To keep the house warm and cozy: we grow flowers of happiness

Indoor flowers are not only a wonderful tool that allows you to decorate our interior, update it, make it more elegant, cozy, joyful. In addition to the aesthetic function, green pets carry several more: they clean the energy space of the room, neutralize the negative that we and our loved ones often splash onto each other. Many of them have healing aromatherapy properties. However, first things first.

flowers of happiness

Bamboo - a symbol of wealth and joy

Connoisseurs and followers of the popular oriental teachings of Feng Shui, naming indoor flowers of happiness, is primarily mentioned about bamboo. Why? Because it is he who is known as the most powerful mascot among plants to attract wealth and good fortune into a house. Bamboo is a symbol of life, the personification of unbending stamina and will. It is flexible and durable, it can be bent, but not broken. And the flower transfers inexhaustible vitality and energy to its owners. Fully justifying its proud title of “flowers of happiness”, bamboo bushes on your windowsills will protect the house from unwanted extraneous influence, envy and anger, help get rid of the evil eye and the curse of the child, remove the negative received from the outside and help to fulfill cherished desires.

happy flower
Moreover, if in your office there are flowerpots with well-grown bamboo, it will help you gain flexibility of mind, versatility of thinking. And creative natures, these flowers of happiness will be extremely useful in terms of the development of artistic and artistic talents. And, finally, according to eastern medicine, the plant, with its presence, has a beneficial effect on people with a problem psyche, various kinds of mental illnesses. It relieves bouts of depression and spleen, heals the psychological atmosphere of the home as a whole and the relationship between people in particular. Plus, bamboo is eaten. Its young fresh shoots are considered a gourmet delicacy and are eaten with a sauce based on lemon juice. Here they are so tasty and healthy, these wonderful bamboo flowers of happiness!

Flower of Kings and Rulers - Basil

Basil is widely known as an excellent seasoning for meat and vegetable dishes. But did you know that since ancient Greece and Rome the plant was considered the strongest home amulet. Planted in a flowerpot and grown at home, best on the windowsills of bedrooms, it enhances the love and sexual attraction between spouses, incites erotic passions and fantasies. This was known to ministers and admirers of Bacchic worship. Food at meals during religious erotic festivals was generously flavored with basil, it rubbed the skin with juice to give a light aroma of the plant. The effect of such manipulations was overwhelming.

homemade flowers bringing happiness
Therefore, now the basil is a flower that brings happiness and peace to the family, warm harmonious relationships and joy. In addition, having planted a flower at home, you will always have a tasty and healthy seasoning at hand. Among its nutritional qualities, the properties of an antidepressant should be noted. The substances that enter the plant tissue, when ingested, act positively on our nervous system and increase mood. In a homeopathic medicine cabinet, basil is considered a strong natural antidepressant. In magic, thanks to the plant, you can expel demons from a person and protect yourself from evil spirits.
Jsmin on the windowsill - love in the house

And a few more words on the topic

It is difficult in one article to list all the home flowers that bring happiness. Be sure to remember the spathiffillum, which, according to legend, gives women the joys of family life and motherhood. His "ally", anthurium, in turn, gives strength, luck and success to men in various sectors of life. It attracts money, financial well-being and stability of jasmine to the house . Inhaling its aroma at night, you can see a prophetic dream. And what a wonderful aphrodosiac is obtained from jasmine oil! Those who used it for these purposes, undoubtedly, were very pleased with the results. Unmarried girls and women need to keep jasmine at home - men smell like bees on a flower at its smell - just choose the most worthy! Lavender, lemongrass and many, many other flowers grown by you will help you become happy!

Good luck to you and your home!

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