Canons to Nicholas the Wonderworker and akathist

Saint Nicholas the Miracle Worker is one of the most revered not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the Catholic Church. For Orthodox believers, one way to turn to the saint is to read a canon or akathist. These types of solemn chants differ in the structure of the text and the history of writing. The canons were created many centuries ago by people ranked by the Church as saints. An Akathist can also be written at present by a spiritual writer who is not always a minister of the Church.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker was born in 270 in the city of Patara, province of Lycia. From a young age, he was distinguished by piety and a desire to serve God. As a priest, the saint was an example for his flock, preaching, exhorting and guiding the inhabitants of Lycia to the path of salvation. After several years of service as a priest, Saint Nicholas was elected bishop of the Lycian world.

The asceticism of St. Nicholas took place during the period of persecution of Christianity. When the bishop, together with other Christians, was imprisoned, the saint not only courageously endured all the hardships and hardships, but also supported the rest of the imprisoned.

During his lifetime, St. Nicholas was credited with many miracles and deeds of true mercy and love for his neighbor. St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker is revered in both Western and Eastern Christianity. This saint is especially loved by believers, and many people turn to him for prayer.

canons to nicholas the wonderworker

Canon to Nicholas the Wonderworker

The canons to Nicholas the Wonderworker are complex works of church hymnography, praising the saint. Their text consists of biblical chants, to which additional verses were later added - irmos and troparia. The latter celebrate the festive event. Irmos serve to interconnect the biblical song and the troparion, drawing an analogy between the celebrated event and the one described in the Bible. The structure of the irmos is the basis for the tune and rhythmic structure of the troparia. The length and number of stanzas must match.

There are several canons to the saint:

  • “Sometimes in the depths of fasting .......” is the beginning of the irmos of the first canon.
  • The 2nd canon to Nicholas the Wonderworker begins with the irmos “Christ is born - glorify .....”
  • “We will send the song, people ... ..” - the irmos of the canon from the service for the transfer of the relics of the saint.
  • “I will open my mouth ... ..” - the beginning of the fourth canon to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Canon 2 to Nicholas the Wonderworker, as well as the 1st canon, is read during the service on the day of remembrance of the saint on December 19 in a new style. The other two canons are read at the service on the day of remembrance of the transfer of the relics of the saint on May 22.

Canon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Why read the canon?

The canons of Nicholas the Wonderworker can be read at home or heard during the service in the church. The holy fathers of the church say that those who read the Canons of the Mother of God, the Savior and the saints, are especially protected by the Lord. The canons to Nicholas the Miracle-Worker are also prayers, reading which a person addresses the saint through biblical events.

The canons were written many centuries ago by highly spiritual people and, as a rule, subsequently ranked as saints. Reading the hymns and prayers written by them, a person prays to God with them.

Canon of St. They read Nicholas the Miracle Worker for healing from illnesses, help with need and material shortage. The saint is also considered the protector of widows and orphans. They pray to him with despondency, sadness and despair. Since the saint himself was imprisoned for some time, they turn to him in captivity in other difficult life circumstances.

Where to find the canon and akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker?

Almost any canons and akathists can be purchased in church shops. The canon to Nicholas the wonderworker with stresses can be found on Orthodox sites on the Internet. It is better if in parallel with the canon the text of the explanations is written, since the language of liturgical songs is not always clear only to a person starting his path to faith.

Before reading, you must make sure that the canon or akathist is approved by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church. For this, it is better to use texts from canons purchased in shops at churches or found on reliable Orthodox sites. A list of approved Akathists is also published on the Internet.

In addition, you can always go to the priest or deacon in the temple and clarify whether the akathist is in accordance with the requirements established by the Holy Synod.

How to read the canon

The canon to Nicholas the Wonderworker in Russian is not as difficult to read as in Church Slavonic. Reading the canon, you must carefully pronounce each word. Unlike the akathist, the canon repented to Nicholas the Wonderworker can be read while sitting. You can pronounce songs of praise to the saint at any time. There are special preliminary prayers that are read before the canon. If biblical hymns follow the saint after the daily rule of prayer, then additional prayers are not required.

In the case when it is not possible to read the canon aloud, you can say a prayer to yourself. The main thing is that her words should be pronounced consciously, with a feeling of repentance and love for God, a saint. Reading the canon aloud is better in a calm and monotonous voice. Paying attention to voice expressiveness is not necessary. Church and home prayers are not secular poetic works, therefore they are pronounced somewhat differently. The most important thing in reading the sacred chants is the conversion of the soul to God, the spiritual world.

