Reincarnation of the soul: evidence and examples. Relocation of souls after death

Each person, regardless of religion, at least once in his life thought about what awaits him after death. Someone does not believe in the existence of parallel reality, someone is convinced that he will go to heaven or hell, and someone is looking for all kinds of evidence of the reincarnation of the soul, hoping for rebirth in a new body. The latest version is gaining more and more popularity. Many people believe that a person is able to be reborn, and even films about reincarnation are made, after watching which the hypothesis looks more than convincing.

Where did the theory come from?

reincarnation of the soul of evidence

Representatives of Judaism and Buddhism were the first to believe in the transmigration of souls after death. It is these beliefs that formed the basis of religions that embody the love of the world, the wisdom of centuries, and also the belief in the infinity of individual consciousness. Eastern sages have always been convinced that the soul is immortal. Despite the fact that our body grows old, and then completely dies, the spiritual person remains.

Each of us has moments when we are forced to say goodbye to our people, realizing that we will never see them again. However, if you believe the eastern sages who know the laws of reincarnation, the deceased can be found, but only in a completely different way. The soul is able to move to another body, which does not have to be human. It may be some kind of animal, for example, a dog.

There are a huge number of stories that relatives of deceased people perceive as evidence of the reincarnation of the soul. Perhaps your family also has one. Try to remember. Maybe the same bird often sits on your fence, which is not afraid of you or even behaves strangely, trying to attract attention. Someone refers to such manifestations as a wild fantasy, an ordinary coincidence, but there are those who listen to their inner voice, see this as a sign.

From the point of view of science

transmigration of souls after death

Scientists, philosophers and esotericists have been trying for centuries to solve this mystery, to find convincing evidence of the reincarnation of souls. Many years of work on a version that suggests the possibility of the relocation of spiritual matter from one body to another, gave rise to a variety of hypotheses.

One of the theories says that the human soul performs a certain function, namely, it supports the natural balance. In each life, she receives the necessary experience, and after the death of the physical body, she moves to another, but always of the opposite sex.

If the deceased was not buried according to the rules, or vandals were abused over his tombstone, then the person into whom the soul will move will experience serious mental health problems. Perhaps he will develop diseases such as schizophrenia, a split personality, or a persecution mania. If you believe this hypothesis, then all people with mental disabilities, unsuccessfully completed a past life.

Resettlement of souls after death can leave a mark on the body, for example, in the form of moles. One of the theories that arose in the process of studying this phenomenon indicates that large birthmarks are marks from the past. To be more precise, these are places where there were scars on your “old” body. Perhaps a large birthmark indicates a mortal wound that killed a person whose soul now lives in you.

Some sources claim that the souls of people who led the wrong lifestyle continue to exist in the body of animals. However, this version causes a lot of controversy among those who professionally deal with this issue. Most are convinced that the human soul is not able to take root in the body of the animal.

Eastern religion has its own views on this subject. The sages believe that the soul of a person who has sinned greatly during his lifetime is doomed to a long and painful existence in the body, for example, a dung beetle. It is also believed that energy matter that has left a person who has done a lot of trouble during his life can be imprisoned in stone or some household item.

Some people tell incredible stories, assuring others that periodically in their minds there are images, memories that are in no way connected with real life. They are convinced that these are “pre-incarnation” fragments reproduced at the level of cellular memory.

Most likely, among those who are reading this article, there are people who know firsthand about deja vu. There are a huge number of explanations for this phenomenon, but no one came to a consensus that would completely reveal the secret of this strange feeling.

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Some believe that this is due to the closure of intracerebral impulses, while others are sure that this is a layering of intertemporal segments. Experiencing a state of deja vu, people begin to think that everything that is happening around has already happened. It was as if they were just at this time and in this place, absolutely clearly predict the further development of events and even know what their interlocutor will say next. It is unlikely that in one moment so many coincidences can occur.

Several documented cases

Experiments aimed at establishing the facts of reincarnation were carried out long before the moment when various equipment and scientific laboratories appeared. So, in eastern countries there were unique traditions of burial. A dead person was punctured in a certain part of the body, and when a newborn was born, they looked for a mole in it in a similar place. Have you ever wondered what your birthmarks are? Perhaps their appearance is not accidental.

