Mars in Virgo in a man: compatibility with other signs

A huge number of people believe that the stars largely determine their fate. That is why astrology is now so popular, and various kinds of horoscopes, allowing you to find out what will happen to you tomorrow, can be found everywhere. Many people turn to the stars in order to find out what awaits them in a love relationship. The fact is that you can somehow influence the other aspects of life, while you cannot force love to be forced. Therefore, women and men turn to horoscopes to understand who is most suitable for them, as well as what to expect from a particular person, if you know his zodiac sign.

Advanced Astrology

Mars in Virgo in a man

This article will talk about Mars in Virgo in a man - this is the terminology from a more extended horoscope. Most people are accustomed to the fact that there are twelve signs of the zodiac, each of which corresponds to a certain period of time during the year, and there is nothing wrong with that, but this horoscope is very general. If you want to know more about yourself or about someone, then you need to know also the year, time and place of birth, and not just the day and month. The fact is that the zodiac signs in the sky correspond to the stars, but the most diverse aspects, such as the position of the Earth relative to the Sun and other planets, are not taken into account. Thus, if you use more professional astrology, you can learn much more about a person. The whole process of compiling the so-called natal chart is carried out personally for each person and is paid. However, in this article you can find out in general what to expect if your chosen one by horoscope has Mars in Virgo. For a man and a woman, such descriptions will be different, so this article only talks about men, it makes no sense to apply it to women.

Compatibility with other marks

Mars in a virgin in a man what kind of man is he

Naturally, before going into details about what Mars means in Virgo in a man, you need to look at the compatibility chart of the zodiac signs. The fact is that some signs are absolutely incompatible with each other, and a happy union is extremely unlikely. Therefore, first of all, you need to check your compatibility with the Virgo man. And at the same time, it is worth starting with more favorable options. For a man born under the sign of Virgo in Mars, a woman-Pisces will become an ideal friend and wife, their union will be as strong and reliable as possible, they have one hundred percent astrological compatibility in matters of love and marriage, so it is simply impossible to make a mistake with such an alliance. Another great compatibility option is the Taurus woman. For such a couple in a relationship everything will also be fine, albeit not one hundred percent, like Pisces, but the marriage will be just as strong. The Cancer woman and the Capricorn woman are two more excellent options for the Virgo man, in both cases their compatibility in the relationship will be approximately equal to eighty percent, however the marriage will be just perfect. Here's what women should look for Mars in Virgo in a man. Compatibility with other signs, unfortunately, is far from always positive, so you should also check which zodiac signs are least suitable for a romantic relationship with a Virgo man.

Negative compatibility with other characters

Mars in a virgin

Far from all women, Mars in Virgo is suitable for a man, compatibility with some signs of the zodiac leaves much to be desired. For example, a Libra woman can have a very good time with her partner, Virgo, but only until it comes to living together, marriage, building a family, and so on. The chances of it all are rapidly falling. The same thing applies to relationships with twin women, only the likelihood that the marriage will be strong, becomes even lower. Sagittarius women should also shun Libra men, as all their attempts to win the heart of such a man will end in complete failure. And if you manage to conquer it, then your union will not last long. But all these signs have a much higher chance of success with the Libra man than the Aquarius woman. Such a woman will be freedom-loving and open, while a man will remain conservative and adhering to norms and standards. They are unlikely to even manage to build a healthy romantic relationship, let alone a strong marriage. Well, now you know whether you should even try to build any relationship if you see Mars in Virgo in a man. And if your compatibility has satisfied you, then you can begin to study the characteristics of such a chosen one - both general and more detailed, regarding romance and life together.

General description of this mark

Mars in Virgo in a man characteristic

So, with the help of astrology, you have learned something about your chosen one. But what does Mars in Virgo mean for a man? What is he like? What should you expect from him as a person, as a partner, and in the end as a husband? First of all, it is worth noting its general individual character traits. Such a man will always be distinguished by a high level of intelligence and insight, but at the same time he will be guaranteed to behave quite secretively, with a high probability he will be self-enclosed. He knows what he’s going to, is always confident in himself and is practically determined, that is, he does not like to talk, discuss and postpone. If he has a goal, then he goes to it. He often thinks everything through to the smallest detail, but he does not share this with others. That is, from the outside it may look that he makes decisions rather spontaneously, but if you know this person well, then you will understand that in reality he planned everything in his own head and lives in accordance with this plan. It follows that such a man simply hates changes, especially if they are abrupt and spontaneous. This is how Mars manifests itself in Virgo in a man. What is it like in general, you already understood, it's time to focus on specific aspects of life, for example on his career.


mars in virgo in a man compatibility with other signs

What other features does Mars have in Virgo in a man? Characteristics of the personality in terms of career will allow you to further understand what kind of person it is. In matters of work for such a man in the first place is stability. As in everyday life, he should have everything planned out, everything should proceed in accordance with established norms. For the sake of stability, he can even sacrifice prospects and a higher level of remuneration. At the same time, the workability of such a man will always be at the highest level, which can affect personal relationships both positively and negatively. The fact is that often such an aspiration reaches perfectionism, and a person begins to strive to ensure that everything in his life is perfect, and this, as you know, is impossible. Therefore, on the one hand, he will try to do everything for his girlfriend or wife in the best possible way, but, on the other hand, this can create unnecessary pressure. Now you have an idea of ​​what impact on a career Mars has in Virgo in a man. The characterization of this person is becoming more extensive, and now, once the topic of relations has already been touched, it is necessary to move on to the most important aspect. How will such a man behave in a relationship? What should you expect as a woman from a prospective partner?