Before reading the canon, you can light a candle or a lamp near the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. If there is no suitable image of the saint, then you can turn to the image of the Mother of God or the Savior.

canon of penitence to nicholas the wonderworker

Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Akathist - a laudatory song to God, the Virgin or saints. The first was written by the Most Holy Theotokos in 626 in honor of the liberation of Constantinople from the Persians.

Akathist consists of ikos and kondak. There are a total of 24 stanzas in the song of praise. Each kondaky ends with a call to praise God: “Hallelujah!” And ikos - with a greeting to the sung saint: “Rejoice!”

canon and akathist to nicholas the wonderworker

Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker was written some time after his death. According to one version, a hymn of praise was written by the Church of Constantinople ministers, and according to another, by Russian hieromonks who participated in the transfer of the holy relics from the world.

The text of an akathist can be purchased at a church shop, found on Internet sites, and listened to on audio media. In the first case, you can be sure of the quality and authenticity of the text. In addition, in the churches consecrated in honor of the saint, akathist to St. Nicholas the Ugodnik is read once a week. The forty-day reading of the akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker can also be ordered in the monasteries. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the name of the person whose health an akathist will be read.

How to read akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Before undertaking the obligation to read the akathist to the saint for a certain period, it is better to take a blessing from the confessor. The priest, who performs the sacrament of confession, knowing the spiritual strength, life circumstances and the internal state of the believer, will bless or give advice for now to postpone the reading.

There are certain rules for reading akathist. The thirteenth kondak - prayer address to the saint - is read three times. After the last kontakion of akathist, the first icos and kondakas are read again. Then the prayer is read to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The number of days during which an akathist is read is unlimited. Akathist can be read at any convenient time. It is better if during this time the icon of the saint will be located nearby.

Often a hymn of praise is read for forty days. Moreover, if you had to skip a day, then the next you can continue.

You can read the akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker once, most importantly, to feel in your soul the desire and desire to turn to the saint. An akathist is equated with a hymn, so it is better to stand when reading it.

Canon to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Why read the akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker?

Akathist, like the canon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, helps believers in a variety of cases. Prayer to the saint helps with any difficulties. You can find many grateful reviews and real life stories of people telling about the resolution of difficult life circumstances after prayers to the saint. Especially often he is consulted for illness, financial and domestic difficulties, while traveling. During his lifetime, Bishop Mir Lycian assisted many in need.

The text of akathist contains the biography of the saint. Many people perceive it much easier than the canon to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Do not treat reading akathist as a magical rite and conspiracy. The desire for a quick result will not be useful. The main feeling when addressing the saint should be repentance and faith that the Pleasure of God will hear the request and help.

canon to nicholas the wonderworker with accents

Prayers before reading akathist and canons

Before the akathist, it is necessary to read the preliminary prayers that will help prepare the person’s consciousness for a song of praise: to drop all vain thoughts, focus on the text of the prayer. Usually, the initial prayers include: “King of Heaven,” “Trisagion Song,” “Holy Trinity,” “Our Father,” “Come and worship.” It is also said several times, “Lord, have mercy,” and psalms from the psalms are read. The same prayers are read before the canon.

If you need to read both the canon and the akathist, then you can combine them and pronounce the last after the sixth song of the first.

After reading the akathist or canons, Nicholas the Wonderworker says prayers that are the same for all prayer rules.

canon to nicholas the miracle worker in russian

Canons and akathist in Church Slavonic

Prayer chants in the Church Slavonic language are much more difficult to find than in Russian.

In churches, all texts of worship are pronounced only in Church Slavonic. This language incorporates the centuries-old experience of communication between Russian people and God. In addition, reading in Church Slavonic helps to distract from everyday thoughts, create a special atmosphere and plunge into the world of prayer.

An Akathist in Church Slavonic will be difficult for a believer to begin to learn this language. In order to better perceive the text, you can read the translation and interpretation in Russian.

Canons that are more complex in structure are best read in Russian, so they will be easier to understand.

What is better to read: akathist or canon to the saint?

The canon is a more ancient genre of church hymns than an akathist. The text of the canons is written by the Holy Fathers, whose level of spiritual growth and awareness of the Divine Universe far exceeds the usual human understanding. Akathists, as a rule, were created at a later period by spiritual writers, not all of whom were monks or ministers of the church. Therefore, choosing between canon and akathist, according to some priests, it is better to give preference to reading the former.

At the same time, the akathist to the saint is easier to read and perceive, since the structure of the text is much simpler.

The canons to Nicholas the Miracle-Worker are less laudatory prayers than an akathist, but have an asking character. Despite this, you can ask for help by reading an akathist.

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