How to transport a dog on a train? New Railways Rules for the Transport of Animals

Vacation is an enjoyable event in every way. Many pet owners prefer to spend it with their pets. In this regard, the problem of transportation of the dog often arises. Transportation of animals over long distances has become quite common. And if everything is decided with private vehicles, as a rule, in private, then when traveling by train, you will have to rely on current legislation in this regard. In this article, we will find out what is needed to transport a dog on a train.

How to transport a dog on a train

Basic requirements for the transport of pets

There are a number of basic rules that determine how dogs should be transported on a train. For example, an animal can be transported exclusively in places specially designed for this purpose. Transportation of animals can be paid directly at the station at the point of departure. The receipt received when boarding the train must be supported by a veterinary certificate of the physical condition of the pet. Only pets are allowed in the passenger carriage. In turn, wild animals, as well as bees, can be transported exclusively in the luggage compartment. The owner should monitor the feeding regime and the observance of cleanliness in the train car.

The rules for the transportation of animals established by Russian Railways allow not to take into account the mass of the transported animal in the total mass of hand luggage.

Guide dogs are transported absolutely free of charge in any carriages without the need to draw up any documents.

How to transport a dog in an electric train

Traveling by train is one of the easiest options to transport your pet by rail. To do this, you just need to purchase a receipt for hand luggage for him. Its cost is stable for travel at any distance. Each dog needs such a ticket, regardless of its size and weight.

Transportation of animals

Rules for the transport of animals on the territory of the Russian Federation

In 2014, new rules were introduced for transporting dogs in trains on the territory of Russia (to a greater extent, we are talking about long-distance trains). So, now the only option for such transportation is travel in a separate compartment. In reserved seats, the dog can no longer be transported.

How to transport an animal (weighing less than 20 kg) abroad by train

In most cases, dogs can be transported on a train of this kind exclusively in a compartment car (however, only if this is not prohibited by local veterinary regulations). In this situation, you should purchase a special baggage receipt for the dog, at a cost equal to a receipt for twenty kilograms of baggage weight.

Dog Carriage

Transportation by train of a large animal (weighing more than 20 kg)

If a large breed dog is transported, care must be taken to have a leash and a muzzle. Also, one should not forget about the general rule for all dogs: you need to get a special certificate from a veterinarian. Each dog is paid separately depending on its weight (either standardized cost, or as for twenty kilograms of baggage). So, for example, the cost of transporting a dog whose mass exceeds twenty kilograms is calculated taking into account its actual weight.

How to transport a dog on a train if it is heavier than twenty kilograms? It is necessary to bring the animal in a separate purchased compartment of a compartment car (however, with the exception of cars that are positioned as cars with increased comfort). In this compartment can go no more than two dogs, accompanied by their owners. Then there is no need to pay for the pet fare separately.

Russian Railways animal transportation rules

Transportation of dogs on a train within the state

What do you need to do before you hit the road? It is important to make sure that the owner of the animal understands well how to transport the dog on the train, what requirements exist, what documents are needed for this. Some of these issues will be discussed later. It is important to remember that the owner is responsible both for the safety of his pet, and for the safety of the people around him - his companions. The legislation of the Russian Federation obliges the owner of the dog to take care of eliminating any threats to it (including the need to protect the animal from accidental injuries as much as possible), as well as to satisfy all its physical and emotional needs along the way.

In some areas, it is necessary to transport dogs in a non-working vestibule of a car (usually the first behind the locomotive or the last), if there is no possibility or desire to buy a separate compartment for transportation. In each such vestibule no more than two animals can be transported at a time.

new rules for transporting dogs on the train

Practical tips

A train ride will inevitably be stressful for the dog. Therefore, it is better to prepare it in advance for such an event. It is important to get pills or drops with a sedative effect and start giving the dog three to five days before the trip. This will allow the animal’s body to adapt to the drug. Moreover, most sedatives act according to the cumulative effect, which means that on the day of departure the dog will not be too worried.

During the trip, water should always be freely available. However, feeding the animal on the way is not worth it. The last feeding should be carried out a day before departure so that the dog is not rocked on the road. Just before boarding the train, you need to walk it well.

Staying on the train for more than eight hours may be too difficult for the dog. It is preferable to choose daily flights. Watching the animal during the day is much easier than at night.

According to experienced travelers, if you need to transport a small dog, you can safely discard all doubts and fears, as in this case they turn a blind eye to many things (including the availability of necessary documents and careful observance of the rules of transportation). In this situation, the most important thing is to pay your pet's fare. The situation is similar with the transportation of dogs of medium breeds.

However, in the case of transporting a large dog, you need to be prepared for a possible disagreement with both passengers and conductors. It is important to comply with all established rules and uphold your legal right. After all, transportation of a dog on a train across Russia is permitted by law.

dog transportation on a train in Russia

Passenger carriage

There is another requirement that owners have to comply with who are figuring out how to transport the dog on the train. Large animals must be transported in baggage cars using specialized containers. Accompanying compulsory must travel the same train. When paying for the fare, dogs must provide the passenger with a receipt, on the front side of which there should be an inscription: "Baggage on the passenger’s hands."


Before you transport a dog on a train, you need to draw up some documents. The first in this list is the veterinary passport, which should contain all the necessary vaccination marks certified by the veterinarian. Mandatory is the annual rabies vaccine (all others are considered recommended but not mandatory). Also, before transporting the dog must be dewormed.

Another necessary document is a certificate in the form No. 1, which is issued by the veterinarian (necessarily an employee of the state veterinary hospital). In order to receive it, it is necessary to go through a number of stages, which the veterinarian will check before issuing the certificate. Firstly, in a state veterinary clinic it is necessary to vaccinate a dog against rabies. After 30 days, along with the dog and her veterinary passport, you need to come to the state veterinary clinic, pay the established fee. Only after that it will be possible to get help.

What you need to transport a dog on a train

If you carefully understand how to transport the dog on the train, and carefully observe all the required formalities established by law, then traveling with an animal will not bring absolutely any inconvenience. It is important not to forget about the condition of the dog, to minimize the stress that can be caused by the trip. It is also important to stay calm along the way and try to be polite and friendly with passengers and train guides. This will help to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings along the way. And then nothing can overshadow the journey.

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