Many years later, research associate Jim Tucker, who documented the most interesting cases of reincarnation, became interested in this custom. So, one of his texts says that a year after the death of his grandfather, a baby was born. There was a strange mole on his arm, exactly in the place where a mark had been left before the funeral of the deceased.

reincarnation films

But the oddities did not end there. A few years later, when the little boy began to talk, he suddenly turned to his grandmother in a diminutive form, just like his grandfather liked to do. After the death of her husband, no one called the elderly widow so. Everyone was in the deepest shock, and the boy's mother admitted that she saw in a dream her father, who did not want to part with his family and was looking for a way to return home.


In the same book on reincarnation, there is another case that makes people think about the likelihood of this phenomenon. In a public hospital located in Miami, a woman named Diana worked all her conscious life. At the hospital, she met her soul mate. The man whom Diane married, and then married him, had a birthmark that resembled a crescent moon.

The couple lived for many years in love and joy, but the most interesting thing happened at a reception at a psychotherapist. The woman shared a story that allegedly happened in her previous life. She claimed to be in the body of an Indian woman who was forced to hide from the colonialists from Europe who occupied America. Once, in order not to betray herself and the crying child she was holding in her arms, the woman had to close his mouth. Inadvertently, she strangled the baby, on the back of which there was a crescent-shaped mole.

Mortal wound

reincarnation facts

Modern scholars also had to come up with an example of reincarnation. In one Turkish town a boy was born. After a while, he began to claim that he remembers numerous fragments from a past life in which he was a soldier. The boy said that when he was a soldier, he was shot with a large-caliber gun. The wound was fatal. For the first time he began to talk about his memories at a very young age, absolutely not knowing what reincarnation is. Later it became known that in the archive of the local clinic, a case was discovered with the medical history of a soldier who was admitted for treatment with a wound to the right area of ​​the face. A week later he passed away. Needless to say, the boy was born with multiple congenital defects of the right side of the face?

Evidence of Reincarnation of the Soul

Modern psychotherapists and psychologists often apply a technique that is known as past regression. Using it together with hypnosis, you can restore memories that are deep in the subconscious.

Most likely, everyone heard or saw in films how the patient is immersed in a state of hypnosis, after which they manage to recall not only facts, for example, from early childhood, but even from a past life. When a person is brought to his senses, he absolutely does not remember anything from what he said to the doctor while in hypnosis. Such practice makes it possible to understand all the subtleties of the human worldview. There are several cases that describe clear facts that confirm the existence of reincarnation after death.

In medicine, there is such a thing as false memories. Researchers did a survey among children of different ages. To their surprise, most of the guys in paints described the last minutes of their previous lives. As a rule, death occurred as a result of violent acts, and the events themselves took place several years before the interviewed children were born. The most realistic and believable stories were in babies aged 2 to 6 years.

Twilight Zone

And here is one of the situations that Brian Weiss described in his work - a psychoanalyst with many years of experience. During the next session, which the girl patient came to, the doctor plunged her into a trance state. Katherine (the patient’s name) began to say that she felt the presence of Brian's father, as well as his son, who died due to heart problems. It is worth noting the fact that the girl knew absolutely nothing about the personal life of the doctor and could not guess what kind of tragedy Weiss experienced. A similar phenomenon, when someone sees the deceased relatives of their interlocutor, it is customary to call the "twilight zone".

The story of two brothers

An even stranger story happened in the seventies of the last century. The young woman had a son, whose name was Kevin. At the age of two years, the boy died of blood cancer caused by a complex fracture of his leg, which was incorrectly fused. They tried desperately to save the young patient and had a course of chemotherapy. A catheter was inserted through the neck on the right side, and a scar appeared in the area of ​​the left ear due to deformation of the eye. The kid died in terrible agony.