Relationship start

Mars in a virgin in a man

When your relationship is just beginning to emerge, you will be able to learn something about what Mars in Virgo means in this regard in a man. How does this person care? Given what you have already read about him above, you will be surprised that in terms of courtship he may turn out to be a real hero. He will show unlimited care, will always be attentive to you, he will listen to your every word. If you want sweets, he will give you sweets; if you want to a restaurant, he will take you to a restaurant. Sometimes he can even give you a sweet surprise. However, the key word in this case is "sometimes." The fact is that such a person is not particularly creative in a relationship, so he will fulfill any of your whims, he will be ready to take you to the ends of the world or get a star from heaven. But only if you ask him for it. If not, then you should not expect that he will take the initiative and get this very star so that you are shocked by the unexpected. This can not be called a big minus, but it is something that you should pay attention to before you decide to build a relationship with such a person. What else in a romantic sense is characterized by a man with Mars in Virgo? In relationships, he is incredibly caring, which you already learned about, but so far you do not know the full extent of this character trait.

Care and attention

man with mars in virgo in a relationship

It's time to learn more details about what a man is with Mars in Virgo, as this information may affect your choice of chosen one. When it comes to such a person, usually the first example is given that you are sick. Indeed, in such a situation, this person is revealed best. Many men, when a woman is sick, do not see the need to give her any help. But not this one! Such a man will not allow you to get out of bed, he will cook for you, buy the medicines you need and everything that can raise your spirits. He will give you a massage if your back hurts, he will not be afraid to give an injection, if necessary. In general, he will be incredibly caring all the time while you are ill. Do you know what makes it even better? The fact that he does not lose these qualities when you are healthy. He is always caring, always attentive to you, and this happens both during a romantic relationship and in marriage. All this may look attractive to a woman, but it is necessary to answer another very important question: "What is a man with Mars in Virgo in love?" It is not in a human relation to you, but in real romantic love.

Manifestations of romance

Many women expect that their partners will give them bouquets of roses, bombard them with surprises, and drown in compliments. Can this be expected from a person who, according to the horoscope Mars in Virgo? A woman in the natal chart, like men, can indicate everything about his romantic passions, but in the case of a man born under the sign of the Virgin in Mars, romance is the last thing you can ask for. This person in a relationship will be almost unemotional, he will not be able to show you a bright passion or wild love. This does not mean that he will not love you. No, such a man will love you with all his heart, take care of you, always be near you. But at the same time, there can be no question of any emotionality. As you remember, this person is very reserved, immersed in his own world, so it will be difficult for him to meet your requirements if you want loud compliments and big bouquets from him. His love is completely different, it manifests itself in care and attention. So, if you need violent passion, then you should keep away from such a man, because it will seem to you that he does not love you, although in reality he simply shows his love not the way you want him to do it. If you are looking for a person who will love you, will take care of you, will always be there, will always help, like a real man, then this option will be ideal for you. For you, the best choice would be such signs as Venus in Virgo, Mars in Virgo. A man who has such designations in the natal chart will turn out to be just that.

The pursuit of excellence

The last point, which is worth noting in this case, has already been mentioned above. This is the desire of such a man for excellence in everything. He will work in such a way as to be better than others, he will treat you so that his care is the best in the world. He will relate to himself so that no one in the world can get ahead of him in what he considers himself a specialist. And often this can involve the family, that is, you, if you choose such a person as a life partner. For example, if he loves sports, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to go in for sports, because he will consciously or unconsciously set you up for the fact that sports are also necessary for you, that you love sports as much as he loves him. Often this can become unbearable, especially if you resist. Therefore, if the interests of men do not go against yours, you better try to comply. It will be more expensive for you to argue, because such a perfectionist on topics that he understands is ready to argue until his pulse is lost, or rather, until his opponent admits that he is really the best in this field. When you are going to build a relationship with such a man, you should know about what exactly you are going to. And if you are not ready for this, then you better not start a relationship too far.


So, now you know almost everything about men who are born under the sign of Virgo in Mars. You understand that this is a rather difficult person who is often self-contained and rarely shares something with others. But at the same time he is incredibly caring and attentive to his chosen one, he is ready to turn mountains for her, but only under two conditions. First, you need to ask for it, or rather hint at it quite directly. And secondly, you should understand that this gesture itself will be a manifestation of this person’s love, and you should not wait for accompanying compliments, bouquets of roses in addition to curled grief or any other manifestations of romance. Such a man will love you more than anything in the world, and you will feel it in the way he takes care of you, but not in the way he shows it in public or even far from prying eyes. So, if you are satisfied with such conditions, and you are ready to make certain concessions in order to get such a caring and loving man and husband, then this choice will be ideal for you. And do not forget about his pursuit of excellence! If you approach this line of character from the right angle, then it can become a real treasure for your family, but if you try to meet her face to face, you can destroy this family.

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