How to remove chips on the hood with your own hands?

Even the most accurate driver is not able to protect the vehicle’s paintwork from scratches and chips. Alas, no one is safe from this. Therefore, you can often hear the question of how to remove chips on the hood with your own hands? Of course, the situation is not the most pleasant. Especially if there are a lot of scratches, cracks, dents on a smooth surface. In some cases, the damage to the paintwork can be so deep that with the naked eye you can notice the metal or factory primer. If this chip is not repaired, corrosion may occur over time.

how to remove chips on the hood

Varieties of chips

So how to remove chips on the hood? First of all, you should figure out which variety the damage belongs to. This will greatly speed up the process. Chips are:

  1. Shallow when only the top coat is touched. At the same time, the base primer and paint remain intact.
  2. Small cracks and scratches when a primer layer is visible through them.
  3. Deep chips through which metal is visible.
  4. Grown damage or chipped dents, in which the body began to become corroded.

What to do if there are chips on the hood? How to remove them without damaging the body even more? The easiest option is to go to a car service. Here the damage is cleaned efficiently and quickly. There is not even a trace left of them. But if you wish, you can try to independently remove all signs of damage to the body. And yet, how to remove chips on the hood at home?

chips on the hood how to remove

We get rid of shallow scratches and chips

How and how to remove a chip on the hood that affects only the top coat? For these purposes, a special colored pencil is usually used. It can be purchased at a specialty store by picking up by paint number. The latter can be found by looking at a small plate under the hood. If this is not possible, then if necessary, you can remove the tank hatch and provide it in the store.

A small chip or scratch is simply painted over with this pencil, and then the entire treated area of ​​the body is covered with polish. In the future, it will protect the vehicle from minor damage.

how to remove chips on the hood with your own hands

If the chip has reached the metal or primer

Since it is not so simple to remove a chip on the hood of a car (the photo of the procedure is presented in the review), it is worth preparing in advance. It is worth considering that the process itself is quite time-consuming and time-consuming. A positive effect can be achieved only in the warm season. If the trouble happened in the winter, then to fix a chip or a scratch is in a well-heated garage or in a special box.

In general, the work requires:

  1. Auto enamel. It is sold in spray cans or in bottles like female varnish. You can buy auto enamel in a specialized store that sells auto parts. There is a chance to choose a coating that is ideal for the shade of the body. It is recommended to choose autoenamel in the daytime. For comparison, the palette should be taken out and compared with the shade of the vehicle.
  2. Primer. This composition is required only if there are very deep chips, through which metal is visible.
  3. Lacquer. To make the surface perfectly smooth without this tool will be quite difficult. Therefore, varnish should be purchased necessarily.
  4. Matches and tassel.
  5. Masking tape. The width of the strip should be at least 3 cm.
  6. Materials intended for polishing. In this case, it is worth using sanding paper, felt. It is also worth buying a polish in advance.
    how to remove chips on the hood of a car

Damaged area preparation

So, how to remove chips on the hood of a car? If the damage is very deep, you will have to work hard. The vehicle must be thoroughly washed before starting work. Not all is possible. But a place with damage must be cleaned of dirt. After washing, the body should be dried. It is recommended to degrease the damaged area before starting treatment. For this, you can use a solvent or acetone.

If in the area of ​​the damaged area the paintwork cracked or signs of corrosion appeared, then all this must be cleaned using sanding paper "nulevka".

How to remove chips on the hood

After the damaged place is prepared, you can proceed to the main stage of work:

  1. At the place of cleavage, a primer layer should be applied, dried thoroughly, and then cleaned with sanding paper. The procedure can be repeated if necessary.
  2. The damaged area should be covered with masking tape, leaving a gap slightly larger than the chip or crack. After this, the surface must be painted over with enamel in a spray can. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that there are no smudges. Before starting work, it is recommended to fully study the instructions indicated on the spray can.
  3. When the first coat of enamel dries, the next should be applied.
  4. It is recommended to clean the painted area gently with “null” sanding paper. Thanks to this, a place covered with fresh car enamel will not stand out.
  5. In conclusion, it is worth covering the broken chip with varnish and polishing.
    how to remove chips on the hood of a car photo

What to do if a chip with a dent

It is much more difficult to eliminate such chips on the hood. How to remove? Such chips are formed as a result of hail or the fall of large gravel. On the surface, not only a crack can form, but also a small dent.

To remove a dent, it is recommended to attach a wooden block to it from the inside, and then tap on it with a mallet made of rubber. It is worth noting that such work requires caution and considerable experience. If you do not know how to perform such filigree procedures, then you should seek the help of specialists. After removing the dent, the work described in paragraph above is performed:

  1. A primer layer is applied and sanded.
  2. Everything is neatly covered with auto enamel.
  3. When the coating dries, everything is sanded and then polished.
    how to remove chips on the hood on metallic paint

If the base paint layer is damaged

How to remove chips on the hood on metallic paint and on a color coating? Each specialist offers his own method of dealing with damage to the hood. In some cases, when the chip affected only the base layer of paint, without reaching the primer, you can use the usual auto enamel. It should be selected in accordance with the color of the body.

It is simply applied to the formed recess using a wooden toothpick or match. When the enamel is completely dry, it is recommended to polish the treated area, gently varnish it, and then polish it. This will completely hide the chip. The treated area will not stand out on the hood.

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