Ten years later, the woman who lost her son gave birth to another child, but from another man. A newborn boy showed a birthmark exactly in the place where the deceased baby had a scar. Later it turned out that the second son has congenital problems with his left eye, and is also limping on the leg that was broken in his older brother, although no pathologies were found.

does reincarnation exist

Having become quite an adult, the guy told incredible stories, revealing the essence of reincarnation. He claimed that the soul of an older brother was reborn in his image. He accurately recounted the entire medical course, and also accurately indicated the location of the catheter. In addition to the memories associated with pain and suffering, the guy remembered his old residence, describing in detail the house in which, in fact, he had never been.

Burmese girl with japanese past

The world learned about this story through the work of the psychiatrist Ian Stevenson, who described an amazing case in his reincarnation teachings. In the sixties of the last century, a girl was born in the territory of Burma, who at the age of three began to talk about the fact that in a past life she was a Japanese soldier. According to her, the locals burned him alive, tying him tightly to a tree.

In addition to the fact that the girl was overcome by terrible memories, she was radically different from her peers in her behavior. She did not recognize Buddhism, did not wear long hair, and the children with whom she periodically walked on the site weighed slaps in the face in the same way as Japanese soldiers who attacked Burma did.

It is worth noting the fact that she was an unusual child from birth. An obvious defect was noticeable on the girl’s right hand: the ring and middle fingers were fused, resembling the membrane of waterfowl. A few days later, the doctors made an amputation of some phalanges, and the mother of the child claims that on her daughter’s right hand there was a spot resembling a burn, as well as stripes very similar to the marks from ropes.

30 rupees

To the question of whether there is reincarnation, you will be given a positive answer by the inhabitants of the village of Alluna Miana, which is located in India. It was here that a boy named Taranjit Singh lived. At the age of two, he stated that in a previous life he was an ordinary student named Setnam Singh, who lived sixty kilometers from his hometown of Taranjita.

The boy told his parents that his previous life was cut short by a ridiculous accident, namely, after a scooter flew into the student. The boy also said that he remembers the last seconds of his former existence, as if he was lying in a pool of blood, and notes and textbooks lay around. Taranjit recalled that at the time of the accident in his pocket was exactly thirty rupees.

books about reincarnation

The boy did not take the words seriously for a long time, because in a village where the population is poorly educated, no one knows what reincarnation is. However, the father, tired of the constant stories of his child, decided to figure out the situation and get to the bottom of the truth. He became aware that a guy with that name really lived, and then died under the wheels of a scooter. Having gone with their son to a neighboring village, they found the house in which Setnam lived. His parents were shocked by what facts from the life of their son a foreign child operates on. They confirmed that Setnam was dying in a pool of blood, and textbooks were scattered around, as well as the fact that at the time of death in his pocket lay thirty rupees.

Rumors of an incredible rebirth of the soul quickly spread throughout the province. Local authorities turned to experts who were asked to conduct an examination. Taranzhita was asked to write several sentences, after which they made judicial writing. Everyone was in real perplexity when it turned out that the emphasis of both guys was almost identical.


In medicine, there are often cases when people begin to speak foreign languages, sometimes the most exotic. Most often, this phenomenon is the result of clinical death, severe traumatic brain injury or stress experienced. In parapsychology, this condition has its own name - xenoglossia.

For example, a person living in Russia can suddenly speak Turkish, without any emphasis. The only explanation that comes to mind is that in a past life he was a Turk.

For clarity, you can give a real example, which took place in medical practice. So one American, born in a family of immigrants from Eastern Europe who spoke Czech, Russian and Polish, began to surprise others. At a reception with a psychoanalyst, under hypnosis, the woman suddenly spoke in Swedish, introducing herself as a peasant who had once lived in Sweden. Despite the fact that the people who followed the test did not believe the woman at all, the polygraph showed that she was telling the truth only. There is not a single person in her family who knows the Swedish language, and she has never been interested in learning it. However, this did not stop the woman from talking on him without an accent.

Reincarnation Films

Famous directors working with the Mystic genre could not pass by such a phenomenon. The best films, in the plot of which are real stories about the transmigration of souls, can be called: “Birth”, “Little Buddha”, “Restless Anna”.

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