Almost every woman is familiar with various skin problems. But it is very difficult to choose the right cream to eliminate them. Many prefer herbal remedies. They are less likely to cause allergic reactions and do not have side effects. Such drugs include cream "Clearwin". Reviews of this product mark its pleasant smell, good absorbency and high efficiency. You can use the cream both for skin care and for getting rid of various cosmetic problems. "Clearwin" helps with acne, age spots, stretch marks. Therefore, this cream is very popular.
general characteristics
"Clearwin" refers to Ayurvedic medicine. These are plant-based drugs that have a beneficial effect on the body. Basically, such preparations are made in India from plants growing in ecologically clean areas. Therefore, a completely unique tool is cream "Clearwin". Reviews of it note that with regular use it is effective, helps to make the skin smoother, cleaner and healthier.
Low cost - about 150 rubles per tube - makes it affordable for everyone. A wide range of actions can be used for a variety of problems. It turns out that the cream "Clearwin" is indispensable and should be in every home. This is a universal cream with a strong healing effect, suitable for treating skin lesions and eliminating various cosmetic problems.
What is included in the cream?
Clearwin is based on herbal ingredients. It contains both widely known extracts and those found only in India. But thanks to this composition, the cream is enriched with a large number of vitamins and enzymes that have a healthy effect on the skin. Due to the lack of chemicals, it rarely causes negative side effects. The composition of "Clearwin" includes such plants:
- Aloe vera - moisturizes, nourishes the skin, restores its functions;
- turmeric - slows down the aging process, brightens the skin, relieves inflammation;
- lodhra - stimulates blood circulation and metabolic processes, due to which scars and scars quickly resolve;
- him - has bactericidal properties, cleanses, rejuvenates and tones the skin;
- bhasma - has anti-comedogenic properties, narrowing the pores;
- tulsi - restores water balance;
- amla - is a source of vitamin C, due to which collagen is produced faster in the skin;
- vacha - normalizes the production of sebum;
- beeswax - quickly heals all wounds.
What effect does this remedy have?
Often used cream "Clearwin" for skin care. It improves nutrition and metabolic processes in the upper layers of the epidermis, normalizes water-salt balance and cellular respiration. This helps improve skin condition, eliminate dryness and peeling. The cream accelerates cell regeneration processes, so it helps in the treatment of many dermatological diseases.
Penetrating into the cells of the epidermis, the plant components of the cream prevent the excessive formation of melanin. In addition, the removal of age spots occurs due to the fact that these extracts improve cellular respiration and blood circulation, increasing skin elasticity and promoting faster cell renewal. This contributes to the disappearance of dark circles under the eyes, age spots and freckles.
Cream "Clearwin" perfectly moisturizes the skin. After all, its plant components saturate skin cells with moisture, normalizing the water-salt balance.
Cream "Clearwin": indications for use
This tool is widely used both for the treatment of various skin problems, and for their prevention. It helps slow down age-related changes, is effective in dry skin care, hides many imperfections, evens out skin color and structure. This action is due to the rich natural composition. The most commonly used cream is "Clearwin" for stretch marks. After all, the plant components contained in it penetrate the cells, stimulating the processes of their renewal.
In addition, this cream is effective in the presence of such problems:
- bruises and bags under the eyes;
- dryness and peeling of the skin;
- poorly healing wounds and scratches;
- burns;
- fine wrinkles;
- swelling;
- dark spots;
- acne, acne;
- acne
- scars, acne marks, stretch marks.
Application features
One of the safest cosmetics is Clearwin Cream. Contraindications to its use are only individual intolerance to plant components. This tool is not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not have a systemic effect. Side effects are possible only in the presence of allergic reactions to the components of the cream. This may be redness of the skin, itching, burning, rash. All these reactions pass after the cessation of use of the cream.
Due to its low toxicity and rarely occurring side effects, “Clearwin” can be used at any age, even children or pregnant women. But to prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to conduct a test before the first use: apply a small amount of cream on the wrist. If within 15-20 minutes no negative reactions have followed, the remedy can be used.
How to apply
Cream "Clearwin" is suitable for hands, body and face. It can be applied to the thinnest and most sensitive skin, for example, under the eyes or around the lips. The desired cosmetic effect appears after several weeks of regular use. But for this, it is necessary to first prepare the skin, and only then apply the Clearwin cream. Instructions for use recommends well to cleanse the skin of cosmetics, dust. It is also advisable to remove keratinized skin particles. For this, before applying the cream, it is better to use not only lotion or tonic, but also a scrub.
If Clearwin is used for preventative purposes, it is applied in a thin layer over the entire face. It is recommended to use the product regularly 1-2 times a day. With this use, the skin becomes more hydrated, consumers note that dryness passes, peeling disappears. The complexion is leveled, age spots become less noticeable. If you need to get rid of acne or acne, apply the cream directly to the problem areas with a thicker layer. Then it is rubbed into the skin with light circular movements until it is absorbed. The result, judging by the reviews, will become noticeable with regular use of the cream for about a month.
Does Clearwin help with stretch marks
This tool penetrates the upper layers of the epidermis, thereby increasing the elasticity of the skin, making it smoother, evening out irregularities. Therefore, the cream "Clearwin" from stretch marks is so effective. Its advantage over other means is that it can be used even during pregnancy. Therefore, women who are afraid of the appearance of stretch marks on the skin after childbirth, can begin to use it from 4 months. If you regularly apply a thin layer of cream on the stomach, it will increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin. This will help prevent stretch marks. And since all the components of the cream are non-toxic, they do not enter the bloodstream, this will not bring any harm to the child. The tool should be used for such purposes within 2-3 months. Effective cream "Clearwin" also with already appeared stretch marks. According to women, if you regularly use it, they become less noticeable, the skin is gradually smoothed.
Cream "Clearwin": reviews
This is an excellent tool that, with regular use, will quickly get rid of rashes, as well as the effects of acne. This cream is universal, it can be used at any age, with any skin problems. Reviews of "Clearwin" note that in children it helps to heal scratches and wounds faster, saves from irritation and diaper rash, in adolescents it eliminates acne, normalizes the fat balance of the skin. Middle-aged women also need a cream, as it slows down the aging process. But it is most popular with those who want to get rid of scars or stretch marks. This cream is inexpensive, in comparison with other similar products, and its effectiveness is not worse. According to consumers, with regular use, the skin is gradually smoothed, it becomes more elastic, dark spots disappear.