The meaning of the name Frida. Meaning, Character and Fate

Recently, it has become fashionable among young parents to call their children unusual, catchy names, for example, such as Isolda, Rosalina, Rudolph or Filimon. One of these is Frida, a beautiful and rare name that has German roots. The value of the name Freed deserves special attention, therefore this article will be devoted to him.

Where did it come from

Frida Master and Margarita

As mentioned above, Frida is a name of German origin, which is still very popular today. Initially, this name was a diminutive of the more common names of Alfred, Frederick, Fridolin in Germany. However, over time, it began to be used as an independent and gained fame not only among German mothers, but also far beyond the borders of the country.

In particular, this popularity is due to the fact that one of the translations of the name Fried sounds like a "favorite." Well, what kind of mother would not want her daughter to be called "beloved" all her life? In addition, the meaning of the name Frid has an equally pleasant background. In short, Frida is a smart, independent woman with a good heart.

The meaning of the name Frid

Frida meaning for woman

The owner of this name can boast not only of her character, but also of a rich inner world. Although Frida seems to be a staunch and restrained girl, in fact she is very impressionable, and any sad story, with a high probability, will cause her tears. At the same time, Frida has the willpower that many men can envy - she will never do what she does not want to manipulate such a girl is useless.

Lies and shortcomings are what Frida does not like the most, in particular because she herself is a straightforward person. Sometimes it’s even too much, because in many situations when it would be worth keeping silent, Frida continues to express her point of view, ignoring the opinions of others.

Personal life

frida name

Stubbornness and unwillingness to compromise quite often become the reasons why Frida does not have a personal life. Not all men withstand the ambition and rebellion of their chosen one, which is why the owners of this name, with rare exceptions, remain free and independent until the end of their lives. However, having met a man who is able to curb her pride, Frida from imperious and rebellious turns into a loving and patient mother and wife.

Speaking about the meaning of the name Freed, it is worth mentioning what qualities attract men in her. First of all, a woman with that name is remembered due to her imperious and strong character, confident and calm behavior. In addition, the outstanding features of Frida are intelligence and well-read. In order for her to develop a strong relationship with her partner, he must necessarily correspond to her level of intelligence or, even better, surpass it.

Name Compatibility

Frida’s personal life often leaves much to be desired, not without the fault of the owner of this rare name, which puts her own interests above the interests of her partner. However, there are still men in the world who can satisfy the desires and requirements of this woman. Frida's best alliance is with Conrad, Philo, Benjamin, Longinus, Christopher and Harlampius.

She is best avoided by having connections with male owners of names such as Erast, Rurik, Augustine, Arnold, Manil, and Dasius. The characters of these people and Frida herself are so different from each other that their close relationship is likely to be doomed to failure.

Family and life

meaning of the name

The problem of most women who own this name is the desire to suppress their man by establishing their own rules and rules in the family. When a humiliated and broken partner wants to leave Frida, he will face another problem in the form of a woman who does not want to let go of what belongs to her. As long as Frida still has feelings, she will not be able to part with her quietly and peacefully, as she will make all attempts to prevent the unnecessary outcome of events.

As for the children, Frida loves them with all her heart, but she does not always have enough time for their upbringing and entertainment. That is why babies born in a couple of Frida and her chosen one quite often spend leisure time with their grandparents, while their mother is busy with herself. Some Frida build a career, engage in their own business, work endlessly and comprehensively develop, but for most, career growth is not a priority. A woman with that name loves moderation, peace and tranquility around, so a large number of duties and fuss is not at all for her. The ideal direction in which Frida can develop is social activity.

Social life

Considering the meaning of the name Freed, it is worth mentioning the social status of its owner and her attitude to other people. Usually, Frida does not have too many friends, since this girl knows her worth very well and bypasses those whom for some reason she considers unworthy. In addition, Frida is the owner of a keen mind and sharp tongue, in connection with which few stand a long discussion with her. About people like her, they often say: "A word will not go into your pocket."

There are special topics on which Frida can talk for hours, expressing her own point of view and sharing it with others. These include issues of good and evil, justice and equality. Often Frida's friends are people close to her in spirit, with similar interests and thoughts.

Choice of profession

Most often, girls with the name of Frida find themselves in the public and political sphere - where, incidentally, there are such traits of character as perseverance, the ability to convince and insist on their own. Also among the owners of this rare beautiful name there are surgeons, psychiatrists and lawyers. Frida is very afraid of any failures, so she never takes risks, preferring stability and a reliable future, though not always the way we would like.

Positive and negative qualities

Among the positive aspects of the character of a girl named Frida, one should single out perseverance, fiery temperament, energy, the ability to influence the worldview and political views of people.

Negative qualities include excessive arrogance and egocentrism. In addition, often Frida is vengeful and vindictive, aggressive or even cruel. This girl is alien to concepts such as mercy and compassion; instead, on the contrary, she can ruthlessly make others suffer, without experiencing remorse.

The nature and fate of the name of Fried is so versatile that it is almost impossible to describe them in a few words. On the one hand, Frida is an imperious, strong and independent woman who does not take into account the opinions of others. On the other hand - a society dependent, sentimental person who loves her family. How Frida’s life will turn out and what it will become depends on herself. Although the meaning of the name leaves its mark on the person, nevertheless, the personality itself has been formed over many years, under the influence of many factors, and it is impossible to say for sure that, having named Frida's daughter, her mother guarantees her exactly the fate mentioned in the interpretation.

Frida in history and art

The name of Frid is rather mysterious, but at the same time memorable, and precisely because of its sound, it is so often used in literature and cinema. You can meet the owner of such an unusual name both in modern prose and in more classical works. What does the member of the Great Ball of Satan, Frida from The Masters and Margarita, known to all lovers of the classics, or the great surrealist artist who survived a terrible disease and several dozen operations (Frida Kahlo), about which the film of the same name was subsequently shot.

the nature and fate of the name of Frid

As for the character of Bulgakov’s works, in this case the prototype of a real person — a certain Frida Keller — was taken as its basis. This girl "became famous" all over the world for having killed her own child under the yoke of fear and hatred. Young Frida became pregnant from the owner of the cafe, who had been trying to take care of her for a long time, but, having received a refusal, carried her into the basement and took her by force. The newborn was placed in an orphanage, but after reaching the age of five, the child had to be taken away, which became a real test for Frida.

Once a girl strangled her son with a cord and left his body in a grave dug in the forest with his own hand. After heavy rain, the corpse appeared on the surface, then it was discovered by random passers-by. She herself later explained her act by the impossibility of supporting a child and the reluctance to raise a son born out of wedlock through the fault of the rapist. That is exactly what literary Frida from The Master and Margarita is, the actions of which Bulgakov cites as an example as an extreme measure of good and evil.

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