Which outboard motor is better: types, classification, manufacturers, technical specifications, features of operation and care, owner reviews

Going to the pond, many fishermen take an inflatable boat with them. For her, you need to choose the right motor. Today, many options are on sale. However, the choice must be made in accordance with the parameters of the boat. Before you purchase an engine for your boat, you need to ask the opinion of experts, in particular to find out which outboard engine is better. Operational features, varieties, specifications and owner reviews will be presented below.

Motor type

Which outboard motor is better? This question is asked by the owners of inflatable boats that have recently acquired a boat. A large selection of engines is on sale. However, you need to choose them correctly.

Which outboard motor is better &

It is worth noting that all engines are divided into gasoline and electric. The first option today is purchased more often. This is due to the high power of the unit. However, electric motors have many indisputable advantages. These are relatively small and lightweight motors. They are environmentally friendly, work silently (which is important for fishermen), and are easy to operate and maintain. At the same time, the cost of electric energy will be less than when using gasoline.

The disadvantage of an electric motor is its low power. Maximum this indicator reaches 10 liters. from. In this case, the power reserve depends on the battery capacity. Therefore, such motors are usually purchased for small boats. For these engines, special traction batteries are used. They are not afraid of deep discharge. Such batteries can provide electric current for a long time.

Conventional starter batteries can provide the system with electricity only for a short time. Although these batteries are cheaper, they are not suitable for outboard motors.

What are the best outboard motors? Many fishermen agree that these are gas engines. This is true if the boat is quite large. However, for small swimming equipment quite often acquire such units. Motors can be two or four stroke. The first of these options is more common on sale.

Two-stroke motors have a simple design. They are rapidly gaining momentum. The weight and dimensions of engines in this category are less than those of four-stroke units. Two-stroke engines are easier to maintain. Moreover, their cost is much lower. The disadvantage of such engines is the high consumption of gasoline, often topping up oil. When working, they create a lot of noise and vibration, which can negatively affect the fishing process. The emissions are toxic.

Four-stroke engines have a more complex, advanced design. Their cost is much higher. These are engines with a long service life, which consume less fuel. The course of the boat when using this unit is smooth. Four-stroke generates less noise and vibration. In this indicator they are superior only to electric motors. The exhausts of these engines are cleaner; no constant oil level monitoring is required. However, four-stroke engines have large dimensions and weight. Therefore, they are used for large swimming facilities.

Service Features

The opinions of the owners of the swimming means were divided on the question of which boat engines are better. Two-stroke models differ from four-stroke models not only in their design and operational characteristics. In service, these two types of units are completely different. You need to know about the nuances of this process before buying.

Service features

Two-stroke engines place particular demands on fuel. This is a mixture of gasoline and oil. And you will need to pay great attention to choosing the right materials. In the instructions, the manufacturer must indicate which gasoline and which oil is suitable for the engine. It is also necessary to determine in what proportions they need to be mixed.

Often used for two-stroke engines gasoline 92nd or 95th. The choice depends on the model. Owners of such units are often interested in which oil is best for two-stroke outboard motors. You need to choose compounds that are made specifically for this type of engine. Automotive lubricants are not suitable in this case. Choosing the right proportion is a complex process. It is because of the presence of oil in the fuel mixture that the exhaust from the engine is toxic. Lubrication burns out during engine operation along with gasoline. This leads to relatively quick wear of the machine parts.

However, why do many boat owners choose a 2-stroke rather than a 4-stroke boat engine? Which is better to choose a unit? It depends on the features of the engine. The fact is that the design of the two-stroke is much simpler. Therefore, in the event of a breakdown in a reservoir, it will be much easier to repair. To do this, you need to have a few spare parts (necessarily spare candles) and a simple tool. A four-stroke motor will be much more difficult to fix. In a reservoir, this is almost impossible.

It is also worth considering several more features. The fuel mixture for a two-stroke engine is prepared 1-2 days before being sent to the reservoir. It is poured into the hole provided for this. The motor in which the fuel mixture is located can be transported to the pond in almost any position. Four-stroke motors must be transported in the correct position. Often they are rigidly fixed on the transom of the boat.

The new motor must be run in correctly. This must be done using special technology specified by the manufacturer in the instructions.


Engines may vary in terms of power. Which outboard motor is better? In each case, the choice depends on the characteristics of the swimming means. Power is one of the main technical characteristics of such units.

If the boat is small and light, designed for one person, you need to choose a unit from 2 to 4 liters. from. The maximum length of the swimming means in this case can be up to 2 m. With this motor you can make short trips along the river or lake, which do not have a strong current.

