The benefits of anti-cellulite massage interest every visitor to beauty salons and massage facilities. Since the cost of this service is simply beyond the means of many people, but I still want to use it, they must make sure that the procedure is really worth the money.
In the article we offer information about the dangers and benefits of anti-cellulite massage, photos before and after, as well as the rules for conducting the procedure manually. This will help determine whether it is worth using this service at all and spending your time and money.
short info
Modern anti-cellulite massage, the benefits and harms of which are not known to every person, is very popular. This direction arose even in the days of Ancient Rus, when with targeted movements, local craftsmen straightened tendons and knead stiff joints and muscles. Although in those days the technique was not used against cellulite, today experts use it precisely for this purpose.
What is cellulite?
People think about the need and benefits of anti-cellulite massage for the body after they discover hateful cellulite on their body. It is an accumulation of fat under the skin, which appears on the surface in the form of so-called orange peels. Statistics confirm that every third woman has this problem. It is extremely difficult to eliminate it, because fat cells have high resistance to various external influences. In cosmetology, more and more products are appearing that are actively fighting these very “orange peels”. A massage direction in this regard has made a big breakthrough forward. Therefore, today people are actively using the most popular service in beauty salons - anti-cellulite massage.
The essence of the procedure
A detailed description and the benefits of anti-cellulite massage allows you to understand why it is needed and whether it is worthwhile to turn to this procedure. During the session, subcutaneous fat is “broken” by certain movements with the hands of the master. This process cannot be called painful and dangerous, since it is even pleasant for many women. As a result, the body begins to regenerate normally again, metabolic processes are restored, blood circulation is significantly improved.
Reviews of the benefits of anti-cellulite massage indicate that the procedure allows you to experience the first results after a couple of sessions. This massage is popular not only here, but also in cities of the CIS countries and beyond.
Advantages and disadvantages
The benefits of anti-cellulite massage are really invaluable. Like any similar procedure, it has its own properties. They are both positive and negative.
First of all, it is worth considering the advantages of regular sessions:
- lack of pain during the conduct;
- receiving effect in a short time;
- availability in any city;
- the ability to conduct independently;
- simple procedural series;
- lack of need for big expenses of time.
Although massage has quite a few advantages, it also has negative features. They in this case will be as follows:
- there are contraindications (for example, you need to carefully do with varicose veins, it is forbidden during pregnancy, etc.);
- in the case of the presence of particularly fragile capillaries, there is a risk of a violation of the circulatory system.
As you can see, massage has much more advantages than disadvantages. It is worth a try (if there are no contraindications), because everyone has their own preferences and the procedure may not like or cause discomfort. The most important thing is not to overdo it, since a large number of sessions can adversely affect the body.
Although the benefits of anti-cellulite massage of the abdomen and other parts of the body are quite large, the answer to the question of whether it has consequences can not be unequivocal. The procedure is safe and does not involve serious harm, but if you violate the methodology, the problems will not take long. The negative consequences after applying the anti-cellulite procedure are as follows:
- Incorrectly calculated forces during massage can provoke the appearance of bruises, abrasions and even hematomas. Therefore, going to a session in the salon, it is better to choose a trusted master, who certainly will not harm her actions. If the procedure is carried out independently at home, you should first consult with a specialist and undergo the necessary examination to identify the most problem areas.
- Impaired blood circulation. In the case of strong pressure on the capillaries and venous vessels, a decrease in strength, pallor of the skin of the face and the whole body can be observed.
- Dislocations and fractures. Such consequences are extremely rare. If a novice does massage, he may not calculate the strength for a specific area of ​​the body and cause significant damage.
The negative consequences are not really so scary. They may not occur at all, no matter how many sessions are held. The most important thing is to strictly follow the instructions and observe contraindications.
It’s easy to talk briefly about the benefits of anti-cellulite massage. This procedure helps in the resumption of metabolism, makes it possible to cope with hormonal failure and eliminate the hated "orange peels".
The benefits of anti-cellulite massage are not negotiable. Not only clients of salons and people conducting sessions at home leave positive reviews about him, but also doctors.
Knowing the benefits and dangers of anti-cellulite massage, it is much easier to understand whether it is worth using it. We have already considered the positive aspects, and now we turn to the negative.
As for the harm, massage does not bring it at all. After it, internal organs are not damaged, and additional diseases do not occur. The negative consequences described above are very rare, so you should not be afraid of them and panic. If you find a good specialist and do not spare money for several full-fledged sessions, there will certainly not be any problems.
The maximum benefit of anti-cellulite massage can be obtained only after a certain number of sessions. The appearance of noticeable results depends solely on the frequency of the procedure. If the massage is done at home, then the effect should be expected only after a few weeks (but not more than one and a half months), but with a salon service in order to see something close to the desired forms, only a couple or three sessions will be enough. Experts point out that the procedure is good for its productivity and effectiveness, which distinguishes it from analogues.
