Man is not a robot, which means that he experiences something to everything that happens around him. One upsets him, and the other amuses. Thanks to emotional experiences, our life is filled with meaning, we become able to distinguish good from bad, as well as choose what we really need. These emotional experiences are called emotions and feelings. They are very similar in many respects, however, they have some differences from each other. The main of these differences is that emotions are temporary and feelings are permanent. In other words, one can say that feeling is a stable emotion. Types of emotions and feelings are different. However, it is worth noting immediately that all of them are somehow connected with the individual mental characteristics of a person, as well as with his personality.
Types of emotions in psychology
First of all, it is worth noting that they are:
- positive;
- neutral;
- negative.
Types of emotions are various and numerous. Here are the main ones:
1) Joy. We feel it when something good happens, our dreams come true, the forces invested in any business pay off, or we just get what we wanted for a long time. Joy is something that is so lacking among gray everyday life. It has long been proven by scientists that a person who is constantly rejoicing in something lives longer, and his health is much better than that of people who are constantly discouraged.
No other emotions can nourish a person like joy. Without it, a person withers and loses the will to live.
2) Surprise. It makes our life not so boring and bland. A person who is able to be surprised always experiences a little more joy than other people. This emotion is directly related to expectation, anticipation of something. It appears when the veil of secrecy is lowered, and a person learns what was hidden. It is believed that over time, a person ceases to be surprised. This is bad, but such is our life.
3) Interest. Much that humanity has today would not have been achieved if man had not been able to experience interest. Interest makes people develop, gain new knowledge, and also make grandiose and great discoveries. In fact, interest is an emotional attitude towards something, a desire to get acquainted with it and understand it. The opposite of interest is boredom. The objects of the world that cause a particular person to get bored remain without his attention, that is, unknown to him.
4) Sympathy. It can arise not only to another person, but also to any object, phenomenon and object of the surrounding world. She says that her object caused a certain emotional response in us, and we certainly need to get closer to him.
5) There are negative types of emotions. First of all, anger should be attributed to them. This emotion is very strong and often people get into various unpleasant situations because of it. Anger is a kind of reaction to external stimuli that a person does not like. Such negative types of emotions as suffering, resentment, bitterness and others, as a rule, lurk inside a person, but anger always comes to the surface. Often its cause is that a person has been trying for a long time to hide the feelings listed above. In some cases, anger can be completely uncontrollable.
Other types of emotions and feelings
- confidence;
- love;
- pride;
- Delight;
- tenderness;
- tenderness;
- thanks and others.
- indifference;
- amazement;
- curiosity and others.
- longing;
- envy;
- sadness;
- disgust;
- jealousy;
- indifference;
- fear;
- hostility and others.
You can not become a captive of any emotions and feelings (we are not only talking about negative ones), since this can prevent you from moving correctly along the path of your life.