Outboard motor

One of the most versatile options is a 5 liter engine. from. Which outboard motor is best for a 4 m long swimming facility? In this case, it is recommended to opt for this particular type of aggregate. 5 liter engine from. can be installed on a boat that carries 2 people. This type of motor in our country is in high demand. This is the maximum permissible power at which it is not required to obtain rights to control the boat. Also, you do not need to pay taxes and register the vehicle.

There is one more nuance that needs to be taken into account in the process of finding the answer to the question of which outboard motor is better to buy. 9.9 liters from. - This is the maximum power threshold at which a floating vehicle with an outboard motor does not require registration in the GIMS. Therefore, owners of overall boats with a length of about 5 m prefer this particular type of engine. If you purchase a unit with a capacity of 10 liters. with., you will need to put your motor boat on record, pay taxes. However, with an engine of 5 liters or more. from. you will need to obtain the right to control a swimming vehicle.

For an overall iron or inflatable boat up to 7.5 m long, you will need to purchase a motor up to 15 liters. from. Such a unit can be used on a swimming vehicle carrying 3-4 people. A motor with such power provides good speed even in the presence of a strong current.

More powerful engines exist. However, they are used for large boats, sailboats. If the motor power is not selected correctly, the boat will not be able to move correctly. A powerful motor in a light boat can cause boats to tip over. It is not safe. If the power is insufficient, the engine will not be able to provide the correct movement. In this case, the system will be overloaded, will quickly fail.

Other specifications

Which outboard motor is best for your boat? It is necessary to consider a few more technical characteristics of such units. Depending on engine power, one or two cylinders may be present in the structure. The more of them, the more powerful the unit. Moreover, its cost and volume will be more. In engines with a large number of cylinders, the stroke is smoother and quieter. So, an engine with a capacity of 15 liters. from. may have one or two cylinders. It is better to choose the second option.

Outboard motor 5

Single-cylinder engines mainly produce 2-6 liters. from. They work quite noisy. The maximum speed is not more than 10 km / h. The advantage is the low weight and compact dimensions of the unit. If you want to swim in a calm pond - this is ideal.

A two-cylinder engine is more often produced with a capacity of 8 liters. from. Such units are quieter. They are able to provide boat speeds of up to 30 km / h. However, such motors weigh more. Can be used for long distance trips.

Which outboard motor is better? It is worth paying attention when choosing the length of the "leg" (deadwood). This is the part of the motor that connects the top to the screw. The length of the leg should match the size of the transom. If this indicator is insufficient, the speed will decrease significantly.

If the boat is inflatable, you can purchase an engine with a short deadwood (381 mm) - size S. If you need a motor for a boat, purchase an engine with a long leg L (508 mm).

The screw can be made of different materials. Most often, the following options are on sale:

  • Aluminum. The most common screw material. They are distinguished by a lower rotation speed compared to other options. The blades of these motors are thick. Soft aluminum can withstand worse shocks. The material is susceptible to corrosion.
  • Steel. It is considered the most durable type of screws. In this case, stainless steel is used. Thin blades can be made from it. At the same time, they are more resistant to shock and provide high speed. The cost of steel screws is higher than aluminum models.
  • Composite (plastic). It is made of nylon and carbon materials. It is a durable, non-corroding material. Cost is on par with aluminum screws.

Manufacturer's Reviews

Among buyers, disputes over which outboard engine is better do not subside. Yamaha or Honda are the most famous brands. However, not every buyer can afford to buy a similar model. To determine which motor to install on your boat, it is worth considering reviews of the most famous manufacturers.

Two stroke outboard motor

The engines of American and European production are recognized as the highest quality. Asian brands receive at least positive reviews. It should be noted that in our country the products of Chinese and domestic production are in demand. The cost of such models will be less, and the quality is quite acceptable. You need to know which Chinese outboard motor is better. Not every model meets high modern requirements. Domestic manufacturers make fairly high-quality motors. The choice among such models is large.

In addition, it is worth considering reviews about the sales leaders:

  • Honda Interested in which four-stroke outboard engine is better? Pay attention to the products of this brand. Engines are produced that have different technical characteristics. You can choose a motor with a capacity of 2 to 250 liters. from.
  • Yamaha The company produces engines and vehicles. On sale are models of the injector and carburetor type. There is a huge selection of models that are suitable for a variety of boats. Engines can be from 3 to 300 liters. from. During the manufacture of motors, innovative technologies are applied. Injection engines have a straight injection system. This allows you to save fuel.
  • Mercury Marine. The famous American manufacturer. The company produces reliable engines that have a lot of positive characteristics. Motors can be from 7.5 to 300 liters. from.
  • Tohatsu. This brand is owned by Nissan. These are mainly two-stroke models. These are high-quality models that are known for their durability. However, buyers note that the process of proper break-in must be given great attention.
  • Suzuki. The company produces exclusively four-stroke engines.
  • HDX. The best Chinese manufacturer. These are high-quality engines that have a relatively low cost.

