How to wrap a hoop for rhythmic gymnastics: recommendations

Artistic gymnasts are recognized as one of the most beautiful athletes. They appear before the audience for several minutes, but in this short period they show their flexibility, dexterity and grace. Athletes dress up in very beautiful swimsuits, which are created on an individual order. Their clothes are decorated with various accessories.

how to wrap a hoop for rhythmic gymnastics

In addition to attire, during performances are used, including hoops, which must match the image. This accessory can be made not only by a master, since you can do everything yourself. How to wrap a hoop for rhythmic gymnastics? This procedure is simple, you just need to use a few simple tips.

What is important to consider?

Plain and multi-colored hoops are often used in gymnastic exercises. If necessary, girls decorate them with films. For this, acrylic paint and adhesive tape are used. Only such a thing will have to be stored in a case. Polyethylene hoops will last a long time, there is no doubt about it. They almost do not break. But since their weight is large enough, if used improperly, the product may take a different shape. Therefore, the winding not only looks beautiful, but also serves as protection against damage.

how to wrap a hoop for rhythmic gymnastics

How to wrap a hoop for rhythmic gymnastics so that it lasts a long time? For this, a decorative film is used, with which the inventory can be used repeatedly. Then there is gluing with transparent tape. Sometimes this method allows you to make the hoop just so that it will comply with the norms of the FIG World Gymnastics Federation.

It is necessary to store the inventory horizontally, since in a vertical position it is flattened and after some time it becomes unsuitable for training. The product should not be exposed to sunlight, as it is deformed by high temperatures.


Before reading the instructions on how to wrap a hoop for rhythmic gymnastics, you need to prepare the following accessories:

  • Special case.
  • Self-adhesive film.
  • Acrylic paints.
  • Scotch.

Metal hoops should not be purchased ; plastic ones are great for exercise. The price range is quite large - from 100 rubles to several thousand.

First, the athlete should get a ready-made suit, and then the hoop design is chosen for him. Everything should match the image of the girl. Sometimes for the winding multi-colored ribbons are used. Colors in the accessory should be the same as in the outfit.

Winding rules

How to beautifully wrap a hoop for rhythmic gymnastics? For this, high-quality tapes are used. Because of them, the accessory becomes heavier, and therefore will be able to fly higher. The flight of such a product is easier to plan and calculate the fall site. FIG approved weight standards should not be ignored. In some competitions, hoops are weighed. If the equipment does not meet the requirements, the athlete will not perform.

how to wrap a hoop for rhythmic gymnastics photo

You can use different instructions on how to wrap a hoop for rhythmic gymnastics. The photo shows that these products are very bright and perfect for athletes. Tapes are self-adhesive and ordinary. A large assortment of goods is in flower and clothing stores. On sale there are branded ribbons designed to decorate gymnastic hoops. Sometimes they are found in sports shops.

Completing of the work

how beautifully wrap a hoop for rhythmic gymnastics

How to wrap a hoop for rhythmic gymnastics? A simple instruction will help with this:

  • The tip of the tape is attached to the hoop with transparent tape.
  • Wrap the item at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • The strip must be imposed tight.
  • When the procedure is completed, the tape must be fixed.
  • First, you need to finish the inventory with a transparent tape;
  • In order for the tape to lie flat on the tape, without wrinkles, the tape must be tipped off the edge of the tape.

On this, the question of how to wrap a hoop for rhythmic gymnastics has been resolved. Everything is not as complicated as it might seem. It is advisable for athletes to independently carry out the work of decorating the hoop, since this way you can achieve the desired design. If you try to do this several times, you will get wonderful accessories for rhythmic gymnastics.

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