After a full course of massage, the results will be as follows:
- Weight reduction. The essence of the procedure is to eliminate cellulite, as well as weight loss. It is for this reason that women and even some men who want to correct the figure always want to get to the specialist's session.
- Elimination of unpleasant tubercles from the surface of the skin. This effect is pursued throughout the course. As soon as the "orange peels" begin to gradually "go away", then the expected result is already very close.
- Improvement of blood circulation. Thanks to the correct movements, the skin acquires a healthy tone, and the general condition of the patient improves significantly.
- Body relaxation. Massage has not only anti-cellulite properties, but also relaxing. In the process, it affects all muscle groups, eliminates puffiness and stagnation. In some cases, it is even possible to solve the problem with bruises and dislocations.
- The resumption of metabolism. The appearance of the "orange peel" is associated with an unbalanced diet, the result of which is a violation of metabolic processes, and consequently, hormonal failure. A long course of procedures is guaranteed to help bring the metabolism back to normal.
All of these results can be expected from both professional and home massage. But they are all individual. Someone will see the first changes after a couple of procedures, and someone will have to wait until the entire course is completed. Sometimes it happens that people don’t need to go to all sessions, since the achieved effect in 4-6 days is quite suitable for them.
Frequency of procedures
After answering the question of whether there is any benefit from anti-cellulite massage, it is worth considering the frequency of sessions. It is calculated for each person individually. Therefore, you should not rely on the advice of other people, as someone managed to solve the problem in 5 procedures, and someone took all 15. If you perform more massages, there is a risk of harming your health, and you should not expect a positive result from less. .
The standard course includes ten to fifteen treatments. The duration of each of them is 10-30 minutes. The number of sessions is regulated based on the degree of development of cellulite. Between them, rest must be present - about 2 days.
If two courses are needed, they must also take pauses. The second round of therapy is allowed to start only six months after the first. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that the schedule and frequency of sessions is determined by the masseur. He learns the individual characteristics of the client and examines his body to immediately understand how the procedure will work and how many they need to get a good result.
Effect enhancement
Having learned about the benefits of anti-cellulite massage for the body, many people dream of speeding up the process of obtaining results. Fortunately, this is quite possible. Intensive therapy allows you to achieve your goal much faster. But initiative should immediately be taken to the background. Since the human body is a rather fragile substance, and too quickly eliminating unpleasant tubercles on the surface can harm it.
Some people massage every day, and the duration of the session is increased to an hour or even two. Because of this, their metabolism worsens significantly, the skin does not have time to tone up, and as a result, a person is forced to turn to cosmetologists and pay even more money to solve a new problem.
Other overly zealous ladies lead their body into a terrible state. They additionally starve themselves, thereby causing frequent fainting, which is strictly prohibited during the massage course. Therefore, do not rush things too much. The result will be obtained in any case, but you just have to wait a bit.
If you want to enhance the effect, only an increase in the duration of sessions up to 35 minutes is allowed. But they need to be carried out the same way - every other day. This applies only to healthy people with normal skin and proper nutrition, because only in this case all the necessary substances enter the body.
Bruises after massage
Anti-cellulite massage, the benefits and effects of which are visible to the naked eye, sometimes leaves bruises on the body. Although the likelihood of their occurrence is high, you should not be afraid of this, since any hematomas pass through time.
If the procedure is carried out by a specialist, he performs intensive movements, while using physical force. Since the skin of all people is different, the master cannot know how much pressure can be pressed so as not to harm. Therefore, it is necessary to inform the masseur about pain or discomfort during the session. This will help to avoid the appearance of blueness and maintain an aesthetic appearance.
Hand massage
The benefits of manual anti-cellulite massage are no different from what you can get in specialized salons. Since the procedure is not cheap and not everyone can afford a full course, it is recommended to use the home method.
First of all, you need to warm up the necessary areas of the skin. In this case, you need to stroke them with your fingertips. When the skin begins to redden, it should be rubbed a little wide apart and well-fitting fingers.
The next step is the massage itself. In the process of its implementation, an important role is played by such actions:
- pressure;
- pinching;
- patting;
- miss
All of them should be combined, but in the correct sequence. To do this, you need to learn simple movements: press on the body with both hands, grab as much skin as possible with your fingers and rinse it thoroughly, simulating kneading the dough. If desired, pressure can be replaced by patting, and gripping by pinching.
If the skin is thin, pinching it is not worth it, as this will lead to the appearance of numerous bruises. Particular attention should be paid to the grips, as they contribute to a greater outflow and blood flow, therefore, they act better and more effectively on the “orange peel”.
It is not recommended to start the procedure with heavy movements. Strength and amplitude should be increased gradually. In addition, it is important to understand that absolutely all massage manipulations should be carried out from the bottom up, but in no case not vice versa.
Exposure to the groin area and the inside of the thighs is prohibited. Also, experts strongly do not recommend pressure on the popliteal cavity.
Both hands must be warmed up before the session, and the skin, which will be affected, should be cleaned of dead particles and moisture. When massaging a wet body, there is a great risk of causing significant damage to the skin and thereby cause stretch marks.