What is the calorie content of strawberries, and how with what diseases it is used

Strawberries are the most beloved berry of most people. By the way, the calorie content of strawberries is the lowest than that of other fruits, which is why ladies who follow the figure love it so much. Many are looking forward to the summer season to enjoy the great taste of this amazing berry. Thanks to modern technology, residents of Russia can enjoy it year-round.

However, strawberries grown under artificial conditions, and even with the addition of various pesticides for rapid growth, can never be compared with the taste of that grown under natural conditions in the summer. It has long been known that strawberries are rich in minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins. But for every age this juicy treat is useful in its own way.

What else do you know about this spectacular berry? What is the calorie content of strawberries and can it be considered a dietary product? We will try to reveal these and many other questions as widely as possible in this article.

It should be noted that in 100 gr. berries only 26 kcal, which means that she has a very low calorie content. In addition, strawberries are very healthy, if you want to lose extra pounds, then lean on the aromatic and low-calorie berry.

In addition, 100 g of this product contains the daily norm of vitamin C, it is he who is responsible for bone growth, strengthens the immune system and normalizes the motility of the digestive tract. The same amount of vitamin C is found only in blackcurrant, more strawberries have no rivals. For comparison: an orange contains several times less of this vitamin than five strawberries.

The beneficial properties of strawberries

Berry can be completely considered dietary, because in addition to trace elements and a number of vitamin complex (B2, B3, B6, A, E, P) it does no harm to our body. The low calorie content of strawberries is explained simply - 90% of it consists of water.

All nutritionists recommend using this product on fasting days. Moreover, it can be eaten both frozen and fresh. They make jam, jams, compotes, yogurts, natural juices and salads with the addition of various fruits. It is added to confectionery, preparing infusions and medicines.

About healing properties, a little more

Everything is clear about the calorie content of strawberries, now we will discuss no less important - its medicinal properties. Due to the high concentration of beneficial elements, it has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Often this is why it is recommended to be used by people who have any kind of stomach disease, but only in fresh form.

With success, it is used to treat diseases of the nasopharynx. Strawberries perfectly eliminate bad breath in the mouth. Also, the berry is recommended to eat during the period of acute respiratory infections, it prevents the development of acute respiratory infections due to the high content of vitamin C, as mentioned above.

For those who suffer from iodine deficiency, they can also include in their diet this indispensable product that helps to normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland. Many doctors prescribe strawberries for diabetics in combination with medications, as it lowers blood sugar in humans.

If your joints hurt or you suffer from anemia, the same berry will save you from these ailments. This is the best natural diuretic, and it also has a beneficial effect on our liver. With rheumatism and liver diseases, you can eat only strawberries for several days and drink more liquid. It is recommended to arrange such a strawberry diet several times a month.

In alternative medicine, this is the main product for the treatment of various diseases. For example, with eczema, diathesis, wounds and rashes, apply a bandage of strawberries or make lotions. If insomnia suffers, an infusion of berry leaves will help. The same decoction can be used for hormonal disorders and hypertension.

Despite the huge number of advantages, it has also disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the allergenic effect. In case of allergies, it is extremely undesirable to eat strawberries, in case of a minor allergy it can be washed down with a fermented milk product (kefir, yogurt).

Secondly, it is contraindicated in hepatic and gastric colic, increased acidity of the stomach and appendicitis. Children under one year of age and pregnant women should use the berry very carefully.

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