Modern schools can not only provide knowledge, but also tire the child. Moreover, so that he subsequently completely disappears interest in learning. And then to other matters. As a result, grades will decrease. Accordingly, it will not be possible to enter a higher educational institution. What prospects in life can be discussed then? To prevent this, conspiracies to study well will help. With the help of them, children will achieve excellent success, they will be lucky even during the exams. Due to this, it will be possible to reduce fatigue, to restore his interest in life, in each of its manifestations.
The benefits of conspiracies and prayers
What good study plots can I use? The most common are those that increase the child’s interest in acquiring new knowledge. And the quality of teaching in such a situation will not play a special role. With the help of rituals and prayers, you can stimulate him to search for answers to those questions that arise. He will start reading books, searching for materials on the Internet.
In addition, conspiracy to study well will help in improving abstract thinking and creativity. All this will help to reveal talents in the child. In order to cope with carelessness, absent-mindedness, such conspiracies for good study, which involve the use of church candles, are suitable. They are the most simple and effective. What need to do?
Rite performance
It will take 3 hairs of the child and the same number of church candles that have passed the rite of consecration. The plot should be carried out at midnight when the family is sleeping. This is the basic condition for this ritual. If you want the child to study excellently, you need to put the candles on the floor, light them in turn and burn the hair of the child. In this case, it is necessary to pronounce the following words: “The first is knowledge. The second is attention. The third is perseverance. As the fire burns brightly, so the mind of my child flares up. And love wakes up to study. Tomorrow he will wake up a new man! ”
Rites revealing talent
Not only conspiracies, prayer for children in school is also popular. A rite of passage is also often used to help uncover new talents. Such a conspiracy for luck requires the use of holy water. Additional ingredients will also be required. Salt (3 pinches), as much ash, a sharp knife and a glass beaker without edges are needed for the rite. What needs to be done when all the ingredients are collected?
A conspiracy for the good education of a child, for his success must be pronounced at midnight. To do this, you need to sprinkle salt with ash on the table. Take a knife and draw a cross, being careful not to cut the surface. Good luck will be achieved if you can find three large coals and a salt crystal. Throw them in a glass in which you first need to pour holy water. At the same time, you should say the words: “Thoughts are smart and quick, get together in the head of a servant of God (your child’s name), teach him wise things, never leave him and help become a big man! Amen!"
Through prayers you can gain confidence
You can read conspiracies and prayers for good study, which will help to gain confidence and mood. In order for your child to study diligently, in the evening before going to bed, read the words that are dedicated to his holy patron. At night you can read the prayer “Our Father” and St. Tatiana. All this is done in a whisper, being at the child’s bed.
Some conspiracies must be read before important events.
There are specific conspiracies to study well at school. It is required to use them immediately before a significant event. For example, before an exam. Due to this, the child’s luck will increase significantly. You can also tell him about the rituals that students use. And they like to hide textbooks and notebooks under the pillow, coins under the left heels. Often you can hear their screams from the window, accompanied by a waving of the set-offs. Such measures may serve the child well. He will tune in properly and cast aside all doubts.
You can advise him to read a strong conspiracy to study well at school. This must be done at night. With the help of the prayers described above, he will be able to clear his mind of negative emotions, of fear, which creates significant obstacles to his path to excellent marks.
Rite of passage using textbooks
Very conspicuous are those conspiracies for good schooling for the student in which a textbook or an abstract with the materials presented takes part. A child will be able to achieve success if you use not only a similar paper source, but also several hairs from his head. What need to do?
At midnight, two consecrated candles should be placed on the table. Between them it is necessary to place a paper source. It must be opened on the page on which the information necessary for memorization is located. It is worth putting a hair on it. Burn the rest. At the same time, one must pronounce the words “Book is smart! Tell your secrets to the servant of God (your child’s name). A strict teacher! Do not judge too harshly the servant of God (the name of your child), Lord Jesus and the Virgin! Have mercy on your humble slave (your child’s name). Give him knowledge and joy! ”
What must be done to achieve success in sports?
Not only a conspiracy for the good study of a son or daughter may be required. There are also rituals that help in sports achievements. It is recommended to perform them before the competition. And they will help only if the child has talents in this area. What rite will help bring good luck in sports competitions?
The conspiracy is recommended to pronounce on a small icon that depicts the patron saint of a son or daughter. It will need to be sewn into the lining of the clothes in which the child will act. Can be put in the inside pocket. However, in this case, it may fall during the competition. It will be great if the icon lies there for at least a year. To do this, you will need to wash your clothes yourself, as they should not be detected.
Conspiracy text
It is necessary to say the following words: “Quick as a doe, strong as a bear, agile, like a falcon, a zorka, both an owl and (your child’s name) will overcome everyone! Have mercy, Lord, on your servants, help them in good undertakings! Amen! ”When your son or daughter has achieved some success, it should be fixed. Accordingly, the conspiracy should be pronounced every month using the same icon. You should also visit the church, read prayers praising the patron saint of the child. If this is not done, then there can be very different and not quite pleasant consequences from playing sports. For example, injuries or failures, followed by a negative mood.
Mom has the strongest connection with her children
It is necessary to highlight the factor that the closest person should read this conspiracy. The best option is to use such witchcraft by the mother. The strongest bond will be established between her and her child. In such a situation, the result will be achieved almost one hundred percent. But if the father reads the conspiracy, then a positive effect can be achieved by applying great effort and prolonged use of magic. Not to mention the rest of the relatives.
This review examined the most popular conspiracies, prayers, and rituals. They should be resorted to if it is necessary for the child to achieve success in school or in sports. Recommendations should be followed as described above. Otherwise, the results can not wait at all. You should also read the conspiracy on September 1 for good study, so that the son or daughter immediately show their best side, declare their capabilities and talents. You must decide whether to believe these conspiracies or not.