TIN / KPP of legal entities

The details of any legal entity operating in our country always contain the values: TIN, KPP. These numbers are assigned to organizations upon registration with the tax authority.

The tax identification number for legal entities is a 10-character code that indicates that the company is registered with the Federal Tax Service. The first two digits determine the region in which the enterprise will operate. The second pair is the local tax authority. He exercises control over the activities of this organization. The numbers from the fifth to the ninth indicate the code of the entry in the Federal Tax Service on registration in the Unified State Register (territorial section). And the last digit is the control. It is the result of a certain mathematical operation and is necessary to reduce the possibility of errors in processing documents.

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From January 1, 2005, all TINs of foreign organizations begin with 9909. The numbers from fifth to ninth determine membership in a foreign company. The last number, as with Russian firms, is a control one.

Certificate TIN and KPP is made of special paper with watermarks. At the top of the document is a hologram with the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. The certificate indicates:

- The name and code of the department of the Federal Tax Service in charge of the organization;

- date of registration and registration;

- series and number of certificate.

Information about the OGRN, TIN, KPP is necessary for the organization to maintain tax and accounting reports, and to draw up contracts with company counterparties. When filling out payment documents, they are indicated in certain fields.

The reason code for registration is a 9-digit number. The first four numbers determine the regional affiliation of the organization and the division of the Federal Tax Service. The fifth and sixth digits of the PPC encrypt the reason for registration. The last three characters indicate the serial number of the registration.

Most often, the fifth and sixth digits of the code are 01, the last three are 001. This means that the legal entity is registered with the division of the Federal Tax Service of Russia at the place of its registration. Such organizations do not have separate divisions.

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Largest taxpayers are assigned a second checkpoint. One code must be indicated when paying federal fees, processing transactions subject to VAT (payment orders, contracts, invoices). The second is used in interactions with local tax authorities when reporting.

The first four digits of the TIN, PPC code are the same for most Russian firms. The exception is organizations that have changed their legal address. When you move to another district, another city, the tax inspection unit number changes, the company receives a new checkpoint, and the TIN remains the same.

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Numeric codes are always used together. They help determine the name of the organization, its legal address. It is enough to enter the TIN and PPC numbers in certain columns on the website of the tax inspection, as the program will give all the data to the company. You can find out not only its name, but also who the director is, when she is registered, OKATO, etc.

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