Reviews about low power motors

Outboard motor 4

And yet, what kind of feedback can you hear? Which outboard motor is the best ?. There are several groups of engines. In each of them, several popular models stand out. So, among low-power motors, the best are named:

  • Mercury F 2.5.
  • NS Marine 3.5.
  • HDX T 2.6.
  • Patriot BM 120.

Which company has better outboard motors? Buyers agree that Mercury produces quality engines. One of the best low-power models is ME F 2.5. The cost is 46.5 thousand rubles. This is an expensive model, so it is not purchased as often as mid-price engines. This is one of the few four-stroke, which are of the type of low-power.

Marine company manufactures the model NM 3.5, which is in demand in our market. Its cost is 38.9 thousand rubles. The motor has, according to reviews, high build quality. It can be used even in salt water. Noise at work is minimal.

Considering which Chinese outboard engine is better among low-power units, the HDX T 2.6 should be called. The engine has good traction, can be used in shallow water. At the same time, its cost is quite acceptable, is 17.2 rubles. This is a quality product that receives many positive reviews from customers.

The domestic manufacturer offers in this category the Patriot BM 120 model. Its cost is 13.7 thousand rubles. The disadvantage of this motor is the underdeveloped cooling system.

5-liter two-stroke engines from.

Outboard motor for boat

Which is better 5 liter outboard engine from.? Among the push-pull models, judging by the reviews, the most positive comments are received:

  • Toyama TM5NS.
  • Nissan Marine NS.
  • HDX T 5 BMS.
  • Titan Outboards TP5.

Toyama TM5NS is of high build quality. The cost is 32.7 thousand rubles. Build quality is high. Inadequate power reserve marked by users as a negative characteristic.

The Nissan Marine NS is known for its reliability. The cost is 46.5 thousand rubles. This is a universal engine that can be used even for sea water. It has a capacious capacity for the fuel mixture.

Chinese manufacturer HDX introduces the push-pull model T5 BMS. Its price is 44 thousand rubles. It has a long service life. The fuel tank is not large enough.

Model Titan Outboards TP5 costs about 41.8 thousand rubles. This is a pretty high-quality engine that deserves the attention of buyers.

Four-liter engines at 5 liters. from.

Many buyers prefer more quiet and powerful four-stroke. In the category of engines with a capacity of 5 liters. from. Buyers call the following models the best:

  • Mercury ME F 5.
  • Toyama TM5FS.
  • HDX F5.

These are high-performance units that have less toxic emissions. They consume 20% less fuel than two-stroke engines. The cost of these engines is high, but it is fully consistent with the quality of these products.

The American manufacturer Mercury in this category of products presents the ME F 5 model on the market. The price is 66.5 thousand rubles. The engine is designed for different operating conditions. It allows you to easily ride a boat in shallow water. The cooling system at the same time fully copes with the functions assigned to it. The disadvantage is called by buyers rather noisy work. This is due to the upper outlet of the exhaust system.

Toyama demonstrates a high build level. The cost is 44.6 thousand rubles. Fuel consumption is economical. Motor power is enough to easily move a boat that is medium in weight and size. Buyers note that the disadvantage is the small capacity of the fuel tank.

HDX Chinese four-stroke F5 motor can be purchased at a price of 47 thousand rubles. It has economical fuel consumption, high build quality. The disadvantage is also not enough roomy tank for fuel.

Motors up to 10 liters. from.

Outboard motor 9.9

Which is better 9.9 liter outboard engine. from.? This category contains a large selection of models. Buyers called the best engines:

  • Tohatsu M 9.8B.
  • Mercury ME F 9.9.
  • Sea Pro OTH 9.9.

, Tohatsu M 9.8B . 87,9 . . . .

9,9 . from. ? ME F 9.9 Mercury. , . 130 . .

Sea Pro OTH 9.9. 65,2 . . . , 9,9 . ., . , . . . 20 . .

. . . . :

  • «» (4,7 . .).
  • «» (2,6 . .).
  • «» (3,5 . .).

«» . 24,7 . . . .

«» . . 12 . . . , . . .

A Chinese manufacturer makes an inexpensive Hankai motor. The cost of this model is 12.7 thousand rubles. This is a quality and undemanding model. She is able to develop a fairly high speed. Fuel consumption economical. The motor must be started manually. The disadvantage is not enough power.

Having considered the features of boat motors, their main varieties, qualities, as well as reviews, you can choose the best option for your boat.

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