increased secretion of their glands.

active sweat glands

Cons Deodorant

Any product has both positive and negative sides. Therefore, "Odaban" has a number of minuses. For many consumers, it turns out to be an unpleasant surprise that the effect of the applied product can also manifest itself in a few days after the first use. Some people notice it only after a month.

For sensitive skin, an antiperspirant is definitely not suitable. For her, he will be overly aggressive and cause irritation up to the development of an allergic reaction.

Not every consumer is comfortable applying the product at night. Please note that in the daytime it should not be used. After all, it acts only when sweating is reduced due to the lack of physical activity of a person.

Doctors also do not hide that with prolonged use of aluminum-based compounds, the pores are so tightly clogged that it is possible to start the inflammatory process in the body. Some sources indicate that this can even lead to the development of cancer, although official studies on this topic have not been carried out, therefore these statements relate to private change.

Price reviews immediately reveal the main minus of this product. It may not be accessible to consumers of all social strata. In reviews, the price of "Odaban" is characterized as high. On average, a deodorant costs six hundred to seven hundred rubles. Despite its efficiency, not everyone can spend such an amount on an antiperspirant at a time.

A little bit about side effects

Among the large number of comments, there are no comments describing the side effects of the product. The manufacturer, doctors and consumers unanimously declare that, following the instructions and dosage, it is difficult to experience any unpleasant sensations. If desired, a burning sensation can be attributed to them if the deodorant is sprayed onto the skin after depilation or shaving.

Specialists advise women in the position to use Odaban only after consulting with an obstetrician-gynecologist. Although manufacturers do not provide any restrictions for consumers in this category.

use of special tools

How to apply "Odaban"?

No more than two sprays are necessary at a time, so before use it is necessary to check the purity of the dispenser. In reviews, it is often written that it becomes clogged after almost every use.

Spray the product only on clean and thoroughly wiped skin from water. After taking a shower, it should take about half an hour. If you took a bath, then wait an hour and only then use "Odaban".

In the morning, the remnants of the product are washed off with warm water and soap. If desired, you can use the usual antiperspirant in the daytime. At first, you will have to use Odaban every day. After three days, sweating usually returns to normal, and your armpit skin remains dry even on the hottest midday. To maintain the effect, spray the deodorant once every seven days.

Do not forget that antiperspirant should be stored in a dark place, protected from direct sunlight.

We talk about the dangers of antiperspirant

Despite the fact that the manufacturer claims the safety of his product, many ask questions on this topic. Doctors have only one opinion on this matter - when they absorb aluminum salts into the blood, they can harm the body. However, the components of "Odaban" do not penetrate into the bloodstream, therefore, are absolutely harmless to use.

how to solve the problem of hyperhidrosis

At what stage of hyperhidrosis is Odaban effective?

In the reviews, there are phrases that the antiperspirant was ineffective even after three months of use. Unfortunately, this is possible. In order to avoid such disappointment, please note that Odaban is suitable only for the middle stage of hyperhidrosis. Depending on the individual characteristics of a person, the remedy may be useless in the fight even with a similar degree of disease. But the product neutralizes mild hyperhidrosis in any case.

use of deodorant

Reviews about the tool

Most of the reviews about Odaban are positive, and in them buyers sometimes share the most effective schemes for its use. For example, a very good result, judging by the comments, gives the use of a deodorant as follows:

  • the first month the deodorant is sprayed twice a week;
  • the second month it is used once a week;
  • two more months "Odaban" is applied once every fourteen days;
  • then, if necessary, once a month.

In the future, the tool can be used only four times a year. With this approach, your problem will be cured, and your armpits will be dry anytime, anywhere.

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