How to choose the best compliment for a girl. Everything is simple!

Men love with their eyes, and women with their ears - folk wisdom, proven by centuries of practice. You can win the heart of a fragile lady with a few warm words, melting like ice and sweet as May honey. But often the strong half cannot find the right epithet to express their admiration for. This guide will help to conquer any female heart, choose the best compliment for a girl.

Four rules

Sometimes compliments are confused with flattery and sneakiness. And that spoils everything. Four simple rules will help distinguish the best compliment for a girl from similar statements:

  1. Positive key. No double standards or hidden grins. After all, a compliment should be aimed at making the interlocutor pleasant.
  2. Sincerity. This compliment is different from flattery. A man observes interesting details of the fair sex and admires them. Honesty is very important, as ladies are keenly aware of lies and pretense.
  3. Accounting for individuality. The fewer cliches and the more unique words that are exclusively suitable for your lady, the more “tasty” and sweet the compliment for the girl is.
  4. Temporary relevance. If a girl has just sung a song, then she will be praised for her good voice, and not for the ability to cook deliciously. The main thing is to choose the right moment for utterance and concisely enter words into context.
A moment of compliment is always important

Having dealt with the concept, let's move on to the main one - making the best compliment for a girl.

Recall Famous Writers

Turning to the classics, you can notice one feature: they all sang their loved ones so brightly and colorful that some of their works are still cited. Romanticism has not disappeared even today - any girl will want to hear a compliment about how beautiful she is.

A private reception of authors is a metaphor. Ladies are compared with stars, the sun or the moon. The qualities of the described object are noted: radiance, light source or brightness. For example, one of the best compliments to a girl about her beauty may be the phrase: "Your eyes are like stars - they are also captivating and bewitching." Without any work, you can make a similar comparison with a cool breeze or summer rain. The main thing is the ability to think wider and focus on the properties of the object.

All girls love compliments

Frequent topics for comparison: goodies, weather or nature, sorcery and magic.

Smooth sharp corners with a warm word

The best compliment for a girl is support in a difficult situation. It was not uncommon for young ladies to radically change something in appearance. If you don’t like the new haircut, and you don’t want to offend the lady of the heart, try to note other qualities of the act, praising not the hairstyle, but the courage of the girl.

Pay attention to her actions

One of the frequent problems of the weak half of humanity is dissatisfaction with its figure. If the young lady says that she is fat, you should not be silent. It is important to compliment her so that she feels loved and desired. Note that you like forms, but if a lady wants to go in for sports, you will become her faithful companion and help her in her endeavors. Any girl will melt from what she heard.

Different situations are easy to smooth out with words. In order not to upset the lady, notice that you support her every effort. And remember that the best compliments to a girl about her beauty are those that are made sincerely.

We reinforce words with actions

Any lady will be glad to hear about her beauty and uniqueness. But the girls are more impressed with the evidence than just the words. A bouquet of flowers, donated just like that, for no reason, will perfectly help in this.

Flowers are never redundant

But even more pleasant for a woman will be help around the house. “Honey, you are working like a bee, probably tired. You have the most delicious food, and the house is shining. Have a rest today, and I will take some of the household chores on myself, ”- this is the best compliment to a girl who can touch her to tears.

Looking for inspiration on the Internet

Numerous publics are full of records of the extraordinary beauty of women. Some phrases become so battered that they are already perceived as a joke. “Does your mom need a son-in-law?” Or “Are your parents accidentally not jewelers?” Then where did they get such a diamond from? ”Is a classic macho driveway. A competent replacement of familiar words with unique and unusual ones will help to avoid this situation. Inspiring the Internet is a good idea, but not a single young lady will like using such complimentary carbon copy compliments.

Often young people borrow the words of a famous song. “You are into space, I am into space. Forever, ”is a great example. The lines taken from the ladies playlist will have a special effect. The best compliment for a girl is your attention to her interests, including musical ones.

Sincerity is the most important thing in a compliment

A small life hack to help you understand when to praise a lady: watch a romantic movie. So you can evaluate the procedure for creating a compliment from the outside and see the girls' reaction to it. Of course, you should not rewrite the words of the heroes - pay attention to what men notice. Then you can understand with what expressions you need to compliment.

The recipe for the perfect praise for the young lady

What is the best compliment for a girl? One that is suitable for any age. According to the women themselves, these are words expressing a man’s true attitude towards her: “You are the best wife in the world”, “I would not have succeeded without you” and, finally, 3 cherished words that everyone wants to hear. Remember that you need to pay attention to the little things: changes in appearance, cooked dinner or daily care. As a rule, the warmest compliments do not speak a poetic language - they are simply honest and appropriate in a particular situation.

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